Prediction, Assimilation & Risk Communication

An A-Z listing of our organization is also available.

Division / Section Staff Directory (25)
Ying, Zhuming PARCAssoc Scientist III
Liu, Zhiquan PARCProj Scientist IV
Ahijevych, David PARCAssoc Scientist IV
Morss, Rebecca PARCSr Scient Sect Head
Snyder, Chris PARCSr Scient Sect Head
Demuth, Julie PARCProj Scientist III
Ha, Soyoung PARCProj Scientist III
Kong, Rong PARCProj Scientist II
Berner, Judith PARCScientist III
Schwartz, Craig PARCProj Scientist III
Sobash, Ryan PARCProj Scientist III
Jung, BJ PARCProj Scientist II
Ban, Junmei PARCAssoc Scientist IV
Jiang, Lipeng PARCScientific Visitor
Wong, May PARCProj Scientist II
Sha, Kyle PARCPostdoc Fellow II
Prestley, Robert PARCAssoc Scientist III
Sun, Tao PARCProj Scientist I
Hernandez Banos, Ivette PARCProj Scientist I
Schumacher, Andrea PARCProj Scientist I
Wirz, Christopher PARCProj Scientist I
Cains, Mariana PARCProj Scientist I
Park, Jun PARCAssoc Scientist II
Islam, Rubaiat PARCAssoc Scientist II
Toedtli, Simon PARCPostdoc Fellow I

Quick Facts

NCAR is managed by the nonprofit University Corporation for Atmospheric Research on behalf of NSF and the UCAR university community.

  • NCAR is not a federal agency and its employees are not part of the federal personnel system.
  • Our activities complement those of the federal agencies and we work closely with them.

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