An A-Z listing of our organization is also available.
Name | Division | Title |
Ying, Zhuming | PARC | Assoc Scientist III |
Liu, Zhiquan | PARC | Proj Scientist IV |
Ahijevych, David | PARC | Assoc Scientist IV |
Morss, Rebecca | PARC | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Snyder, Chris | PARC | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Demuth, Julie | PARC | Proj Scientist III |
Ha, Soyoung | PARC | Proj Scientist III |
Kong, Rong | PARC | Proj Scientist II |
Berner, Judith | PARC | Scientist III |
Schwartz, Craig | PARC | Proj Scientist III |
Sobash, Ryan | PARC | Proj Scientist III |
Jung, BJ | PARC | Proj Scientist II |
Ban, Junmei | PARC | Assoc Scientist IV |
Jiang, Lipeng | PARC | Scientific Visitor |
Wong, May | PARC | Proj Scientist II |
Sha, Kyle | PARC | Postdoc Fellow II |
Prestley, Robert | PARC | Assoc Scientist III |
Sun, Tao | PARC | Proj Scientist I |
Hernandez Banos, Ivette | PARC | Proj Scientist I |
Schumacher, Andrea | PARC | Proj Scientist I |
Wirz, Christopher | PARC | Proj Scientist I |
Cains, Mariana | PARC | Proj Scientist I |
Park, Jun | PARC | Assoc Scientist II |
Islam, Rubaiat | PARC | Assoc Scientist II |
Toedtli, Simon | PARC | Postdoc Fellow I |
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