Solar Frontiers

An A-Z listing of our organization is also available.

Division / Section Staff Directory (15)
De Wijn, Alfred SOLARResearch Eng III
Centeno Elliott, Rebeca SOLARProj Scientist III
Judge, Philip SOLARSenior Scientist
Lites, Bruce SOLARSr Sci Emeritus
Gilman, Peter SOLARSr Sci Emeritus
Skumanich, Andy SOLARCasual - Sci III/IV
de Toma, Giuliana SOLARProj Scientist III
Dikpati, Mausumi SOLARSenior Scientist
Casini, Roberto SOLARSenior Scientist
Agrawal, Piyush SOLARPostdoc Fellow I
Malanushenko, Anna SOLARProj Scientist II
Bryans, Paul SOLARProj Scientist III
Lacatus, Daniela SOLARProject Scientist I
Farid, Samaiyah SOLARProj Scientist I
Hofmann, Ryan SOLARPostdoc Fellow I

Quick Facts

NCAR is managed by the nonprofit University Corporation for Atmospheric Research on behalf of NSF and the UCAR university community.

  • NCAR is not a federal agency and its employees are not part of the federal personnel system.
  • Our activities complement those of the federal agencies and we work closely with them.

More about us