NCAR Operations

An A-Z listing of our organization is also available.

Division / Section Staff Directory (31)
Cunning, Gary NCAROPSSoft Eng/Prog IV
Chavez, Susan NCAROPSExecutive Asst II
Weber, Jeff NCAROPSProj Mgr II
Davis, Chris NCAROPSDeputy Director of NCAR Education and Outreach
Koch, Valerie NCAROPSAsst Dir NCAR Budget & Plan
Vlasity, Barb NCAROPSCasual - Admin/Cler I/II
Ballhaus, Amy NCAROPSAdministrator III
Richter, Yaga NCAROPSSpecial Projects Lead to the NCAR Director
Phillips, Konnie NCAROPSAdministrator II
Blake, William NCAROPSLead Project Engineer IV (APAR)
Aponte, Kristen NCAROPSNCAR Assistant Director of DEI
Medina Luna, Lorena NCAROPSProg Spec II
Readle, Simmi NCAROPSGraphic Artist III
Killinger, Molly NCAROPSProj Mgr II
De Simone, KelleeAnne NCAROPSAdministrator II
Richardson, Angela NCAROPSProj Mgr III
Burris, Veronica NCAROPSAdmin Assistant II
Young, James NCAROPSAdmin Assistant III
Russell, Lori NCAROPSWeb Developer I
McComiskey, Allison NCAROPSNCAR Assoc Dir
Sullivan, Timothy NCAROPSEngineer IV
Boenish, Hans NCAROPSAeronautical Eng
Roberts, Stephanie NCAROPSProg Spec II
Fedorchuk, Slava NCAROPSSoft Eng/Prog III
O'Brien, Jennika NCAROPSProj Mgr I
Guild, Nicole NCAROPSAdmin Assistant III
Cheng, Ben NCAROPSPostdoc Fellow I
Groswald, Lewis NCAROPSStrategic Partnerships Development Lead
Wray, Rachel NCAROPSNSF NCAR Assistant Director for Operations
Kuzemka, Kate NCAROPSProject Manager II - Scientific Software Infrastructure
Wilcox, Esther NCAROPSProject Manager II - Research Infrastructure Projects Lead

Quick Facts

NCAR is managed by the nonprofit University Corporation for Atmospheric Research on behalf of NSF and the UCAR university community.

  • NCAR is not a federal agency and its employees are not part of the federal personnel system.
  • Our activities complement those of the federal agencies and we work closely with them.

More about us