NCAR Research IT

An A-Z listing of our organization is also available.

Division / Section Staff Directory (34)
Stolte, Jeffrey NRITSystems Adr III
Sandoval, Kay NRITSystems Adr III
Newbery, Santiago NRITSystems Adr III
Mohling, Tor NRITSystems Adr IV
Slaten, Brandon NRITSystems Adr II
Drews, Carl NRITSoft Eng/Prog III
D'Attilo, Garth NRITSystems Adr IV
Bierbaum, Anne-Marie NRITSystems Adr III
Williams, Jody NRITSystems Adr III
Russ, Ted NRITSystems Adr IV
Dowdy, Stephen NRITSystems Adr III
Wehrheim, Nick NRITSystems Adr IV
Brucker, Deidre NRITSystems Adr III
Chartier, Nicholas NRITSystems Adr III
Paxton, Mike NRITSystems Adr III
Seving, Tom NRITSystems Adr III
Vance, David NRITSoft Eng/Prog IV
Cote, Ken NRITSystems Adr III
O'Neill, Joseph NRITSystems Adr II
Johnson, Ryan NRITSoft Eng/Prog II
Dobbins, Mason NRITSystems Adr I
Dunaway, Greg NRITSystems Adr III
Williams, Shelby NRITSystems Adr I
Zavala, Chris NRITSystems Adr II
Watts, Daniel NRITSoft Eng/Prog II
Lewis, Michael NRITSystems Adr II
Rodman, Will NRITSystems Adr I
Phipps, Kate NRITSystems Adr I
Bright, Neil NRITAssistant Director, Research IT
Camargo, Eduardo NRITAdmin Assistant II
Janz, Frances NRITProj Mgr I
Real, Becca NRITAdmin Assistant II
Yang, Zongyao NRITSoft Eng/Prog I
Chitturi, Dedipya NRITSystems Adr II

Quick Facts

NCAR is managed by the nonprofit University Corporation for Atmospheric Research on behalf of NSF and the UCAR university community.

  • NCAR is not a federal agency and its employees are not part of the federal personnel system.
  • Our activities complement those of the federal agencies and we work closely with them.

More about us