National Security Applications Program

An A-Z listing of our organization is also available.

Division / Section Staff Directory (28)
Burek, Tatiana NSAPSoft Eng/Prog III
Ellis, Scott NSAPProj Scientist II
Shaw, Justin NSAPProj Mgr II
Weil, Jeffrey NSAPCasual - Sci III/IV
Sheu, Rong Shyang NSAPSoft Eng/Prog IV
Hopson, Thomas NSAPProj Scientist II
Wilhelmi, Olga NSAPProj Scientist IV
Soh, Howard NSAPSoft Eng/Prog III
Boehnert, Jennifer NSAPSr GIS Coordinator
Knievel, Jason NSAPRAL Prog Mgr
Swerdlin, Scott NSAPRAL Prog Dir
Hahn, David NSAPSoft Eng/Prog IV
Ruttenberg, Rebecca NSAPSoft Eng/Prog III
Cheng, Will NSAPProj Scientist II
Liu, Yuewei NSAPAssoc Scientist III
Kumar, Rajesh NSAPProj Scientist III
Zhang, Yongxin NSAPProj Scientist II
Rozoff, Christopher NSAPProj Scientist II
Hendricks, Eric NSAPProj Scientist III
Riddle, Emily NSAPVisitor - Casual
Frediani, Maria NSAPProj Scientist II
Meech, Scott NSAPSoft Eng/Prog III
Lacey, Forrest NSAPProj Scientist II
DeCastro, Amy NSAPProj Scientist I
Shams, Shima NSAPProj Scientist I
Stuivenvolt-Allen, Jacob NSAPProj Scientist I
Hoppe, Brenda NSAPProj Scientist I
Weeks, Victor NSAPSoft Eng/Prog III

Quick Facts

NCAR is managed by the nonprofit University Corporation for Atmospheric Research on behalf of NSF and the UCAR university community.

  • NCAR is not a federal agency and its employees are not part of the federal personnel system.
  • Our activities complement those of the federal agencies and we work closely with them.

More about us