National Security Applications Program

An A-Z listing of our organization is also available.

Division / Section Staff Directory (27)
Burek, Tatiana NSAPSoft Eng/Prog III
Ellis, Scott NSAPProj Scientist II
Shaw, Justin NSAPProj Mgr II
Weil, Jeffrey NSAPCasual - Sci III/IV
Sheu, Rong Shyang NSAPSoft Eng/Prog IV
Hopson, Thomas NSAPProj Scientist II
Wilhelmi, Olga NSAPProj Scientist IV
Soh, Howard NSAPSoft Eng/Prog III
Boehnert, Jennifer NSAPSr GIS Coordinator
Knievel, Jason NSAPRAL Prog Mgr
Swerdlin, Scott NSAPRAL Prog Dir
Hahn, David NSAPSoft Eng/Prog IV
Ruttenberg, Rebecca NSAPSoft Eng/Prog III
Cheng, Will NSAPProj Scientist II
Liu, Yuewei NSAPAssoc Scientist III
Zhang, Yongxin NSAPProj Scientist II
Rozoff, Christopher NSAPProj Scientist II
Hendricks, Eric NSAPProj Scientist III
Riddle, Emily NSAPCasual - Proj Scientist I/II
Frediani, Maria NSAPProj Scientist II
Meech, Scott NSAPSoft Eng/Prog III
Lacey, Forrest NSAPProj Scientist II
DeCastro, Amy NSAPProj Scientist I
Shams, Shima NSAPProj Scientist I
Stuivenvolt-Allen, Jacob NSAPProj Scientist I
Hoppe, Brenda NSAPProj Scientist I
Weeks, Victor NSAPSoft Eng/Prog III

Quick Facts

NCAR is managed by the nonprofit University Corporation for Atmospheric Research on behalf of NSF and the UCAR university community.

  • NCAR is not a federal agency and its employees are not part of the federal personnel system.
  • Our activities complement those of the federal agencies and we work closely with them.

More about us