Unidata Program Center

An A-Z listing of our organization is also available.

Division / Section Staff Directory (23)
Oxelson Ganter, Jennifer UNIDATASoft Eng/Prog IV
Davis, Ethan UNIDATASoft Eng/Prog IV
Weber, Jeff UNIDATAProj Mgr I
Chastang, Julien UNIDATASoft Eng/Prog IV
Ho, Yuan UNIDATASoft Eng/Prog IV
Schmidt, Mike UNIDATASystems Adr IV
Dirks, Douglas UNIDATAWriter/Editor III
Fisher, Ward UNIDATASoft Eng/Prog IV
May, Ryan UNIDATAUnidata Deputy Director
Perna, Matthew UNIDATASystems Adr III
Johnson, Hailey UNIDATASoft Eng/Prog III
Carter, Shay UNIDATASoft Eng/Prog III
Camron, Drew UNIDATASoft Eng/Prog II
Meyer, Tiffany UNIDATASoft Eng/Prog IV
Corbin, Nicole UNIDATAEducational Designer II
Espinoza, Ana UNIDATASoft Eng/Prog II
Drwenski, Tara UNIDATASoft Eng/Prog II
Vance, Tanya UNIDATAProg Spec IV
Martin, Thomas UNIDATASoft Eng/Prog III
Cooper, Stonie UNIDATASoft Eng/Prog III
Zuranski, Mike UNIDATAData Engineer II
Matak, Leo UNIDATAIntern
Castaneda Montoya, Ana UNIDATAIntern

Quick Facts

NCAR is managed by the nonprofit University Corporation for Atmospheric Research on behalf of NSF and the UCAR university community.

  • NCAR is not a federal agency and its employees are not part of the federal personnel system.
  • Our activities complement those of the federal agencies and we work closely with them.

More about us