Understanding the role of topography on the diurnal cycle of precipitation in the Maritime Continent during MJO propagation | Climate Dynamics | 2022-06-04 |
Improved simulation of midlatitude climate in a new channel model compared to contemporary global climate models | Geophysical Research Letters | 2021-06-16 |
Effects of organized convection parameterization on the MJO and precipitation in E3SMv1. Part I: Mesoscale heating | Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems | 2021-06-01 |
Systematic patterns in land precipitation due to convection in neighboring islands in the maritime continent during MJO propagation | Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres | 2021-02-27 |
Role of topography on the MJO in the maritime continent: A numerical case study | Climate Dynamics | 2020-07-26 |
Shear‐parallel tropical convective systems: Importance of cold pools and wind shear | Geophysical Research Letters | 2020-06-28 |
Upscale impact of mesoscale convective systems and its parameterization in an idealized GCM for an MJO analog above the equator | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2019-03-01 |
Convective organization in evolving large-scale forcing represented by a highly truncated numerical archetype | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2018-08-01 |
Shear-parallel mesoscale convective systems in a moist low-inhibition Mei-Yu Front environment | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2017-12-01 |
Insights into convective momentum transport and its parametrization from idealized simulations of organized convection | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 2017-09-18 |
Simulation, modeling, and dynamically based parameterization of organized tropical convection for global climate models | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2017-05-01 |
THORPEX research and the science of prediction | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2017-04-01 |
Numerical archetypal parameterization for mesoscale convective systems | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2016-07-01 |
Long-lived Mesoscale systems in a low-convective inhibition environment. Part I: Upshear propagation | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2015-11-01 |
Long-lived mesoscale systems in a low-convective inhibition environment. Part II: Downshear propagation | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2015-11-01 |
A momentum budget analysis of westerly wind events associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation during DYNAMO | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2015-10-01 |
Organized convection parameterization for the ITCZ | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2015-08-01 |
Convective momentum transport associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation based on a reanalysis dataset | Journal of Climate | 2015-07-15 |
Cracking the MJO nut | Geophysical Research Letters | 2013-03-28 |
Self-organized criticality and homeostasis in atmospheric convective organization | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2012-12-01 |
The "year" of tropical convection (May 2008-April 2010): Climate variability and weather highlights | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2012-08-01 |
Multiscale convective organization and the YOTC Virtual Global Field Campaign | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2012-08-01 |
Progress and direction in tropical convection research: YOTC International Science Symposium | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2012-08-01 |
Convective momentum transport by rainbands within a Madden–Julian oscillation in a global nonhydrostatic model with explicit deep convective processes. Part I: Methodology and general results | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2012-04-01 |
Effects of Dimensionality on Simulated Large-Scale Convective Organization and Coupled Waves | Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan | 2012-02-29 |
Orogenic propagating precipitation systems over the United States in a global climate model with embedded explicit convection | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2011-08-01 |
Role of the atmospheric mean state on the initiation of the Madden-Julian oscillation in a tropical channel model | Climate Dynamics | 2011-01-01 |
Characterization of momentum transport associated with organized moist convection and gravity waves | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2010-10-01 |
Collaboration of the weather and climate communities to advance subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2010-10-01 |
An Earth-system prediction initiative for the twenty-first century | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2010-10-01 |
Comparison of two land surface schemes in week-long cloud-system-resolving simulations of warm season precipitation | Meteorological and Atmospheric Physics | 2010-06-01 |
The multiscale organization of moist convection and the intersection of weather and climate | Climate Dynamics: Why Does Climate Vary? | 2010-01-01 |
Multiscale cloud-system modeling | Reviews of Geophysics | 2009-11-26 |
MJO simulation diagnostics | Journal of Climate | 2009-06-01 |
International Relations: The UCAR Africa Initiative | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2009-03-01 |
Explicitly simulated tropical convection over idealized warm pools | Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres | 2008-11-13 |
Stratospheric gravity waves generated by multiscale tropical convection | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2008-08-01 |
A note on propagating rainfall episodes over the Bay of Bengal | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 2008-05-14 |
The UCAR Africa Initiative - Overview and update [presentation] | 24th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology | 2008-01-21 |
Simulation of intense organized convective precipitation observed during the Arabian Sea Monsoon Experiment (ARMEX) | Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres | 2007-10-26 |
Sensitivity of cloud-resolving simulations of warm-season convection to cloud microphysics parameterizations | Monthly Weather Review | 2007-08-01 |
Collaborative research at the intersection of weather and climate | WMO Bulletin | 2007-07-01 |
Meriodional momentum flux and super-rotation in the multi-scale IPESD MJO model | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2007-05-01 |
Representing convective organization in prediction models by a hybrid approach | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2006-12-01 |
Multiscale temporal variability of warm-season precipitation over North America: Statistical analysis of radar measurements | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2006-09-01 |
Analysis and evaluation of WRF tropical channel simulations [presentation] | 7th WRF Users' Workshop | 2006-06-19 |
Sensitivity of warm-season convection to cloud microphysics parameterizations in explicit simulations and comparison to cumulus parameterization sensitivity [presentation] | 2nd International Symposium on Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting and Hydrology | 2006-06-08 |
Explicit and parameterized episodes of warm-season precipitation over the continental United States | Advances in Atmospheric Sciences | 2006-01-01 |
Simulation of a Himalayan cloudburst event | Journal of Earth System Science | 2006-01-01 |
Convective dynamics issues at ~10 km grid-resolution | Proceedings of the ECMWF Workshop on Representation of Sub-Grid Processes Using Stochastic-Dynamic Models | 2005-09-01 |
Warm season precipitation spectra over North America: A comparison between radar observations and WRF forecasts [presentation] | 6th WRF/15th MM5 Users' Workshop | 2005-06-27 |
Explicit convection over the western Pacific warm pool in the Community Atmospheric Model | Journal of Climate | 2005-05-15 |
Moisture-convection feedback in the tropics | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 2004-10-01 |
Effects of convectively generated gravity waves and rotation on the organization of convection | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2004-09-01 |
A systemic analysis of multiscale deep convective variability over the tropical Pacific | Journal of Climate | 2004-07-15 |
Analytic representation of the large-scale organization of tropical convection | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2004-07-01 |
Explicit and parameterized realizations of warm-season precipitation sequences over North America [presentation] | International Chinese Ocean-Atmosphere Conference | 2004-06-28 |
Convectively generated inertial-gravity waves and multi-scale organization of convection [presentation] | 26th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology | 2004-05-07 |
A systematic analysis of multiscale convective variability in the Tropics [poster] | 26th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology | 2004-05-05 |
Explicit simulations of the intertropical convergence zone | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2004-02-15 |
Analytic approximation of MJO-like systems in super-parameterization [presentation] | 15th Symposium on Global Change and Climate Variations | 2004-01-13 |
Nonlinear analytic representation of MJO-like coherence [presentation] | Workshop on Simulation and Prediction of Intra-Seasonal Variability | 2003-11-03 |
Observations, mechanisms and theories [presentation] | Workshop on Simulation and Prediction of Intra-Seasonal Variability | 2003-11-03 |
Regional climate simulation of the Indian monsoon of July 2002 [presentation] | International Conference on Scale Interaction and Variability of Monsoon | 2003-10-06 |
MJO-like systems in idealized aquaplanet simulations [presentation] | 23rd IUGG General Assembly | 2003-07-11 |
Simulation of heavy precipitation events using different cloud microphysics parameterizations and FDDA in a mesoscale model [presentation] | 23rd IUGG General Assembly | 2003-07-04 |
A probabilistic formulation of convective mass fluxes and its relationship to extreme-value theory | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 2003-07-01 |
Simulation of a heavy rainfall episode over the west coast of India using analysis nudging in MM5 [presentation] | 13th PSU/NCAR Mesoscale Model Users' Workshop | 2003-06-11 |
Confronting Models with Data: The GEWEX Cloud Systems Study (GCSS) | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2003-04-01 |
The water cycle across scales: An NCAR Initiative [presentation] | Symposium on Observing and Understanding the Variability of Water in Weather and Climate/17th Conference on Hydrology | 2003-02-12 |
Sequences of precipitation and organized convection: Dynamics and parameterization [presentation] | 83rd AMS Annual Meeting | 2003-02-11 |
Observing, Understanding and Predicting Warm Season Continental Rainfall [presentation] | Symposium on Observing and Understanding the Variability of Water in Weather and Climate/17th Conference on Hydrology | 2003-02-10 |
Cloud-resolving simulation and super-parameterization of Tropical cloud Systems (chapter) | Weather and Climate Modeling | 2003-01-01 |
Large-scale organization of tropical convection in two-dimensional explicit numerical simulations. Effects of interactive radiation | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 2002-10-01 |
Large-scale organization of tropical convection in idealized numerical simulations: Impact of radiative processes [presentation] | 11th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation | 2002-06-03 |
Walker-type mean circulations and convectively coupled tropical waves as an interacting system | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2002-05-01 |
Mean-state convective circulations over large-scale tropical SST gradients | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2002-05-01 |
An explicit numerical study of the Intertropical Convergence Zone in an aqua-planet with uniform sea surface temperature [presentation] | 25th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology | 2002-04-30 |
Large-scale organization of tropical convection in two-dimensional explicit numerical simulations [poster] | 25th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology | 2002-04-29 |
Cloud-resolving Simulation and Super-parameterization of Tropical Cloud Systems [presentation] | Indo-US Workshop on Weather and Climate Modeling | 2002-02-07 |
Cumulus ensembles in shear: Implications for parameterization | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2001-09-15 |
Evaluation of convective momentum parameterization using 2D and 3D cloud-resolving models [presentation] | 8th Scientific Assembly of International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences | 2001-07-10 |
Explicit and parameterized realizations of convective cloud systems in TOGA COARE | Monthly Weather Review | 2001-07-01 |
Sensitivity of single-column model solutions to convective parameterizations and initial conditions | Journal of Climate | 2001-06-15 |
Long-term behavior of cloud systems in TOGA COARE and their interactions with radiative and surface processes. Part III: Effects on the energy budget and SST | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2001-05-01 |
Cloud-resolving modeling of convective cloud systems in SCSMEX [presentation] | The Scientific Conference on the South China Sea Monsoon Experiment (SCSMEX), 2001 | 2001-04-17 |
Wavelet analysis of simulated tropical convective cloud systems. Part I: Basic Analysis | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2001-04-15 |
Wavelet analysis of simulated tropical convective cloud systems. Part II: Decomposition of convective-scale and mesoscale structure | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2001-04-15 |
Large-scale organization of tropical convection in two-dimensional explicit numerical simulations | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 2001-01-01 |
Hierarchical modeling of tropical convective systems using explicit and parameterized approaches | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 2001-01-01 |
The Maritime Continent Thunderstorm Experiment (MCTEX): Overview and some results | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2000-10-01 |
Parameterization of convective momentum transport in highly baroclinic conditions | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2000-09-15 |
Evaluation of large-scale forcing during TOGA-COARE for cloud-resolving models and single-column models | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2000-09-01 |
Evaluation of the Kain-Fritsch cumulus parameterization through hierarchical modeling of tropical convective systems [presentation] | 13th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation | 2000-08-14 |
Cloud resolving modeling of tropical circulations driven by large-scale SST gradients | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2000-07-01 |
Effects of convection and clouds on TOA and surface energy budgets and on sea surface temperature [presentation] | 10th Conference on Interaction of the Sea and Atmosphere | 2000-05-26 |
Simulated density currents in idealized stratified environments | Monthly Weather Review | 2000-05-01 |
Convection initiation by density currents: Role of convergence, shear, and dynamical organization | Monthly Weather Review | 1999-10-01 |
Long-term behavior of cloud systems in TOGA COARE and their interactions with radiative and surface processes. Part II: Effects of cloud microphysics on cloud-radiation interaction | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1999-09-15 |
Equilibrium states simulated by cloud-resolving models | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1999-09-01 |
Radiation and surface energy budgets simulated by NCAR cloud-resolving model and Community Climate model [presentation] | 22nd IUGG General Assembly | 1999-07-18 |
Cloud resolving modeling of tropical cloud systems during phase III of GATE. Part III: Effects of cloud microphysics | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1999-07-15 |
Long-term three-dimensional cloud-resolving modeling of tropical cloud systems [presentation] | 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle | 1999-06-16 |
Effects of sea surface temperature and large-scale dynamics on the thermodynamic equilibrium state and convection over the tropical western Pacific | Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres | 1999-03-27 |
Convection initiation by density currents: Effects of shear and convergence [presentation] | 23rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology | 1999-01-10 |
Surface energy budget and warm pool response during TOGA COARE [presentation] | 23rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology | 1999-01-10 |
Use of small-scale models and observational data to investigate coupled processes: Cloud resolving models | Global Water and Energy Cycles | 1999-01-01 |
A hierarchical approach to parameterizing organized convection | COARE-98: Proceedings of a Conference on the TOGA Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE) | 1999-01-01 |
Legacy of TOGA COARE for GEWEX | COARE-98: Proceedings of a Conference on the TOGA Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE) | 1999-01-01 |
Cloud-resolving modeling of cloud systems during Phase III of GATE. Part II: Effects of resolution and the third spatial dimension | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1998-11-01 |
Long-term behavior of cloud systems in TOGA COARE and their interactions with radiative and surface processes. Part I: Two-dimensional modeling study | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1998-09-01 |
Effects of ice microphysics on cloud-radiation interaction in month-long fine-scale simulations during TOGA COARE [presentation] | 7th Conference on Cloud Physics | 1998-08-17 |
Wavelet analysis of the three dimensional structures of the mesoscale convective systems simulated by a cloud-resolving model [presentation] | 7th Conference on Cloud Physics | 1998-08-17 |
A numerical study of the diurnal cycle of tropical oceanic convection | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1998-07-01 |
A numerical study of the diurnal cycle of tropical oceanic convection [presentation] | 6th International Conference on Precipitation: Predictability of rainfall at the various scales | 1998-06-29 |
Linear stability and single-column analyses of several cumulus parametrization categories in a shallow-water model | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 1998-04-01 |
Impact of mesoscale momentum transport on large-scale tropical dynamics: Linear analysis of the shallow-water analog | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1998-03-15 |
Applications of cloud-resolving models: A review [presentation] | 2nd International Conference on Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences | 1998-01-11 |
Cloud resolving modelling | Global Water and Energy Cycles | 1998-01-01 |
Recent progress on cloud-resolving modeling of TOGA COARE and GATE Cloud Systems [presentation] | Workshop on New Insights and Approaches to Convective Parameterization | 1997-11-04 |
Dynamical influence of microphysics on tropical squall lines: A numerical study | Monthly Weather Review | 1997-09-01 |
Ocean-atmosphere coupling in cloud-resolving modeling of TOGA COARE cloud systems [presentation] | 7th IAMAS/IAPSO Assembly | 1997-07-01 |
Three-dimensional cloud-resolving modeling of tropical deep convection on a time scale of one week [presentation] | 7th IAMAS/IAPSO Assembly | 1997-07-01 |
Three-dimensional cloud-resolving modeling of tropical convection on a time scale of one week [presentation] | 22nd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology | 1997-05-19 |
GEWEX Cloud System Study (GCSS) Working Group 4: Precipitating convective cloud systems | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 1997-05-01 |
Organized convective systems in the tropical western pacific as a process in general circulation models: A toga coare case-study | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 1997-04-01 |
Cloud-resolving modeling of tropical cloud systems during Phase III of GATE. Part I: Two-dimensional experiments | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1996-12-15 |
An analytical study of density currents in sheared, stratified fluids including the effects of latent heating | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1996-11-15 |
Issues in convective momentum transport [presentation] | Workshop on New Insights and Approaches to Convective Parameterization | 1996-11-04 |
A numerical study of the effects of ambient flow and shear on density currents | Monthly Weather Review | 1996-10-01 |
Coupling of physical processes in the cloud-resolving modeling of TOGA COARE cloud systems [presentation] | 7th Conference on Mesoscale Processes | 1996-09-09 |
Cloud-resolving modeling of tropical cloud systems and its application to the cloud-climate interactions [presentation] | 12th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation | 1996-08-19 |
Long-term behavior of precipitating tropical cloud systems: A numerical study | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 1996-07-01 |
Effects of tropical cloud systems on water and energy budgets as simulated by 2D and 3D cumulus ensemble models [presentation] | 2nd International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle | 1996-06-17 |
Collective effects of organized convection and their approximation in general circulation models | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1996-05-15 |
Fractality in idealized simulations of large-scale tropical cloud systems | Monthly Weather Review | 1996-05-01 |
Mass and momentum transports by organized convection: Effects of shear and buoyancy | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1996-04-01 |
The large-scale dynamical impacts of mesoscale momentum flux [presentation] | 3rd Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Conference | 1995-11-03 |
Mesoscale organization and momentum transport [presentation] | Mini-workshop on parameterization | 1995-09-11 |
Numerical modeling of tropical squall lines [poster] | 21st IUGG General Assembly | 1995-07-02 |
Interaction of cloud systems with the large-scale environment: Numerical simulations [presentation] | 21st IUGG General Assembly | 1995-07-02 |
Cirrus-producing tropical convective cloud systems as a process in large-scale models [presentation] | Workshop on Cloud Microphysics Parameterizations in Global Atmospheric Circulation Models | 1995-05-23 |
Hierarchical tropical cloud systems in an analog shallow-water model | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1995-05-15 |
Collective effects of mesoscale convection as derived from a nested cloud-resolving model [presentation] | 21st Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology | 1995-04-24 |
Numerical studies of cloud population over the tropical ocean [presentation] | 21st Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology | 1995-04-24 |
A generalized theory of mass and momentum transports by organized convection [presentation] | 21st Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology | 1995-04-24 |
Numerical study of convective-radiative equilibrium with explicit two-dimensional moist convection: Effects of high-level clouds [presentation] | 4th Conference on Cloud Physics | 1995-01-15 |
Mesoscale convection from a large-scale perspective | Atmospheric Research | 1995-01-01 |
Numerical studies of cloud population over the tropical ocean [presentation] | European Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle | 1994-07-18 |
Momentum and mass transport by organized convection: Comparisons of highly idealized dynamical models to observations and numerical models [presentation] | European Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle | 1994-07-18 |
On the representation of mesoscale convection in global models: Super-clusters in the western Pacific [presentation] | European Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle | 1994-07-18 |
Density current circulations in shear flows | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1994-02-01 |
Momentum and mass transport by convective bands: Comparisons of highly idealized dynamical models to observations | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1994-01-15 |
A hierarchical approach to improved cloud radiation parameterization for climate models through the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program [presentation] | 3rd Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting | 1993-03-01 |
The GEWEX Cloud System Study (GCSS) | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 1993-03-01 |
Momentum transport by convective bands: Comparisons of highly idealized dynamical model to observations. Chapter 6 | Meteorological Monographs | 1993-01-01 |
A large-scale perspective on cloud and mesoscale modeling | Proceedings, WMO Workshop on Cloud Microphysics and Applications to Global Change | 1992-09-10 |
Multicell stage of the Munich storm of 12 July 1984: A numerical study | Tellus Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography | 1992-08-01 |
Organized convective systems: Archetypal models, mass and momentum flux theory, and parameterization | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 1992-07-01 |
The Denver Cyclone. Part II. Interaction with the convective boundary layer | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1991-10-01 |
Fine-scale modelling of organized deep convection in the context of parameterization [presentation] | Workshop on Fine-scale Modelling and the Development of Parameterization Schemes, 1991 | 1991-09-16 |
The Denver Cyclone. Part I: Generation in low Froude number flow | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1990-12-01 |
Influence of atmospheric deep convection on boundary layer and surface processes | International TOGA Scientific Conference | 1990-07-19 |
Momentum transport by organized convection [presentation] | 4th Conference on Mesoscale Processes | 1990-06-25 |
Mesoscale momentum budget in a mid-latitude squall line: A numerical case study | Monthly Weather Review | 1990-05-01 |
Reply to "A numerical investigation of the organization and interaction of the convective and stratiform regions of tropical squall lines" | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1990-04-15 |
Reply | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1990-04-15 |
The generation and propagation of a nocturnal squall line. Part II: Numerical simulations | Monthly Weather Review | 1990-01-01 |
Convective Dynamics: Panel report | Radar in Meteorology: Battan Memorial and 40th Anniversary Radar Meteorology Conferences | 1990-01-01 |
The generation and propagation of a nocturnal squall line. Part I. Observations and implications for mesoscale predictability | Monthly Weather Review | 1990-01-01 |
A three-dimensional numerical study of an Oklahoma squall line containing right-flank supercells | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1989-11-01 |
Comparison of numerically-simulated boundary layer circulations with radar observations during CINDE [presentation] | 24th Conference on Radar Meteorology | 1989-03-27 |
A numerical investigation of the organization and interaction of the convective and stratiform regions of tropical squall lines | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1989-02-15 |
A numerical investigation of the scale interaction between a tropical squall line and its environment | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1989-02-15 |
Dynamical models of the transport of momentum, mass and inert tracers by mesoscale convective systems [presentation] | Symposium on the Role of Clouds in Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Climate | 1989-01-30 |
Dynamical models of narrow-cold-frontal rainbands and related phenomena | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1989-01-01 |
A hydrodynamical theory of conservative bounded density currents | Journal of Fluid Mechanics | 1989-01-01 |
Analytical models of narrow cold frontal rainbands and related phenomena | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1989-01-01 |
Panel report on convective dynamics | Meteorological Monographs | 1989-01-01 |
The effect of large-scale convergence on the generation and maintenance of deep moist convection | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1988-12-01 |
Tropical cloud lines [presentation] | International Conference on Tropical Meteorology 1988 | 1988-07-04 |
A comparison of explicit and implicit predictions of convective and stratiform precipitating weather systems with a mesoscale numerical model | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 1988-01-01 |
A comparison of the dynamical properties of fast-moving and quasi-stationary convective lines [presentation] | 3rd Conference on Mesoscale Processes | 1987-08-17 |
A numerical simulation of quasi-stationary tropical convective bands | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 1987-07-01 |
A simulation of quasi-stationary tropical convective bands [presentation] | 17th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology | 1987-04-07 |
The two-dimensional dynamics of West African squall lines | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 1987-01-01 |
Dynamical Aspects of the 10-11 June PRESTORM squall line | Eos | 1986-01-01 |
Comments on Nor-wester thunderstorm structure | Weather | 1986-01-01 |
Steady convection in pressure coordinates | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 1985-07-01 |
Comment on "The dynamical structure of squall-line type thunderstorms" | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1985-01-15 |
The effect of physics processes on numerical simulations of two-dimensional cellular convection | Beitraege zur Physik de Atmosphaere - Contributions to Atmospheric Physics | 1985-01-01 |
Convective momentum transport | Seminar Series on Physical Parameterization for Numerical Models of the Atmosphere | 1985-01-01 |
The use and implementation of dynamical cloud models in a parameterisation scheme for deep convection [presentation] | ECMWF Workshop on Convection in Large-scale Numerical Models | 1983-11-28 |
Buoyant convection: The dynamics and simulation of organized deep convection | Mesoscale Meteorology - Theories, Observations and Models | 1983-01-01 |
Two-dimensional convection in non-constant shear | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 1982-10-01 |
A theory of organized steady convection and its transport properties | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 1981-01-01 |
Dynamical models of two-dimensional updraughts and downdraughts | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 1980-07-01 |
Models of deep convection and their large-scale interaction | ECMWF Workshop on Parameterization of Cumulus Convection | 1978-10-23 |
The dynamical structure of two-dimensional steady convection in constant vertical shear | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 1978-07-01 |
Theoretical modelling of cumulonimbus | Journal de recherches atmosphériques | 1978-01-01 |
Structure and motion of tropical squall-lines over Venezuela | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 1976-04-01 |
The dynamics and simulation of tropical cumulonimbus and squall-lines | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 1976-04-01 |
The propagation and transfer properties of steady convective overturning in shear | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 1972-04-01 |