Section 1: Thesis and Dissertation
1. Vivekanandan, J., 1981: Studies on Mm-wave waveguide slotted arrays and S- band micro-strip arrays for frequency scanning applications. M. Tech Thesis, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India.
2. Vivekanandan, J., 1986: Multi-parameter Radar Measurements in Colorado Convective Storms. Ph.D., Dissertation, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
Section 2: Refereed Journal Publications
1. Bringi, V.N., R.M. Rasmussen and J. Vivekanandan, 1986: Multiparameter radar measurements in Colorado convective storms, Part I: Melting model studies. J. Atmos. Sci., 43, 2545-2563.
2. Bringi, V.N., J. Vivekanandan and J.D. Tuttle, 1986: Multiparameter radar measurements in Colorado convective storms, Part II: Hail detection studies. J. Atmos. Sci., 43, 2564-2577.
3. Bringi, V.N., V. Chandrasekar and J. Vivekanandan, 1987: X-band attenuation studies in convective rainshafts using multiparameter radar. J. Wave Matl. Interactions, 1, 117-139.
4. Bringi, V.N., J. Vivekanandan and V. Chandrasekar, 1987: Microwave backscatter and propagation effects in convective storms using dual-polarization/dual-frequency radar observations, Multiple Scattering of Waves in Random Media and Random Rough Surfaces. Technomic Publishing Co., PA.
5. Evans, F. and J. Vivekanandan, 1990: Multiparameter radar and microwave radiative transfer modeling of non-spherical atmospheric ice particles. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 28, 423-437.
6. Vivekanandan, J., V.N. Bringi and R. Raghaven, 1990: Multiparameter radar modeling and observations of melting ice. J. Atmos. Sci., 47, 549-564.
7. Vivekanandan, J., J. Turk, G.L. Stephens and V.N. Bringi, 1990: Microwave radiative transfer studies using combined multiparameter radar and radiometer measurements during COHMEX. J. Appl. Met., 29, 561-585.
8. Vivekanandan, J. Turk, and V. N. Bringi, 1991: Ice water path estimation and characterization using passive microwave radiometry. . J. Appl. Meteor., 30 (10), 1407-1421.
9. Vivekanandan, J., W.M. Adams and V.N. Bringi, 1991: Rigorous approach to polarimetric radar modeling of hydrometeor orientation distributions. J. Appl. Meteor., 30, 1053-1063.
10. Marzano, F.S., A. Mugnai, E.A. Smith, X. Xiang, J. Turk and J. Vivekanandan, 1993: Active and passive remote sensing of precipitating storms during CaPE. Part II: Intercomparison of precipitation retrievals over land from AMPR radiometer and CP-2 radar. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, E.A. Smith Ed. Space-based microwave remote sensing of hydrological variables, 54, No. 1-4, 29-51.
11. Vivekanandan, J., R. Raghaven and V.N. Bringi, 1993: Polarimetric radar modeling of mixtures of precipitation particles. IEEE Trans.on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 31, No. 5, 1017-1030.
12. Vivekanandan, J., J. Turk and V.N. Bringi, 1993: Comparisons of precipitation measurements by the Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer and multiparameter radar. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 31, No. 4, 860-870.
13. Monakov, A.A., J. Vivekanandan, A. Stjernman and A. Nystrom, 1994: Spatial and frequency averaging techniques for polarimetric scatterometer system. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 32, No. 1, 187-196.
14. Turk, J., J. Vivekanandan, F.F. Marzano, R.E. Hood, R.W. Spencer and F.J. LaFontaine, 1994: Active and passive microwave remote sensing of precipitation storms during CaPE. Part I: Advanced microwave precipitation radiometer and polarimetric radar measurements and models. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 54, 3-27.
15. Vivekanandan, J., V.N. Bringi, M. Hagen and P. Meischner, 1994: Polarimetric radar studies of atmospheric ice particles. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 32, No. 1, 1--10.
16. Wilson, J.W., T.M. Weckwerth, J. Vivekanandan, R.M. Wakimoto and R.W. Russell, 1994: Boundary-layer clear-air echoes: Origin of echoes and accuracy of derived winds. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 11, 1184-1206.
17. Brandes, E.A., J. Vivekanandan, J.D. Tuttle and C.J. Kessinger, 1995: A study of microphysics with multiparameter radar and aircraft observations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 123, No. 11, 3129-3143.
18. Stjernman, A., J. Vivekanandan and A. Nystrom, 1995: Dual-channel and multi-frequency radar system calibration. IEEE Trans. On Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 33 (2), 325-330.
19. Li, L., J. Vivekananandan, C.H. Chan and L. Tsang, 1997: Microwave radiometer technique to retrieve vapor, liquid and ice, Part I: Development of a neural network-based inversion method. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 35, 224-236.
20. Vivekananandan, J., L. Li, L. Tsang and C. Chan, 1997: Microwave radiometer retrieval of vapor, liquid and ice using a three-channel radiometer, Part II: Joint studies of radiometer and radar in winter clouds. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 35, 237-247.
21. Turk, J., J. Vivekanandan, T. Lee, P. Durkee and K. Nielsen, 1998: Derivation and applications of near-infrared cloud refletances from GOES-8 and GOES-/9. J. Appl. Meteorol. 37 (8), 819-831.
22. Brandes, E.A., J. Vivekanandan and J.W. Wilson, 1999: A comparison of radar reflectivity estimates of rainfall from collocated radars. J. Atmos. Ocenic Technol., 16, 1264-1272.
23. Rasmussen, R.M., J. Vivekanandan, J. Cole, B. Myers and C. Masters, 1999: The estimation of snowfall rate using visibility. J. Appl. Meteor., 38(10), 1542-1563.
24. Solheim, F.S., J. Vivekanandan, R.H. Ware and C. Rocken, 1999: Propagation delays induced in GPS Signals by dry air, water vapor, hydrometeors, and other particulates. J. Geophysical Research, V104, No. D8, 9663-9670.
25. Vivekananandan, J., D.S. Zrnic, S.M. Ellis, R. Oye, A.V. Ryzhkov and J. Straka, 1999: Cloud microphysics retrieval using S-band dual-polarization radar measurements. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 80(3), 381-388.
26. Vivekanandan, J., B. Martner, M.K. Politovich and G. Zhang, 1999: Retrieval of atmospheric liquid and ice characteristics using dual-wavelength radar observations. IEEE Trans. On Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 37, 2325-2334.
27. Vivekanandan, J., D.N. Yates and E.A. Brandes, 1999: The influence of terrain on rainfall estimates from radar reflectivity and specific propagation phase observations. J. Atmos. And Oceanic Tech., 16, 837-845.
28. Chong, M., J.-F. Georgis, O. Bousquet, S.R. Brodzik, C. Burghardt, S. Cosma, U. Germann, V. Gouget, R.A. Houze, Jr., C.N. James, S. Prieur, R. Rottunno, F.
Roux, J, Vivekanandan and S.-X Zeng, 2000: Real-time wind synthesis from Doppler radar observations during the Mesoscale Alpine Programme. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 81(12), 2953-2962.
29. Barthazy, E; Goeke, S; Vivekanandan, J; Ellis, SM., 2001: Detection of snow and ice crystals using polarization radar measurements: comparison between ground-based in situ and S-Pol observations. Atmos. Res., 59-60, 137-162.
30. Vivekanandan, J., G. Zhang and M.K. Politovich, 2001: An assessment of droplet size and liquid water content derived from dual-wavelength radar measurements to the application of aircraft icing detection. J. Atmos. and Oceanic Tech., 18(11), 1787-1798,
31. Zhang, G., J. Vivekanandan and E. Brandes, 2001: A method for estimating rain rate and drop size distribution from polarimetric radar measurements. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 39(4), 830-841.
32. Zrnic, D., A. Ryzhkov, J. Straka, Y. Liu, and J. Vivekanandan, 2001: Testing a procedure for automatic classification of hydrometeor types. J. Tech., 18(6), 892-913.
Zhang, G.,Vivekanandan, J. and Brandes, E., 2002: Effects of random inhomogeneity on radar measurements and rain rate estimation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 40(1), 223-227.
33. Brandes, E., G. Zhang and J. Vivekanandan, 2002: Experiments in rainfall estimation with a polarimetric radar in a subtropical environment. J. Atmos. Meteorol., 41 (6), 674-685.
34. Knight, Charles A. and J. Vivekanandan, 2002: First radar echoes and the early ZDR history of Florida Cumulus. J. Atmos. Sci., 59(9), 1454-1472.
35. Ryzhkov, A.V., D.S. Zrnic, J.C. Hubbert, J.C., V.N. Bringi, J. Vivekanandan and E.A. Brandes, 2002: Polarimetric radar observations and interpretation of co-cross-polar correlation coefficients. J. Atmos. and Oceanic Tech., 19(3), 340-354.
36. Zhang, G., J. Vivekanandan and E. Brandes, 2002: Effects of random inhomogeneity on radar measurements and rain rate estimation. IEEE Trans. On Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40(1), 223-227.
37. Zhang, G., J. Vivekanandan and E.A. Brandes, 2002: The shape-slope relation in Gamma raindrop size distribution: statistical error or useful information? Accepted: J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech.
38. Zhang, G., R. Doviak and J. Vivekanandan, 2003: Cross-correlation ratio method to estimate cross beam wind and comparison with the full correlation analysis. Radio Science, 38(3).
39. Brandes, E. A., G. Zhang, and J. Vivekanandan , 2003: An evaluation of drop distribution-based polarimetric radar rainfall estimator. J. Appl.. Meteor. 42,652-660.
40. Vivekanandan, J., G. Zhang, and S.M. Ellis, S. Avery ad D. Rajopadyahya, 2003: Radar reflectivity calibration using differential propagation phase measurement. Radio Science, 38(3).
41. Westwater, E.R. and J. Vivekanandan, 2003: Preface to special section: Remote Sensing of the Earth's Environment by Microwave Radiometers and Radar. Radio Science, 38(3).
42. Zhang G.F., R.J. Doviak RJ and J. Vivekanandan, 2003: Cross-correlation ratio method to estimate cross-beam wind and comparison with a full correlation analysis. Radio Science, 38(3), Art. No. 8052.
43. Rasmussen, R., Dixon, M., Vasiloff, S., Hage, F., Knight, S., Vivekanandan, J. and.Xu, M. 2003, "Snow Nowcasting Using a Real-Time Correlation of Radar Reflectivity with Snow Gauge Accumulation", Journal of Applied Meteorology, 42(1), 20-36.
44. Zhang, G., Vivekanandan, J., Brandes, E., Meneghini, R. and Kozu, T. 2003, "The Shape-Slope Relation in Observed Gamma Raindrop Size Distributions: Statistical Error or Useful Information?", Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 20(8), 1106-1119.
45. Zhang, G., R.J. Doviak and J. Vivekanandan, 2003: Angular and range interferometry to measure wind. Radio Science, 38(6). Art. No. 1106.
46. Ryzhkov, A., Zrnic, D., Hubbert, J., Bringi, V., Vivekanandan, J. and Brandes, E. 2002, "Polarimetric Radar Observations and Interpretation of Co-Cross-Polar Correlation Coefficients", Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 19(3), 340-354.
47. Brandes, E., G. Zhang, and J. Vivekanandan, 2004: Comparison of polarimetric radar drop size distribution retrieval algorithm, J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech.,21, 584-
48. Zhang, G., Doviak, R.J., Vivekanandan, J., Brown, W.O. and Cohn, S.A. 2004, "Performance of correlation estimators for spaced-antenna wind measurement in the presence of noise." Radio Science, 39(3).
49. Brandes E.A., G.F. Zhang and J. Vivekanandan, 2004: Comparison of polarimetric radar drop size distribution retrieval algorithms. J. Atmos. and Oceanic Tech., 21 (4), 584-598.
50. Brandes E.A., G.F. Zhang and J. Vivekanandan, 2004: Drop size distribution retrieval with polarimetric radar: Model and application. J. Appl. Meteor., 43(3), 461-475.
51. Vivekanandan J., G.F. Zhang and E.A. Brandes, 2004: Polarimetric radar estimators based on a constrained gamma drop size distribution model. J. Appl. Meteor., 43(2), 217-230.
52. Deeter M.N. and J. Vivekanandan, 2005: AMSU-B observations of mixed-phase clouds over land. J. Appl. Meteor., 44(1), 72-85.
53. Brandes E.A., G.F. Zhang, and J. Vivekanandan, 2005: Experiments in rainfall estimation with a polarimetric radar in a subtropical environment. J. Appl. Meteor., 41, 186-186.
54. Deeter, M. N. and J. Vivekanandan, 2006: New dual-frequency microwave technique for retrieving liquid water path over land. J. Geophysical Research., 111, D15209, doi: 10.1029/2005JD006784.
55. Anagnostou, M., Anagnostou, E., Vivekanandan, J. and Ogden, F. 2007, "Comparison of Raindrop Size Distribution Estimates From X-Band and S-Band Polarimetric Observations", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 4 (4), 601-605.
56. Anagnostou,M.N.; Anagnostou,E.N.; Vivekanandan, J., 2006, Correction for Rain Path Specific and Differential Attenuation of X-Band Dual-Polarization Observations. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions, 44(9), 2470-2480
57. Vivekanandan, V.; Wong, V.W.S., 2007, Concentric Anchor Beacon Localization Algorithm for wireless Sensor Networks. Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 56 , Issue: 5 , Part: 1
58. Williams, J. and Vivekanandan, J. 2007, "Sources of Error in Dual-Wavelength Radar Remote Sensing of Cloud Liquid Water Content", Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 24(8), 1317-1336.
59. Anagnostou, M., Anagnostou, E., Vivekanandan, J. and Ogden, F. 2008, "Comparison of Two Raindrop Size Distribution Retrieval Algorithms for X-Band Dual Polarization Observations", Journal of Hydrometeorology, 9(3), 589-600.
60. Anagnostou, M., Anagnostou, E., Vulpiani, G., Montopoli, M., Marzano, F. and Vivekanandan, J. 2008, "Evaluation of X-Band Polarimetric-Radar Estimates of Drop-Size Distributions From Coincident S-Band Polarimetric Estimates and Measured Raindrop Spectra", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 46(10) Part 2, 3067-3075.
61. Knupp, K., Coleman, T., Phillips, D., Ware, R., Ware, R., Vandenberghe, F., Vivekanandan, J., Cimini, D. and Westwater, E. 2009, "Ground-Based Passive Microwave Profiling during Dynamic Weather Conditions", Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 26(6), 1057-1073.
62. Padmanabhan, S., Reising, S., Vivekanandan, J. and Iturbide-Sanchez, F. 2009, "Retrieval of Atmospheric Water Vapor Density With Fine Spatial Resolution Using Three-Dimensional Tomographic Inversion of Microwave Brightness Temperatures Measured by a Network of Scanning Compact Radiometers", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 47 (11),3708-3721.
63. Ellis, S. M., and J. Vivekanandan, 2010: Water vapor estimates using simultaneous dual-wavelength radar observations. Radio Science, 45, RS5002, doi:10.1029/2009RS004280.
64. Ellis, S. M., and J. Vivekanandan, 2011: Liquid water content estimates using simultaneous S and Ka-band radar measurements. Radio Science, doi:10.1029/2010RS004361.
65. Swaroop Sahoo, Steven C. Reising, Sharmila Padmanabhan, J. Vivekanandan, Flavio Iturbide-Sanchez, Nazzareno Pierdicca,Emanuela Pichelli, and Domenico Cimini, 2011: 3-D Humidity Retrieval using a Network of Compact Microwave Radiometers to Correct for Variations in Wet Tropospheric Path Delay in Spaceborne Interferometric SAR Imagery. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49 (9),3281-3290.
Section 3: Refereed Book Review
Vivekanandan, J. Book Review: Weather Radar: Principles and Advanced Applications ,Peter Meischner (Editor) , Springer-Verlag, Berlin; 337 pp.; ISBN 3-540-00328-2; 2004, EOS, AGU.
Section 4: Publications Submitted
1. Chang, W., Jothiram Vivekanandan, and Tai-Chi Chen Wang, 2012: Estimation of X-band Polarimetric Radar Measurement Error Covariance and Attenuation Using a Variational Method. Submitted to Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology.
Section 5: Non-refereed Publications
1. Vivekanandan, J., and V.M. Pandharipande, 1981: Analysis and design of Mm wave edge slot array with optimum efficiency. Preprints, Int'l Conf. on Communication Circuits and Systems, India.
2. Bringi, V.N., J. Vivekanandan, V.K. Varadan and V.V. Varadan, 1983: Average dielectric properties of discrete random media using multiple scattering theory. National Radio Science/IEEE Meeting, Houston.
3. Bringi, V.N., J. Vivekanandan and J.D. Tuttle, 1984: Joint analysis of dual-wavelength and differential reflectivity radar measurements. Preprints, 22nd Int'l Conf. on Radar Meteor., Zurich, 10-13 September. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
4. Chandrasekar, V.N. Bringi and J. Vivekanandan, 1984: Analysis of raindrop parameter using 2D-PMS probes during the May Polarization Experiment (MAYPOLE). Preprints, 22nd Conf. on Radar Meteor. Zurich, 10-13 September. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
5. Vivekanandan, J., V.N. Bringi and R.M. Rasmussen, 1984: Multiparameter radar and aircraft measurements of convective cells during the May Polarization Experiment (MAYPOLE). Preprints, 22nd Int'l Conf on Radar Meteor., Zurich, 10-13 September. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
6. Bringi, V.N., J. Vivekanandan and R.M. Rasmussen, 1985: Radar and microphysical studies of the convective melting transition: Implications for attenuation modeling. 1985 North American Radio Science Meeting, Canada.
7. Vivekanandan, J., V.N. Bringi and V. Chandrasekar, 1985: Computation of backscatter and propagation effects in severe convective storms: Comparisons with dual-polarized radar observations at S- and X-bands. 1985 North American Radio Science Meeting, Canada.
8. Vivekanandan, J., V.N. Bringi and R.E. Carbone, 1986: Raindrop size distributions in Colorado convective rainshafts. Preprints, 23rd Int'l Conf. on Radar Meteor., Snowmass, Colo., 22-26 September. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
9. Vivekanandan, J., V.N. Bringi, R.M. Rasmussen and J. Lew, 1986: Graupel/Hail melting studies in Colorado convective storms. Preprints,Joint session 23rd Conf. on Radar Meteor. and Cloud Physics, Snowmass, Colo., 22-26 September. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
10. Bringi, V.N., J. Vivekanandan and S. Menon, 1989: Multiparameter radar analysis of microburst during MIST. Preprints, 24th Conf. on Radar Meteor., Tallahassee, 27-31 March. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
11 Vivekanandan, J. and Evans, F., 1989: Millimeter Wave Radiative Transfer Studies For Precipitation Measurements. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 1989. IGARSS'89. 12th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, 1910-1913.
12. Vivekanandan, J.; Adams, W.M.; Bringi, V.N., 1989: Generalized Backscatter And Propagation Modelling Of Precipitation For Polarimetric Radar Applications. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 1989. IGARSS'89. 12th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing. 1902-1904.
13. Meischner, P., T. Jank, V.N. Bringi and J. Vivekanandan, 1989: Multiple-plane ZDR measurements in convective and stratiform clouds using the C-band polarimetric DFVLR radar. Preprints, 24th Int'l Conf. on Radar Meteor., Tallahassee, 27-31 March. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
14. Vivekanandan, J., G.L. Stephens and J. Turk, 1989: Joint analysis of multiparameter radar and radiometer measurements of convective storms. Preprints, 24th Int'l Conf. on Radar Meteorology, Tallahassee, 27-31 March. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
15. Vivekanandan, J., F. Evans and J. Turk, 1989: Millimeter wave radiative transfer studies for precipitation measurements, IGARSS '89/12th Canadian Symposium, Canada.
16. Vivekanandan, J., W.M. Adams and V.N. Bringi, 1989: Generalized backscatter and propagation modeling of precipitation for polarimetric radar applications. '89/12th Canadian Symposium, Canada, IGARSS.
17. Bringi, V.N., D.A. Burrows and J. Vivekanandan, 1991: Multiparameter radar and aircraft study of raindrop spectral evolution in warm-based clouds. Preprints, 25th Conf. on Radar Meteor., Paris, 24-28 June. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
18. Turk, J., J. Vivekanandan and V.N. Bringi, 1991: Bulk ice characterization using coupled cloud, multiparameter radar and radiative transfer models.Preprints, 25th Int'l Conf. on Radar Meteorology, Paris, 24-28 June. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
19. Vivekanandan, J., 1991: Polarimetric radar imaging of distributed ice shatterers. Proc., Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Cambridge, Mass.,1-5 July. p. 491.
20. Vivekanandan, J. and V.N. Bringi, 1991: Rigorous approach to polarimetric radar modeling of hydrometeor orientation distributions. Preprints, 25th Int'l Conf. on Radar Meteorology, Paris, 24-28 June. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
21. Vivekanandan, J., J. Turk and V.N. Bringi: 1991: Remote sensing of precipitation structures using combined microwave radar and radiometer techniques. Wave propagation and scattering in random media II, San Diego.
22. Stjernman, A., J. Vivekanandan and A. Nystrom, 1992: Polarimetric scatterometer system for vegetation and soil remote sensing. Proc., Microwave Signature - 92, Innsbruck, 1-3 July. Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fur Luft - und Raumfahrt, Oberpfaffenhofen, 2C-39 -- 2C-44.
23. Turk, J., J. Vivekanandan and V.N. Bringi, 1992: Studies of microwave radiative transfer model results with multiparameter radar. mu '92 Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing Applications, Boulder, Co., June. Wave Propagation Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
24. Vivekanandan, J., R. Raghavan and V.N. Bringi, 1992: Polarimetric radar modeling of mixtures of precipitation particles. Int'l Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vol. II, Houston, 26-29 May. IGARSS, 1379-1382.
25. Vivekanandan, J., J. Turk, R.E. Hood, V.L. Griffin, F.J. LaFontaine, V.N. Bringi and R.W. Spencer, 1992: Multiparameter and advanced microwave precipitation radiometer observations of tropical convection. Int'l Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Houston, 26-29 May. 1719-1721.
26. Anders, S., N. Anders and J. Vivekanandan, 1993: Calibration of a dual-channel radar anenna system using point targets to estimate gain and cross-talk parameters. Proc., Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Pasadena, 12-16 July. p. 552.
27. Turk, J., J. Vivekanandan, F.S. Marzano and V.N. Bringi, 1993: Applications of the advanced microwave precipitation radiometer for precipitation retrieval using multiparameter radar verification. Preprints, 26th Int'l Conf. on Radar Meteor., Norman, OK., 24-28 May. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston, 710-712.
28. Vivekanandan, J, 1993: Ice water content estimate using multiparameter radar observations. Proc., Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Pasadena,12-16 July. p. 777.
29. Monakov, A.A.; Vivekanandan, J.; Nystrom, A.; Stjernman, A, 1993: Antenna illumination effects on measurements of rough surface scattering. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS '93, 231-233
30. Adams, W.M.; Vivekanandan, J., 1993: Snowfall rate and supercooled liquid water content retrieval using the dual-frequency radar technique. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS '93, 1922-1924
31. Vivekanandan, J.; Turk, J.; Marzano, F.S.; Mugnai, A.; Spencer, R.W.; Hood, R.E.; LaFontaine, F.J.; Smith, E.A.; Bringi, V.N., 1993: Active and passive remote sensing of precipitation over ocean surfaces. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS '93, 1241-1243.
32. Raghavan, R. and Vivekanandan, J., 1993: Retrieval of storm microphysics using Ka band radar observations. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS '93, 91-93.
33. Vivekanandan, J. and W.M. Adams, 1993: Snowfall rate and supercooled liquid water content retrieval using dual-frequency radar techniques. Presented. Int'l Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Tokyo, 17-22 August.
34. Vivekanandan, J. and R. Raghavan, 1993: Polarimetric radar modeling of precipitation at Ka-band. Preprints, 26th Conf. On Radar Meteor., Norman, OK, 24-28 May. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston, 132-134.
35. Vivekanandan, J., J. Turk, F. Marzano, A. Mugnai, R.W. Spencer, R.E. Hood, F.J. LaFontaine, E.A. Smith and V.N. Bringi, 1993: Coincident active and active-passive microwave remote sensing of precipitation using airborne multifrequency radiometer and dual-polarization radar. Presented. XXIVth General Assembly of the Int'l Union of Radio Science, Kyoto, Japan, 25 August-2 September.
36. Turk, J.; Vivekanandan, J. 1994: Effects of hydrometeor shape and orientation upon passive microwave brightness temperature measurements. Specialist meeting Microwave radiometry and remote sensing of the environment p. 187-196
37. Li, L., J. Vivekanandan, C.H. Chan, L. Tsang and J.N. Hwang, 1994: Studies in passive remote sensing of vapor, liquid and ice water paths. Preprints Volume II, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Pasadena, 8-12 August. IEEE, 666-668.
38. Nystrom, A. A. Stjernman and J. Vivekanandan, 1994: Temporal variations in radar backscatter coefficients of vegetation and soil media. Preprints Volume II, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Pasadena, 8-12 August. IEEE, 2483-2485.
39. Raghavan, R., J. Turk and J. Vivekanandan, 1994: Investigation of the vertical profiles of linear depolarization ratio and reflectivity at S, X and K band wavelengths. Preprints, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
40. Stjernman, A.A., J. Vivekanandan and A. Nystr\"om, 1994: Studies on polarization synthesis and differential backscatter phase observations. Scatter coefficients of vegetation and soil media. Preprints Volume II, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Pasadena, 8-12 August. IEEE, 1381-1383.
41. Thurai, M. and J. Vivekanandan, 1994: Estimation of ice water content using multi-parameter radar measurements. Preprints Volume II, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Pasadena, 8-12 August. IEEE, 32-34.
42. Vivekanandan, J. and J. Turk, 1994: K-band model computations of propagation effefcts in precipitation. Preprints Volume II, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Pasadena, 8-12 August. IEEE, 363-365.
43. Vivekanandan, J. and J. Turk, 1994: High resolution microwave radiometric signatures of mid-latitude and tropical rainfall. Preprints Volune I, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Pasadena, 8-12 August. IEEE, 433-435
44. Brandes, E.A., J. Vivekanandan, J.D. Tuttle and C.J. Kessinger, 1995: Hail production in a northeastern Colorado thunderstorm. Preprints, 27th Conf. on Radar Meteor., Vail, CO, 9-13 October. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston, 527-529.
45. Rasmussen, R.M. and J. Vivekanandan, 1995: Snowfall ratge measurement using radar and optical techniques. Presented. National Science Meeting, Boulder, Colorado.
46. Brandes, E.A., J. Vivekananadan and J.W. Wilson, 1997: Radar rainfall estimates of the Buffalo Creek Flash Flood using WSR-88D and polarimetric radar data. Preprints, 28th Conf. on Radar Meteorology, Austin, TX, 7-12 September. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston, 123-124.
47. Brandes, E.A., J. Vivekanandan, J.W. Wilson, V.N. Bringi, V. Chandrasekar, S.A. Rutledge and D.S. Zrnic, 1997: A program to improve radar estimates of rainfall. Preprints, 13th Conf. on Hydrology, Long Beach, CA, 2-7 February. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston, 304-307.
48. Lutz, J., B. Rilling, J. Wilson, T. Weckwerth and J. Vivekanandan, 1997: S-Pol after three operational deployments, technical performance, siting experiences, and some data examples. Preprints, 28th Conf. on Radar Meteorology, Austin, TX, 7-12 September. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston, 286-287.
49. Rasmussen, R., J. Vivekanandan and J. Cole, 1997: On the use of visibility to estimate snowfall rate. Preprints, First Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, Long Beach, CA, 2-7 February. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
50. Thompson, G., T.F. Lee and J. Vivekanandan, 1997: Comparisons of satellite-based aircraft icing diagnoses. Preprints, Seventh Conf. on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, Long Beach, CA, 2-7 February. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston, 132-137.
51. Vivekanandan, J., 1997: Aircraft icing detection using satellite and radar observations. Preprints, Seventh Conf. on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, Long Beach, CA, 2-7 February. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston, 146-151.
52. Vivekanandan, J., G. Thompson and T.F. Lee, 1997: Aircraft icing detection using satellite data and weather forecast model results. Proc. of FAA International conference on aircraft inflight icing, Vol.II.
53. Vivekanandan, J., Brandes, E.A., and S. Ellis, 1998: Comparison between ZDR and specific propagation phase-based precipitation estimation, Fourth Inter. Symp. On Hydro. Appli. of Weather radar, April, San Diego.
54. Zhang, J., Vivekanandan and M.K. Politovich, 1998: Effect of scattering on microwave passive remote sensing of cloud liquid water content. Preprints, 8th Conf. On Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, Dallas, 11-15 January. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
55. Ryzhkov, A., D. Zrnic, E. Brandes, J. Vivekanandan, V. Bringi and G. Huang, 1999: Characteristics of Hydrometer Orientation Obtained from Radar Polarimetric Measurements in a Linear Polarization Basis. Proc. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Hamburg, Germany, 28 June - 2 July.
56. Guifu, Zhang; Vivekanandan, J, 1999: Microwave radiation from mixed phase cloud and parameter retrievals. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS ’99 Proceedings. IEEE 1999 International. Volume:4
57. Vivekanandan, J., B. Martner, M.K. Politovich and G. Zhang, 1999: APCAT: An AP clutter analysis tool. Preprints, 29th Conf. On Radar Meteorology, Montreal, 12-16 July. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston, 267-269.
58. Vivekanandan, J., G. Zhang and M.K. Politovich, 1999: Estimate of droplet size and liquid water content using dual-frequency radar measurements for aircraft icing detection. Proc. 29th ICRM, Montreal, 12-16 July. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston, 872-875.
59. Vivekanandan, J., G. Zhang and A.V. Ryzhkov, 1999: Estimation of canting angle distribution of raindrop spectra using radar measurement. International Radar Symposium, India, December.
60. Zhang, G. and J. Vivekanandan, 1999: Microwave radiation from mixed phase cloud for ground-based radiometer remote sensing. Proc. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Hamburg, Germany. June 28-July 2.
61. Zhang, G., J. Vivekanandan and M.K. Politovich, 1999: Scattering effects on microwave passive remote sensing of cloud parameters. Proc. 8th Conf. On Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, Dallas, 10-15 January. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston, 497-501.
62. Barthazy, E, S. Goke, J. Vivekanandan and Z. Zeng, 2000: Comparison of the two hydrometeor identification algorithms of the S-Pol radar with in-situ measurements of hydrometeors on a mountain. Proc. 13th Int. Conf. On Clouds and Precip., Reno, NV, 14-18 August. International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, 292-295.
63. Brandes, E., G. Zhang, J. Vivekanandan, and S. M. Ellis, 2000: An evaluation of polarimetric radar rainfall estimators in a semi-tropical environment. 2nd USWRP Symp., Boulder, Colorado, 27-29 March.
64. Brandes E. A., G. Zhang, J. Vivekanandan, and S. M. Ellis, 2000: A study of polarimetric radar rainfall estimators in semi-tropical environment. AGU 2000 Spring Meeting, May 30- June 3.
65. Ellis, S.M., J. Vivekanandan, E.A. Brandes, J. Stith and R.J. Keeler, 2000: Aircraft icing detection using s-band polarization radar measurements. Preprints, Ninth Conf. on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, Orlando, Florida, 11-15 September. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston, 245-250.
66. Ellis, S., J. Vivekanandan, J. Keeler, and E. A. Brandes, 2000: Aircraft icing detection using S-band polarimetric radar observation. 9th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, Orlando, Florida, 11-15 September. Amer. Meteor. Soc, Boston.
67. Goke, S., E. Barthazy, S. Ellis, J. Vivekanandan and Z. Zeng, 2000: In situ verification of polarimetric radar-based hydrometeor types. Proc. 13th Int. Conf. On Clouds and Precip. Reno, NV, 14-18 August. International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, 272-275.
68. Houze, R. A., C. James, Z. Zeng, M. Steiner, U. Germann, J. Vivekanandan, and S. Brodzik, 2000: Heavy rain and flooding on the Mediterranean side of the Alps: MAP IOPs 2B, 3, and 5. Ninth Conf. On Mountain Meteorology, Aspen, Colorado. 7-11 August.
69. Keeler, R. J., J. Lutz and J. Vivekanandan, 2000: S-Pol: NCAR’S Polarimetric research radar. Preprints, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Honolulu. 24-28 July.
70. Zmic, D.S.; Ryzhkov, A.; Straka, J.; Yidi Liu; Vivekanandan, J.; 2000: Sensitivity of an automatic procedure for hydrometeor classification. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2000. Proceedings. IGARSS 2000. IEEE 2000 International
71. Ryzhkov, A., D. Zrnic, J. Hubert, V. Bringi, J. Vivekanandan and E. Brandes, 2000: Interpretation of polarimetric radar covariance matrix for meteorological scatterers. Preprints, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Honolulu. 24-28 July.
72. Vivekanandan, G. Zhang, and M. K. Politovich, 2000: Multi-frequency radar measurements of liquid water content and droplet size. Preprints, Ninth Conf. on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, Orlando, Florida, 11-15 September. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston, 557-562.
73. Vivekanandan, J., G. Zhang, E. A. Brandes and J. Miller: 2000: Raindrop size distribution retrieval using polarimetric radar measurements. USWRP Symposium, Boulder, Colorado, 27-29 March.
74. Vivekanandan, J., G. Zhang, and M.K. Politovich, 2000: Estimation of cloud droplet size and liquid water content using dual-wavelength. Preprints, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Honolulu. 24-28 July.
75. Zhang, G., J. Vivekanandan and E. Brandes, 2000: A method for estimating rain rate and drop size distribution from polarimetric radar measurements. Preprints, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Honolulu. 24-28 July.
76. Zrnic, D.S. , A. Ryzhkov, J. Straka, Y. Liu and J. Vivekanandan, 2000: Sensitivity of an automatic procedure for hydrometeor classification. Preprints, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Honolulu. 24-28 July.
77. Brandes, E.A., G. Zhang and J. Vivekanandan, 2001: Experiments in rainfall estimation with a polarimetric radar. 30th International Conf. On Radar Meteorology, 19-24 July, Munich. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
78. Vivekanandan, J., G. Zhang and M.K. Politovich, 2001: Analysis of a dual-wavelength radar technique for estimating liquid water content and droplet size. 30th International Conf. On Radar Meteorology, 19-24 July, Munich. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
79. Vivekanandan, J. and G. Zhang, 2001: Numerical study of multi-frequency dual-polarization microwave radiometry technique for supercooled liquid water detection. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2001, 9-13 July, Sydney, Australia.
80. Vivekanandan, J., G. Zhang and M.K. Politovich, 2001: Estimation of cloud droplet size and liquid water content using dual-wavelength radar measurements. Submitted. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2001, 9-13 July, Sydney, Australia.
81. Zhang, G., J. Vivekanandan and E. Brandes, 2001: Sampling effects on radar measurements and its consequence on parameter retrieval. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2001, 9-13 July, Sydney, Australia.
82. Zhang, G., J. Vivekanandan and R.J. Doviak, 2001: Innovative cross-correlation method for determining three-dimensional wind. 30th International Conf. On Radar Meteorology, 19-24 July, Munich. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
83. Brandes, E. A., G. Zhang, and J. Vivekanandan, 2002: Monitoring drop-size distributions and associated rain rates with polarimetric radar. Paper presented at the USWRP 4th Symposium, Boulder, CO.
84. Vivekanandan, J. and Zhang, G. 2002, Effects of Scattering Due to Ice Particles on Measurement of Down-Welling Radiation Observation of K and V-band Radiometers, American Meteorological Society, 45 Beacon St. Boston MA 02108-3693 USA; Range, and Aerospace Meteorology.
85. Brandes, E. A., J. Vivekanandan, and R. Rasmussen, 2002: Rain-snow discrimination with polarimetric radar. Preprints, 10th Conf. On Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteor., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Portland, OR, 108-111.
86. Zhang, G., Doviak, R.J.; Vivekanandan, J, 2002: Range interferometry technique to determine radial wind. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2002, 9-13 July, 2549-2552.
87. Brandes, E. A., G. Zhang, and J. Vivekanandan, 2002: Monitoring drop-size distributions with polarimetric radar. Proc., 11th Conf. On Cloud Physics, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Ogden, UT.
88. Brandes, E. A., G. Zhang, and J. Vivekanandan, 2002: Precipitation estimation with polarimetric radar: Results of field studies. Paper presented at the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) International Conf. On Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting, Reading, United Kingdom.
89. Rangarajan, K.E., and J. Vivekanandan, 2002: Sensitivity of Ground-based Radiometric Observations to Atmospheric Temperature Inversions. Proceedings, 10th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, Vol. 10. Portland. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
90. Ryzhkov, A.V.; D.S. Zrnic, J.C. Hubbert, V.N. Bringi, J. Vivekanandan and E.A. Brandes, 2002: Polarimetric Radar Observations and Interpretation of Co-Cross-Polar Correlation Coefficients. J. Atmos. and Oceanic Tech., 19(3), 340-354.
91. Williams, J.K., J. Vivekanandan and G. Zhang, 2002: Evaluation of a remote icing detection technique using X-, Ka-, and W-band radar and microwave radiometer observations. Proceedings, 10th Conf. on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, Vol. 10. Portland. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
92. Williams, J. K., J. Vivekanandan, and G. Zhang, 2002: Evaluation of remote icing detection techniques using X-, Ka-, and W-band radar and microwave radiometer observations. Preprints, Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, 224-227.
92. Stoelinga, M.T., J.D. Locatelli, P.V. Hobbs and J. Vivekanandan, 2003: Doppler wind analysis of the airflow in a stratiform frontal rainband in the Pacific Northwest using a bistatic radar network. Proceedings, 31st AMS International Conference on Radar Meteorology, Vol. 31. Long Beach, CA. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
93. Zhang, G., J. Vivekanandan and E.A. Brandes, 2003: Constrained Gamma Drop Size Distribution Model for Poloarimetric Radar Rain Estimation: Justification and Development EA, Proceedings, 31st International Conference on Radar Meteorology, Vol. 31. Long Beach, CA. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
94. Haggerty, Julie A., J. Vivekanandan and D. Serke, 2004: Evaluation of satellite and radar cloud retrieval methods during IMPROVE-2 icing events. Proceedings, Conference on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, October, Hyannis, MA. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston, Vol. 11.
95. Vivekanandan, J.; Politovich, M.; Rilling, R.; Ellis, S.; Pratte, F. 2004: Sensitivity of S- and K~a-band matched dual-wavelength radar system for detecting nonprecipitating cloud. Proceedings- SPIE the international society for optical engineering, Vol 5654 Page(s): p. 14-24.
96. Zhang, G., J. Vivekanandan and M.K. Politovich, 2004: Radar/radiometer combination to retrieve cloud characteristics for icing detection Proceedings, Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, October, Hyannis, MA. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston, Vol. 11.
97. Anagnostou, M.N., E.N. Anagnostou and J. Vivekanandan, 2005: Experimental investigation of X-band polarimetric algorithm for drop size distribution retrieval. Proceedings, 32nd Conf. on Radar Meteorology, October. Albuqerque, NM. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
98. Ellis, S., J. Vivekanandan, K. Goodman and C. Kessinger, 2005: Water vapor and liquid water estimates using simultaensous S and KA band radar measurements. Proceedings, 32nd Conf. on Radar Meteorology, October. Albuqerque, NM. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
99. Farquaharson, G., F. Pratte, M. Pipersky, D. Ferraro, A. Phinney, E. Loew, R. Rilling, S. Ellis and J. Vivekanandan, 2005: NCAR S-Pol second frequency (KA-band) radar. Proceedings, 32nd Conf. on Radar Meteorology, October. Albuqerque, NM. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
100. Serke, D.J., G. Zhang, J. Vivekanandan, T. Schneider, P. Minnis and M. Poellot, 2005: Verification of S-polka KA band radar/radiometer LWC and res retrievals with grids retrievals and aircraft measurements and comparison to GOES icing products for the WISP94 10-11 March event. Proceedings, 32nd Conf. on Radar Meteorology, October. Albuqerque, NM. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston.
101. Deeter, M.N. and Vivekanandan, J. 2006: New Method for Retrieving Liquid Water Path over Land using AMSR-E Observations, American Meteorological Society, 45 Beacon St. Boston MA 02108-3693 USA, [URL:]
102. Vivekanandan, J., 2006: Automatic Classification of Hydrometeor Types Using Polarization Radar Observations. Invited Presentation. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 31 July- 4 August 2006, Denver, Colorado.
103. Deeter, M.N. & Vivekanandan, J. 2006, Retrievals of liquid water path based on AMSR-E observations during AIRS II, American Meteorological Society, 45 Beacon St. Boston MA 02108-3693 USA, [URL:]; Range, and Aerospace Meteorology.
104. Anagnostou, M., Anagnostou, E.N. & Vivekanandan, J. 2006, Experimental Investigation of X-band Polarimetric Algorithms for Attenuation Correction and the Retrieval of Raindrop Size Distribution, American Geophysical Union, 2000 Florida Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20009 USA, [URL:]
105. Anagnostou, M.N.; Anagnostou, E.N.; Vulpiani, G.; Montopoli, M.; Vivekanandan, J., 2007: Evaluation of X-band polarimetric radar estimates of drop size distributions from coincident S-band polarimetric estimates and measured raindrop spectra .IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 32, 2007, 3575-3578.
106. Farquharson, G., Loew, E., Lee, W. and Vivekanandan, J. 2007, A new high-altitude airborne millimeter-wave radar for atmospheric research, American Meteorological Society, 45 Beacon St. Boston MA 02108-3693 USA, [URL:].
107. Farquharson, G.; Loew, E.; Vivekanandan, J.; Wen-Chau Lee, 2007, A new high-altitude airborne millimeter-wave radar for atmospheric research.Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2007. IGARSS 2007. IEEE International
109. Padmanabhan, S.; Reising, S.C.; Iturbide-Sanchez, F.; Vivekanandan, J., 2007: Estimation of 3-D Water vapor distribution using a network of compact microwave radiometers. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 32, 2007, 251-254.
110. Moore, J.A., Vivekanandan, J., Lee, W., Loew, E., Mayor, S. & Spuler, S. 2007, Development of an advanced radar and lidar platform suite for interdisciplinary airborne and ground-based gemote-sensing research, American Meteorological Society, 45 Beacon St. Boston MA 02108-3693 USA, [URL:].
111. Padmanabhan, S.; Reising, S.C.; Vivekanandan, J., 2008: .. Retrieval of 3-D Water Vapor Field Using a Network of Scanning Compact Microwave Radiometers. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 33, pages II249-252.
112. Vivekanandan, J. , E. Loew, and W. Lee, S. Spuler and T. Weckwerth, 2009: Weather Radars and Lidar for Observing the Atmosphere. 34th AMS Conference on Radar Meteorology.
113. Chang, W., J. Vivekanandan, T.C. Wang and P.Lin, 2009: Estimation of Attenuation at X-band Using Propagation Phase and Differential Reflectivity. 34th AMS Conference on Radar Meteorology.
114. Vivekanandan, J., E. Loew, and W. Lee: 2009: Advanced Ground-based and
Airborne WeatherRadars for Observing Atmosphere. International Radar
Symposium. India.
115. Vivekanandan, J., 2010: Weather radars and lidars for observing atmosphere. European Geophysical Union meeting, Vienna, Austria.
116. Reising, S.C., S. Sahoo, S. Padmanabhan, J. Vivekanandan, N. Pierdicca, D. Cimini, E. Pichelli, F. Iturbide-Sanchez, 2010: 3-D humidity retrieval using a network of compact microwave radiometers to correct for variations in wet tropospheric path delay in spaceborne interferometric SAR imagery. 11the Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the environment. Washington D.C., USA.
117. Sahoo, S., S.C. Reising, S. Padmanabhan, J. Vivekanandan, F. T. Sanchez, N.
Pierdicca, E. Pichelli, and D. Cimini, 2010: 3-D hymidity retrieval using a network
of compact microwave radiometers to correct for wet tropospheric path delay
variations in spaceborne interferometric SAR imagery. URSI National Radio
Science Meeting, Boulder, CO.
118. Wolde, M., S. Haimov, D. Marcotte, G. Isaac, J. Vivekanandan, and A. Korolev, 2010: Hydrometeor identification from W-band polarimetric measurements. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Honolulu, Hawaii.
119. Sahoo, S., S.C. Reising, S. Padmanabhan, D. Cimini, J. Vivekanandan, F. T.
Sanchez, and N. Pierdicca, 2010: Use of network of compact microwave
radiometers to retrieve 3-D water vapor to estimate wet tropospheric path delay
variations in spaceborne interferrometric SAR imagery. IEEE Geoscience and
Remote Sensing Symposium. Honolulu, Hawaii.
120. Sahoo, S., S.C. Reising, and J. Vivekanandan, 2011: Trade-off between vertical
resolution and accuracy from ground-based microwave brightness temperature
measurements. URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO.
121. Vivekanandan, J., E. Loew, S. Spuler, B. Morley, W. Lee, and E. Eloranta, 2011: Airborne cloud radar and lidar fort sensing aerosol and clouds. European Geophysical Union meeting, Vienna, Austria.
122. Sahoo, S.; Reising, S.C.; Vivekanandan, J., 2011, Trade-off between retrievals fr ground-based microwave brightness temperature measurements. General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 2011 XXXth URS Digital Object Identifier:
10.1109/URSIGASS.2011.6050842 Publication Year: 2011 , Page(s): 1 - 4
123. Morley, Bruce, Spuler, Scott, Vivekanandan, Jothiram, Hayman, Matthew and
Eloranta, Edwin, 2012: Airborne and ground-based measurements with the NCAR
GVHSRL, 16th International Symposium for the Advancement of Bouldary-Layer
Remote Sensing, 5-8 June 2012, Boulder, Co
124. Morley, Bruce, Spuler, Scott M., Razenkov, I.A., Vivekanandan, Jothiram and
Eloranta, Edwin, 2012: Airborne and Ground Measurements with a High Spectral Resolution Lidar, 26th International Laser Radar Conference, 25-29 June, 2012, Porto Heli Greece.
125. Vivekanandan, J., E. Eloranta, S. Spuler, and B. Morley, 2012: Calibration of
High spectral resolution lidar. European Geophysical Union meeting, Vienna, Austria.