Flight Operations

An A-Z listing of our organization is also available.

Sub Division Staff Directory (15)
Steinbach, Adolph FLTOPSFlight Eng/Mechanic
LeMay, Bo FLTOPSChief Pilot & Op Hd
Thornton, Matt FLTOPSFlight Eng/Mechanic
Ward, Kim FLTOPSAircraft Mech
Green, Andrew FLTOPSAircraft Mech
Boris, Joseph FLTOPSAircraft Mech
Markowski, Brent FLTOPSCasual - Pilot
Martin, Melissa FLTOPSCasual - Pilot
Spingos, Markos FLTOPSCasual - Pilot
Harper, Paul FLTOPSChief Aircr Maint
Jude, Stephen FLTOPSPilot
LoRusso, Joseph FLTOPSCasual - Pilot
Glass, Jeremy FLTOPSIntern
Molinari, Carlos FLTOPSCasual - Technician
Isabell, Jesse FLTOPSAviation Parts and Logistics Specialist

Quick Facts

NCAR is managed by the nonprofit University Corporation for Atmospheric Research on behalf of NSF and the UCAR university community.

  • NCAR is not a federal agency and its employees are not part of the federal personnel system.
  • Our activities complement those of the federal agencies and we work closely with them.

More about us