Research Aviation Facility

See Also

An A-Z listing of our organization is also available.

Division / Section Staff Directory (46)
Froehlich, Ben AEEngineer II
Proulx, Edward AEPilot
Wolff, Cory APOProj Mgr II
Romashkin, Pavel APOProj Mgr II
Tsai, Peisang APOProj Mgr I
Steinbach, Adolph FLTOPSFlight Eng/Mechanic
LeMay, Bo FLTOPSChief Pilot & Op Hd
Thornton, Matt FLTOPSFlight Eng/Mechanic
Ward, Kim FLTOPSAircraft Mech
Green, Andrew FLTOPSAircraft Mech
Boris, Joseph FLTOPSAircraft Mech
Markowski, Brent FLTOPSCasual - Pilot
Martin, Melissa FLTOPSCasual - Pilot
Spingos, Markos FLTOPSCasual - Pilot
Harper, Paul FLTOPSChief Aircr Maint
Jude, Stephen FLTOPSPilot
LoRusso, Joseph FLTOPSCasual - Pilot
Glass, Jeremy FLTOPSIntern
Molinari, Carlos FLTOPSCasual - Technician
Isabell, Jesse FLTOPSAviation Parts and Logistics Specialist
Holden, Kyle INSTTECHTechnician IV
Kosciuch, Edward INSTTECHTechnician III
Allbee, David INSTTECHTechnician III
Zrubek, Kurt INSTTECHEngineer IV
Cowan, John INSTTECHTechnician IV
Eads, Penny INSTTECHCasual - Eng Tech
Carnes, Joshua INSTTECHEngineer III
Freeman, Richard INSTTECHTechnician III
Gunlock, Aaron INSTTECHTechnician II
Vu, Ivana INSTTECHTechnician III
McMahon, Kevin INSTTECHIntern
Amankwaa, Christopher INSTTECHIntern
LaForce, Taylor INSTTECHIntern
Maclean, Gordon RAFDEPTCasual - SW Eng/Prog III/IV
Stith, Jeffrey RAFDEPTSr Sci Emeritus
Fahrenbruch, Gregg RAFDEPTAviation Operations Manager
Webster, Christopher RAFSESoft Eng/Prog IV
Aquino, Janine RAFSESoft Eng/Prog IV
Dewerd, Catherine RAFSESoft Eng/Prog I
Runkel, Sara RAFSEAssoc Data Scientist II
Cooper, William SCIandINSTSr Sci Emeritus
Haggerty, Julie SCIandINSTProj Scientist III
Stephens, Britt SCIandINSTSenior Scientist
Reeves, Mike SCIandINSTAssoc Scientist IV
Woods, Sarah SCIandINSTAssoc Scientist III
Veres, Patrick SCIandINSTScientist III

Quick Facts

NCAR is managed by the nonprofit University Corporation for Atmospheric Research on behalf of NSF and the UCAR university community.

  • NCAR is not a federal agency and its employees are not part of the federal personnel system.
  • Our activities complement those of the federal agencies and we work closely with them.

More about us