UCAR Center for Science Education

An A-Z listing of our organization is also available.

Division / Section Staff Directory (28)
Payo, Robert SciEdEducational Designer III
Barnes, Tim SciEdOutreach & Training Spec I
Clark, Sharon SciEdSoft Eng/Prog III
Malmberg, Julie SciEdProgram Assistant Director
Hagen, Emma SciEdProg Spec II
Snode-Brenneman, Emily SciEdProg Spec III
Rummel, Melissa SciEdEducational Designer I
Thiero, Kadidia SciEdHigher Educ Spec III
Cast, Zaria SciEdIntern
Vara, Marissa SciEdHigher Educ Spec II
Rehme, Leanne SciEdOutreach & Training Spec II
Nigro, Emily SciEdIntern
Porter, Rebecca SciEdIntern
Mays, Elizabeth SciEdOutreach & Training Spec I
Jenkins, Chandler SciEdIntern
Chamhitt, Shanna SciEdIntern
Tomanek, Anastasia SciEdIntern
McManaman, Janelle SciEdIntern
Stopa, Marinna SciEdIntern
Lang, Victoria SciEdIntern
Ruiz Nunez, Antonio SciEdIntern
Laws, Chelone SciEdIntern
Zhu, Lilian SciEdIntern
Bryan, Deztynee SciEdIntern
Fox, Tyanna SciEdIntern
Salm, Eleanor SciEdIntern
Kong-Johnson, Celia SciEdIntern
Moore, Tyler SciEdIntern

Quick Facts

NCAR is managed by the nonprofit University Corporation for Atmospheric Research on behalf of NSF and the UCAR university community.

  • NCAR is not a federal agency and its employees are not part of the federal personnel system.
  • Our activities complement those of the federal agencies and we work closely with them.

More about us