NCAR/RAL (National Center for Atmospheric Research/Research Applications Laboratory) – Boulder, CO
4/2008-present: Software Engineer IV
Senior engineer for CSS-Wx implementation to develop the weather dissemination infrastructure for the Next Generation Air Transportation System. Coordinate with FAA, DoD, NOAA/NWS, and research laboratories, evolve service architecture and data format standards, prototype the system, and document the specifications.
Display engineer for the Xcel Wind Prediction System project. Develop and maintain the data display used by meteorologists, forecasters, and power managers to predict power production and uncertainty bounds.
Lead engineer for the ADDS project. Responsible for supervising team of engineers on research and development of experimental ADDS, operational ADDS, and data dissemination.
10/2001-4/2008: Software Engineer III
Lead engineer for the ADDS project. Responsible for research and development of experimental ADDS, operational ADDS, and data dissemination. Develop data ingest scripts, data servers, web content, java visualization applications, web mapping, and AJAX applications. Gather requirements, design enhancements, ensure system integration, test, and write documentation.
Display engineer for the Road Weather project. Develop and maintain the primary display, integrate with the MDSS system and external data sources, maintain GIS basemaps, and train and support users.
Prototype development for ATEC project. Researched and developed web portal and display technologies. Gathered requirements, surveyed users, implemented a prototype web portal, formed a development team, and transitioned project to operations.
10/2000-10/2001: Software Engineer II
Engineer for the ADDS project. Designed and developed visualization applets and content for the website, including data encoding/decoding, rendering algorithms, and user interfaces.
CADSWES (Center for Advanced Decision Support in Water and Environmental Systems) – Boulder, CO
10/1999-10/2000: Principal Investigator
PI for the Hydrologic DataBase (HDB), an Oracle database, schema, and associated applications for managing the Bureau of Reclamation's water data. Supervised up to 7 people in development, release, maintenance and support of new applications and data model modifications. Worked with 5 different deployment sites to ensure 24/7 reliability of data collection and support of operations, forecasting, and planning models. Responsible for development of ProC and XML data loading applications, Java update tools, and a web-based query and visualization application.
7/96-9/99: Water Resources Engineer
User support liaison for the RiverWare riverbasin simulation and optimization model. In charge of fielding technical questions from users, assisting with model development, analyzing bugs, supervising graduate students, and extensive software design and development. Also produced release documentation, developed two different 3-day technical training courses, taught the courses over 20 times, maintained internal web pages and cgi scripts, developed Java, Perl, and Unix shell tools, and maintained nightly regression testing of development environment.
6/95-6/96: Graduate Research Assistant
Worked on the PRSYM model development team. Designed and implemented engineering algorithms in C++, maintained models, and wrote documentation. Worked closely with clients from the US Bureau of Reclamation and the Tennessee Valley Authority.