Bruintjes, R.T., K. Ross, S.Piketh, R. Burger, R.J. Swap, and T. Jensen, 2003: In-situ measurements of aerosols and CCN during SAFARI 2000 and their impacts on cloud microphysics. Accepted for publication in Journal of Geophysical Research.
Ross, K.E., S.J. Piketh, R.T. Bruintjes, R.P. Burger, R.J. Swap and H.J. Annegarn, 2003: Spatial and seasonal variations in the distribution of cloud condensation nuclei and the aerosol-cloud condensation nuclei relationship over Southern Africa. In Press, Journal of Geophysical Research.
Kreidenweis, S.M., L.A. Remer, R.T. Bruintjes, R. Kleidman, R. Halthore, and Oleg Dubovik, 2001: Observations of smoke aerosol from biomass burning in Mexico. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106(D5), 4831-4844.
Bruintjes, R.T., 1999: A review of cloud seeding experiments to enhance precipitation and some new prospects. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 80, 805-820.
Hu, Z., R.T. Bruintjes and E.A. Betterton, 1998: Sensitivity of cloud droplet growth to collision and coalescence efficiencies - A theoretical study. J. of Atmos. Sci., 55, 2502-2515.
Klimowski et al, 1998: The 1995 Arizona Program: A field program devoted to the understanding of winter precipitation development in mountainous terrain. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 79, 799-813.
Reisner, J., R.M. Rasmussen and R.T. Bruintjes, 1998: Explicit forecasting of supercooled liquid water in winter storms using a mesoscale model. Quarterly Journal Royal Meteor. Soc., 124, 1071-1107.
Cooper, W.L., R.T. Bruintjes and G.K. Mather, 1997: Some preliminary calculations pertaining to hygroscopic seeding. J. of Appl. Meteor., 36, 1449-1469.
Bruintjes, R.T., T.L. Clark and W.D. Hall, 1995: The dispersion of tracer plumes in mountainous regions in central Arizona: Comparisons between observations and modeling results. J. Appl. Meteor., 34, 971-988.
Bruintjes, R.T., T.L. Clark and W.D. Hall, 1994: Interactions between topographic airflow and cloud and precipitation development during the passage of a winter storm in Arizona. J. Atmos. Sci., 51, 48-67.
Bruintjes, R.T., A.J. Heymsfield, and T.W. Krauss, 1987: An examination of double-plate ice crystals and the initiation of precipitation in summertime cumulus clouds. J. Atmos. Sci., 44, 1331-1349.
Authored or co-authored more than 30 refereed and more than 150 non-refereed publications and participated in the writing of several review documents for the WMO and a report for the National Academy of Sciences. Also lectured cloud physics and weather modification courses at the University of Arizona and the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. Supervised several post-graduate students from universities around the world over the past five years and continues to do so.