Projected intensification of subseasonal temperature variability and heat waves in the Great Plains | Geophysical Research Letters | 2016-03-16 |
Impact of solar panels on global climate | Nature Climate Change | 2016-03-01 |
Observed high-altitude warming and snow cover retreat over Tibet and the Himalayas enhanced by black carbon aerosols | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | 2016-02-05 |
Individual feedback contributions to the seasonality of surface warming | Journal of Climate | 2014-07-15 |
Probability of US heat waves affected by a subseasonal planetary wave pattern | Nature Geoscience | 2013-12-01 |
Hell and high water: Practice-relevant adaptation science | Science | 2013-11-08 |
A decomposition of feedback contributions to Polar warming amplification | Journal of Climate | 2013-09-15 |
Climate change projections in CESM1(CAM5) compared to CCSM4 | Journal of Climate | 2013-09-01 |
Mitigation of short-lived climate pollutants slows sea-level rise | Nature Climate Change | 2013-04-14 |
Relative outcomes of climate change mitigation related to global temperature versus sea-level rise | Nature Climate Change | 2012-08-01 |
Potential impacts of Asian carbon aerosols on future US warming | Geophysical Research Letters | 2012-06-07 |
Climate system response to external forcings and climate change projections in CCSM4 | Journal of Climate | 2012-06-01 |
Role of the Bering Strait on the hysteresis of the ocean conveyor belt circulation and glacial climate stability | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2012-04-09 |
The evolution and future research goals for general circulation models | The Development of Atmospheric General Circulation Models | 2011-09-09 |
The response of the climate system to very high greenhouse gas emission scenarios | Environmental Research Letters | 2011-07-05 |
Climate engineering through artificial enhancement of natural forcings: Magnitudes and implied consequences | Journal of Geophysical Research | 2010-11-19 |
Climate change impacts on Texas water: A white paper asessment of the past, present and future and recommendations for action | Texas Water Journal | 2010-09-01 |
How much climate change can be avoided by mitigation? | Geophysical Research Letters | 2009-04-21 |
The computational future for climate and Earth system models: On the path to petaflop and beyond | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Series A, Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences | 2009-03-01 |
The use of the Climate-Science Computational End Station (CCES) development and grand challenge team for the next IPCC assessment: An operational plan | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2008-08-18 |
Odyssey in Climate Modeling, Global Warming and Advising Five Presidents | | 2008-08-17 |
Interannual variations and future change of wintertime extratropical cyclone activity over North America in CCSM3 | Climate Dynamics | 2008-06-01 |
Identification of human-induced changes in atmospheric moisture content | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2007-09-25 |
Forced and unforced ocean temperature changes in the Atlantic and Pacific tropical cyclogenesis regions | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2006-09-19 |
Computer modeling the twentieth- and twenty-first-century climate | Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society | 2006-09-01 |
Anthropogenic Warming of the Oceans: Observations and model results | Journal of Climate | 2006-05-15 |
Climate change modeling: A brief history of the theory and recent 21st century ensemble simulation | Frontiers of Climate Modeling | 2006-03-01 |
Twenty-first century Arctic climate change in the CCSM3 IPCC scenario simulations | Climate Dynamics | 2006-01-20 |
The importance of land cover change in simulating future climates | Science | 2005-12-09 |
A comparison of a GCM response to historical anthropogenic land cover change and model sensitivity to uncertainty in present day land cover representations | Climate Dynamics | 2005-11-01 |
Atlantic thermohaline circulation in a coupled general circulation model: Unforced variations vs. forced changes | Journal of Climate | 2005-08-15 |
Penetration of Human-Induced Warming into the World's Oceans | Science | 2005-06-02 |
Tropospheric ozone evolution between 1890 and 1990 | Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres | 2005-04-26 |
How much more global warming and sea level rise? | Science | 2005-03-18 |
An Introduction to Three-dimensional Climate Modeling | University Science Books | 2005-02-01 |
Atmospheric brown clouds: Impacts on south asian climate and hydrological cycle | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2005-01-01 |
Identification of anthropogenic climate change using a second-generation reanalysis | Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres | 2004-11-04 |
Response of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation to increased atmospheric CO₂ in a coupled model | Journal of Climate | 2004-11-01 |
Combinations of natural and anthropogenic forcings and 20th century climate | Journal of Climate | 2004-10-01 |
Factors affecting climate sensitivity in global coupled models | Journal of Climate | 2004-04-01 |
Response to comment by Pielke and Chase on "Contributions of anthropogenic and natural forcing to recent tropopause height changes" | Science | 2004-03-19 |
The ACPI climate change simulations | Climatic Change | 2004-01-01 |
Mechanisms of an intensified Hadley Circulation in response to solar forcing in the 20th century | The Hadley Circulation: Present, Past and Future, Advances in Global Change Research | 2004-01-01 |
The effects of climate change on water resources in the west: Introduction and overview | Climatic Change | 2004-01-01 |
Response to "Reliability of satellite data sets" | Science | 2003-08-01 |
Contributions of anthropogenic and natural forcing to recent tropopause height changes | Science | 2003-07-25 |
A monthly and latitudinally varying volcanic forcing dataset in simulations of 20th century climate | Geophysical Research Letters | 2003-06-28 |
Influence of satellite data uncertainties on the detection of externally-forced climate change | Science | 2003-05-23 |
Changes in thermohaline circulation in future climate [presentation] | 14th Symposium on Global Change and Climate Variations | 2003-02-13 |
Long-term variations in the 1000+ year PCM control run [poster] | 14th Symposium on Global Change and Climate Variations | 2003-02-11 |
Solar and greenhouse gas forcing and climate response in the 20th century | Journal of Climate | 2003-02-01 |
Remarks, Warren Washington to the Council of Scientific Society Presidents | Warren Washington Papers | 2002-12-09 |
Why monitor the climate? | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2002-06-01 |
North Atlantic Ocean response to future anthropogenic forcing in a coupled GCM [presentation] | 13th Symposium on Global Change and Climate Variations | 2002-01-16 |
Ensip: The El Niño simulation intercomparison project | Climate Dynamics | 2001-12-01 |
Effects of stabilizing atmospheric CO₂ on global climate in the next two centuries | Geophysical Research Letters | 2001-12-01 |
Ensemble simulation of twenty-first century climate changes: Business-as-usual versus CO₂ stabilization | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2001-11-01 |
Climate changes in the 21st century over the Asia-Pacific region simulated by the NCAR CSM and PCM | Advances in Atmospheric Sciences | 2001-09-01 |
Historical and future trends of the Sahara Desert | Geophysical Research Letters | 2001-07-15 |
Anthropogenic forcing and decadal climate variability in sensitivity experiments of 20th and 21st century climate | Journal of Climate | 2000-10-15 |
Parallel Climate Model (PCM) control and transient simulations | Climate Dynamics | 2000-10-01 |
| American Meteorological Society Oral History Project | 1998-10-28 |
Lecture, From slide rule to supercomputer: A 30 year review of atmospheric science and public policy | Warren Washington Papers | 1998-08-06 |
Climate change from increased CO₂ and direct and indirect effects of sulfate aerosols | Geophysical Research Letters | 1996-12-15 |
El Ñino-like climate change in a model with increased atmospheric CO₂ concentrations | Nature | 1996-07-04 |
High-latitude climate change in a global coupled ocean-atmosphere-sea ice model with increased atmospheric CO2̀ | Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres | 1996-05-27 |
Low-frequency variability and CO₂ transient climate change. Part 2: EOF analysis of CO₂ and model configuration sensitivity | Global and Planetary Change | 1995-04-01 |
Simulation of summer monsoon climate over East-Asia with an NCAR regional climate model | Monthly Weather Review | 1994-10-01 |
Low-frequency variability and CO₂ transient climate change. Part 3: Intermonthly and interannual variability | Climate Dynamics | 1994-09-01 |
A world ocean model for greenhouse sensitivity studies: Resolution intercomparison and the role of diagnostic forcing | Climate Dynamics | 1994-05-01 |
Greenhouse sensitivity experiments with penetrative cumulus convection and tropical cirrus albedo effects | Climate Dynamics | 1993-05-01 |
South Asian summer monsoon variability in a model with doubled atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration | Science | 1993-05-01 |
Report, The Clinton-Gore Transition Team | Warren Washington Papers | 1993-02-22 |
Low-frequency variability and CO₂ transient climate change. Part 1: Time-averaged differences | Climate Dynamics | 1993-01-01 |
Tropical pacific interannual variability and CO₂ climate change | Journal of Climate | 1993-01-01 |
Intercomparison and interpretation of surface energy fluxes in atmospheric general circulation models | Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres | 1992-03-20 |
Interpretation of snow-climate feedback as produced by 17 general-circulation models | Science | 1991-08-23 |
Intercomparison and interpretation of climate feedback processes in 19 atmospheric general circulation models | Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres | 1990-09-20 |
Article, A brief description of new NCAR results on regional climate change caused by increasing greenhouse gases | Warren Washington Papers | 1990-08-03 |
Computer simulation of the global climatic effects of increased greenhouse gases | International Journal of Supercomputer Applications and High Performance Computing | 1990-06-01 |
CO₂ climate sensitivity and snow-sea-ice albedo parameterization in an atmospheric GCM coupled to a mixed-layer ocean model | Climatic Change | 1990-06-01 |
Wheres the heat? | Natural History | 1990-05-01 |
Correspondence, Warren Washington to Dr. John H. Sununu | Warren Washington Papers | 1990-04-18 |
Correspondence, Warren Washington to Dr. John H. Sununu | Warren Washington Papers | 1990-04-18 |
Correspondence, Warren Washington to D. Allan Bromley | Warren Washington Papers | 1989-12-06 |
Interpretation of cloud-climate feedback as produced by 14 atmospheric general circulation models | Science | 1989-08-04 |
A comparison of soil-moisture sensitivity in two global climate models | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1988-05-01 |
Ice-albedo feedback in a CO₂-doubling simulation | Climatic Change | 1987-07-01 |
General circulation model CO₂ sensitivity experiments: Snow-sea ice albedo parameterizations and globally averaged surface air temperature | Climatic Change | 1986-06-01 |
Tropical response to increased CO⁸ in a GCM with a simple mixed layer ocean: Similarities to an observed Pacific warm event | Monthly Weather Review | 1986-04-01 |
Trace gases and other potential perturbations to global climate | Reviews of Geophysics | 1986-02-01 |
Sea surface temperatures computed by a simple ocean mixed layer coupled to an atmospheric GCM | Journal of Physical Oceanography | 1985-01-01 |
Seasonal cycle experiment on the climate sensitivity due to a doubling of CO2 with an atmospheric general circulation model coupled to a simple mixed-layer ocean model | Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres | 1984-10-20 |
The role of geographic variables in explaining paleoclimates: Results from Cretaceous climate model sensitivity studies | Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres | 1984-02-20 |
The NCAR community climate/forecast model: A tool for university climate and weather research | Weatherwise | 1983-10-01 |
General circulation model experiments on the climatic effects due to a doubling and quadrupling of carbon dioxide concentration | Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans | 1983-08-20 |
Numerical climate modeling: An exploration frontier in petroleum source rock prediction | AAPG Bulletin | 1983-03-01 |
Atmospheric circulation during warm geologic periods - is the equator-to-pole surface-temperature gradient the controlling factor | Geology | 1982-12-01 |
Cretaceous climate: A comparison of atmospheric simulations with the geologic record | Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology | 1982-11-01 |
Experiments with a global ocean model driven by observed atmospheric forcing | Journal of Physical Oceanography | 1982-04-01 |
A general circulation experiment with a coupled atmosphere, ocean and sea ice model | Journal of Physical Oceanography | 1980-12-01 |
Response time of an atmospheric general circulation model to changes in ocean surface temperature: Implications for interactive large-scale atmosphere and ocean models | Tellus | 1980-04-01 |
Large-scale numerical model of sea ice | Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans | 1979-01-20 |
Regional climatic effects of large scale thermal pollution: Simulation studies with the NCAR general circulation model | Journal of Applied Meteorology | 1979-01-01 |
Cloudiness as a Climatic Feedback Mechanism: Effects on cloud amounts of prescribed global and regional surface temperature changes in the NCAR GCM | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1978-12-01 |
Effects of a variety of Indian Ocean surface temperature anomaly patterns on the summer monsoon circulation: Experiments with the NCAR general circulation model | Pure and Applied Geophysics | 1977-09-01 |
On the development of a seasonal change sea-ice model | Journal of Physical Oceanography | 1976-09-01 |
Numerical simulation of the Asian-African winter monsoon | Monthly Weather Review | 1976-08-01 |
Statistical characteristics of three-dimensional particle movement in the NCAR general circulation model | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1976-06-01 |
Testing the statistical significance of the response of the NCAR general circulation model to North Pacific Ocean surface temperature anomalies | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1976-03-01 |
Trip Report, The Committee and Minorities of the AAAS | Warren Washington Papers | 1975-10-08 |
A method of removing lamb waves from initial data for primitive equation models | Journal of Applied Meteorology | 1975-02-01 |
Numerical simulation with NCAR global circulation model of mean conditions during Asian-African summer monsoon | Monthly Weather Review | 1975-02-01 |
Energy production and climate | Science | 1975-01-10 |
Simulation of the atmospheric circulation using the NCAR Global Circulation Model with ice age boundary conditions | Journal of Applied Meteorology | 1974-04-01 |
Present and future use of numerical models for tropical forecasting and climate simulation [presentation] | International Tropical Meteorological Meeting | 1974-02-01 |
On the importance of precision for short-range forecasting and climate simulation | Journal of Applied Meteorology | 1973-12-01 |
Simulation experiments with a 12-layer stratospheric global circulation model. I. Dynamical effect of earth's orography and thermal influence of continentality | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1973-10-01 |
Cloudiness as a global climatic feedback mechanism [presentation] | 2nd Conference on Numerical Prediction | 1973-10-01 |
Correspondence, Warren Washington to Bryan Morgan | Warren Washington Papers | 1973-01-16 |
Atmospheric Technology, September 1973 | Atmospheric Technology Division (ATD) Records | 1973-01-01 |
Effect of horizontal resolution in a finite-difference model of the general circulation | Monthly Weather Review | 1971-09-01 |
On global initialization of the primitive equations. Part II. The divergent component of the horizontal wind | Journal of Applied Meteorology | 1971-08-01 |
General circulation experiments with a six-layer NCAR model including orography, cloudiness and surface temperature calculations | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1971-07-01 |
On the possible uses of global atmospheric models for the study of air and thermal pollution | Man's Impact on the Climate | 1971-01-01 |
A January simulation experiment with the two-layer version of the NCAR global circulation model | Monthly Weather Review | 1970-08-01 |
On the spectral distribution of large-scale atmospheric kinetic energy | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1970-05-01 |
On global initialization of the primitive equations. Part I | Journal of Applied Meteorology | 1969-10-01 |
The effect of horizontal shear flow on geostrophic adjustment in a barotropic fluid | Tellus | 1969-04-01 |
NCAR Global General Circulation Model of the Atmosphere, Simulated Cloud Movie | Warren Washington Papers | 1969-01-01 |
NCAR Global General Circulation Model of the Atmosphere, Sea Level Pressure | Warren Washington Papers | 1969-01-01 |
Photograph, Output from an early climate model | Warren Washington Papers | 1969-01-01 |
The application of CRT contour analysis to general circulation experiments | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 1968-09-01 |
Computer simulation of the earth's atmosphere | Science | 1968-01-01 |
General Circulation Model, two-level version January | Warren Washington Papers | 1968-01-01 |
NCAR global General Circulation Model of the atmosphere | Monthly Weather Review | 1967-07-01 |
Report, Status evalution of numerical weather prediction in Communist China | Warren Washington Papers | 1966-11-01 |
Correspondence, Warren Washington to Bill Jones | Warren Washington Papers | 1966-10-20 |
Long-term integration of the barotropic equations by the Lax-Wendroff Method | Monthly Weather Review | 1966-03-01 |
Notes, Status evalution of numerical weather prediction in Communist China | Warren Washington Papers | 1966-01-01 |
NCAR General Circulation Model (GCM) Notebook | Warren Washington Papers | 1964-01-01 |
Notes, Black Environmental Science Trust | Warren Washington Papers | |
Mission and strategy overview for Black Environmental Science Trust | Warren Washington Papers | |
Manuscript, The saga of my greenhouse effect on the White House | Warren Washington Papers | |