An A-Z listing of our organization is also available.
Name | Division | Title |
Hurrell, James | CGDAO | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Holden, Kyle | INSTTECH | Technician IV |
Emmons, Louisa | ACRESP | Senior Scientist |
Kosciuch, Edward | INSTTECH | Technician III |
Maclean, Gordon | RAFDEPT | Casual - SW Eng/Prog III/IV |
Linden, Seth | WSAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Cabell, Ryan | HAP | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Lindsay, Keith | OS | Proj Scientist IV |
Sizer, Tania | CPAESS | Web Developer III |
Dai, Aiguo | HAP | Proj Scientist III - NE |
Mahoney, Bill | RALAO | NCAR Dir Emeritus |
Nychka, Doug | CISLAODEPT | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Cousins, Morgan | LOG | Logistics Ops Clerk II |
Hudson, Mary | GEOSPACE | Sr Res Assoc - CAS |
Alipit, Jeff | ECS | Senior Web Solutions Engineer |
Lee, Wen-Chau | RSF | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Allbee, David | INSTTECH | Technician IV |
Madden, Roland | CAS | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Scannell, Janet | DMS | Soft Eng/Prog III - NE |
Burek, Tatiana | NSAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Meehl, Marla | NETS | Mgr Hi Perf Network |
Caron, Julie | CCR | Assoc Scientist IV |
Pan, Laura | ACRESP | Senior Scientist |
Craig, Cheryl | AMP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Moulton, Denise | COODEPT | Executive Asst II |
Kinnison, Douglas | MODELING | Proj Scientist IV |
Oxelson Ganter, Jennifer | UNIDATA | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Roble, Ray | GEOSPACE | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Torres, Tara | GLOBE | Administrator I |
Fillmore, David | MODELING | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Wu, Fei | MODELING | Soft Eng/Prog III - NE |
Danabasoglu, Gokhan | OS | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Cunning, Gary | NCAROPS | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
De Wijn, Alfred | SOLAR | Research Eng III |
Rosenbloom, Nan | CCR | Proj Mgr III |
Lee-Taylor, Julia | ESS | Proj Scientist II |
Auligne, Thomas | JCSDA | JCSDA Director |
Deyo, Steven | COMET | Graphic Artist III |
Vasilyeva, Anna | HESS | HESS Specialist II |
Fan, Yuhong | HAOAO | Senior Scientist |
Wiltberger, Michael | HAOAO | Dep Lab Director |
Werner, Karl | ESA | Manager, Enterprise Software & Applications |
Valent, Richard | CSG | Casual - SW Eng/Prog III/IV |
Bruintjes, Roelof | HAP | Proj Scientist III |
Wang, Wenbin | GEOSPACE | Proj Scientist IV |
Pronk, Mary | CISLAODEPT | Administrator II |
Walters, Stacy | MODELING | Casual - SW Eng/Prog III/IV |
Vandenberghe, Francois | JCSDA | Proj Scientist II |
Cully, Linda | DMS | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Fowler, Laura | WMR | Proj Scientist II |
Cervantes, Lara | CGDAO | Administrator IV |
Dills, Patrick | COMET | Assoc Scientist III |
Dial, Paul | NETS | Network Eng IV |
Knack, Amy | HAOAO | Administrator IV |
Stringer, Susan | DMS | Soft Eng/Prog III |
DiMarco, Marlene | CGDAO | Budget Analyst I |
Ryan, Cathy | EVENTS | Admin Assistant II |
Levelt, Pieternel | ACOMDO | NCAR Assoc Dir |
Martin, Charlie | ISFSEC | Casual - SW Eng/Prog III/IV |
Smart, Michelle | ECS | Manager, NCAR/UCAR Service Desk |
Steiner, Matthias | AAP | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Propes, Alison | CON | Contracts Director |
Langemeier, Kelly | COODEPT | Proj Mgr III |
Centeno Elliott, Rebeca | SOLAR | Proj Scientist III |
Heymsfield, Andrew | DPM | Senior Scientist |
Gibson, Sarah | HAOAO | Senior Scientist |
Manning, Kevin | WMR | Assoc Scientist IV |
Zrubek, Kurt | INSTTECH | Engineer IV |
Kluzek, Erik | TSS | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Fasullo, John | CAS | Proj Scientist IV |
Cooper, Leonard | MAINT | Administrator II |
Tedesco, Kathy | CPAESS | CPO Prog Mgr |
Hosansky, David | COMM | UCAR Media Relations |
Mendoza, Joseph | HSG | HPC Systems Eng III |
Sherman, Rochell | EOLADMIN | Admin Assistant III |
Sacks, Bill | CSEG | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Flocke, Frank | ESS | Senior Scientist |
Ge, Ming | C3WE | Assoc Scientist IV |
Dumont, Arnaud | AAP | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Sullivan, Peter | DPM | Senior Scientist |
Edwards, David | ACRESP | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Brady, Esther | PPC | Casual - Proj Scientist I/II |
Albo, Dave | WSAP | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Stolte, Jeffrey | NRIT | Systems Adr III |
Sewell, Scott | IG | Engineer IV |
Nienhouse, Eric | SAGE | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Haupt, Sue Ellen | WSAP | Senior Scientist |
Sandoval, Kay | NRIT | Systems Adr III |
Mulvihill, Elizabeth | ETCCENTER | Center Director |
Ellis, Scott | NSAP | Proj Scientist II |
Dye, James | DPM | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Pouquet, Annick | CISLAODEPT | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Hills, Alan | ESS | Proj Scientist II |
Otto-Bliesner, Bette | PPC | Sr Scient Sect Head |
LeMone, Margaret | DPM | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Payo, Robert | SciEd | Educational Designer III |
Sharman, Robert | AAP | Proj Scientist IV |
Rutledge, Gail | CISLAODEPT | Administrator I |
Shao, Hui | JCSDA | Proj Scientist III |
Ostwald, Jonathan | NCARLIB | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Goodrich, Lisa | AAP | Programmer Tech |
Goldstein, Lon | COMET | Educational Designer II |
Deierling, Wiebke | AAP | Proj Scientist II |
Baeuerle, Brigitte | EOLAODEPT | Asst Dir for Ops |
Ziady, Lara | RALAO | Multimedia Dev Lead |
Bryan, George | DPM | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Mearns, Linda | WSAP | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Shea, Dennis | CAS | Casual - Assoc Sci III/IV |
Neale, Richard | AMP | Proj Scientist IV Sect Head |
Brown, William | APG | Proj Scientist II |
Klemp, Joe | WMR | Senior Scientist |
Weisman, Morris | WMR | Casual - Sci III/IV |
Shih, Chi-Fan | DECS | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Dennis, John | ASAP | Scientist III |
Sokolovskiy, Sergey | COSMIC | Proj Scientist IV |
Allen, David | CPAESS | Prog Spec IV |
Newbery, Santiago | NRIT | Systems Adr III |
Chavez, Susan | NCAROPS | Executive Asst II |
Wang, Wei | WMR | Proj Scientist II |
Brown, Barbara | JNT | Sr Res Assoc - CAS |
Guastella, Susan | NETS | Admin Assistant III |
Lopez, Lazaro | EVENTS | Asst Chef |
Jimenez Munoz, Pedro | WSAP | Proj Scientist III |
Lotko, William | GEOSPACE | Sr Res Assoc - CAS |
Brasseur, Guy | MODELING | Distinguished Scholar |
Cowie, Jim | WSAP | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Duda, Michael | WMR | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Mauriello, Hanne | CPAESS | Center Director |
Ziskin, Daniel | ACRESP | Proj Scientist II |
Liu, Hanli | HAOAO | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Green, Judy | NETS | Casual - Other Clerical |
Ullmann, Kirk | ESS | Assoc Scientist IV |
Yates, David | HAP | Scientist III |
Goodrich, Kent | AAP | Casual - Sci III/IV |
Smolarkiewicz, Piotr | DPM | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Martinez, Mikie | NETS | Network Eng I |
Wright, Lisha | RALAO | Budget Analyst III |
Genty, Marc | HSG | Casual - SW Eng/Prog III/IV |
Callaghan, Patrick | AMP | Proj Scientist II |
Moncrieff, Mitchell | AMP | Sr Res Assoc - CAS |
Ying, Zhuming | PARC | Assoc Scientist III |
Lawrence, David | TSS | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Prestopnik, Julie | JNT | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Dixon, Michael | RSF | EOL Facility Mgr |
Agnona, Silvia | BSS | Sr Budget and Planning Integrator |
Stossmeister, Greg | DMS | Casual - Assoc Sci III/IV |
Barnes, Tim | SciEd | Outreach & Training Spec I |
Bresch, Jim | WMR | Proj Scientist II |
Studwell, Gary | ECS | Systems Adr IV |
Busalacchi, Antonio | UCARPRESDEPT | UCAR President |
Halley Gotway, Cindy | RALAO | Graphic Artist III |
Srinivasan, Janaki | ESA | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Landolt, Scott | AAP | Proj Scientist II |
Green, Belinda | NETS | Budget Analyst III |
Hunt, Douglas | COSMIC | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Granger, Gary | ISFSE | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Mohling, Tor | NRIT | Systems Adr IV |
Boone, Amy | FA | Accountant II |
Kelly, Rory | CSG | HPC Consultant IV |
Fisher, Paula | EDEC | Administrator III |
Fredrick, Timothy | CSPO | Manager, Office of Information Security |
Rotunno, Richard | DPM | Senior Scientist |
Ek, Michael | JNT | RAL Prog Dir |
Anthes, Richard | COSMIC | UCAR Pres Emeritus |
Hatheway, Becca | ETCCENTER | UCP Prog Director |
Knoetgen, Chris | FA | Admin Assistant III |
Torrez, Judy | FA | Assistant Controller |
Katz, Rick | CISLAODEPT | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Agado, Kimberley | BSS | Admin Assistant III |
Tessendorf, Sarah | HAP | Proj Scientist III |
Winkelman, Shawn | EITDEPT | Proj Mgr III |
Dattore, Bob | DECS | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Holland, Marika | PPC | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Shaw, Justin | NSAP | Proj Mgr II |
Webster, Christopher | RAFSE | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Judge, Philip | SOLAR | Senior Scientist |
Tilmes, Simone | MODELING | Proj Scientist III |
Lujan, Joe | LOG | Mgr Logistics Oper |
Hagan, Maura | HAOAO | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Miller, Shannon | MAINT | Admin Assistant III |
McGinnis, Seth | RISC | Assoc Scientist IV |
Slaten, Brandon | NRIT | Systems Adr II |
Lu, Gang | GEOSPACE | Senior Scientist |
Stith, Jeffrey | RAFDEPT | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Levis, Samuel | TSS | Proj Scientist III |
Bailey, David | PPC | Assoc Scientist IV |
Xue, Lulin | HAP | Proj Scientist III |
Hannigan, James | ACRESP | Proj Scientist IV |
Drews, Carl | NRIT | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Allen, Laura | NCARBP | Budget Analyst II |
Wolff, Cory | APO | Proj Mgr II |
Reisdorf, Jill | UCARPRESDEPT | Pres Office Mgr Of Admin Ops |
Hendershot, Roger | ESS | Casual - Engineering |
Liu, Changhai | HAP | Proj Scientist III |
Bryan, Frank | OS | Senior Scientist |
Schuster, Douglas | DECS | Mgr DECS |
Weil, Jeffrey | NSAP | Casual - Sci III/IV |
Lites, Bruce | SOLAR | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Sheu, Rong Shyang | NSAP | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Park, Mijeong | MODELING | Proj Scientist II |
McHugh, Toni | FA | Travel Audit Spec III |
Gabbard, Stephen | ESS | Engineer IV |
Branstator, Grant | CAS | Sr Res Assoc - CAS |
Laursen, Krista | NCARPMO | Asst Director of Facilities & Large Projects Office |
Zeng, Zhen | COSMIC | Proj Scientist II |
Hubbert, John | RSF | Proj Scientist IV |
Alberta, Lorrie | GLOBE | Administrator III |
Barsanti, Kelley | ESS | Scientist III |
Sun, Jenny | HAP | Senior Scientist |
Lauritzen, Peter | AMP | Senior Scientist |
Stevermer, Amy | COMET | Assoc Scientist IV |
Francis, Gene | ACRESP | Proj Scientist II |
Liu, Zhiquan | PARC | Proj Scientist IV |
Hopson, Thomas | NSAP | Proj Scientist II |
Vahlenkamp, Hans | CPAESS | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Trier, Stanley | DPM | Proj Scientist III |
Gilman, Peter | SOLAR | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Emery-Geiger, Barbara | HAOAO | Casual - Assoc Sci III/IV |
McCambridge, Michelle | CPAESS | Mtg Planner III |
Meehl, Gerald | CCR | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Wilhelmi, Olga | NSAP | Proj Scientist IV |
Mccarthy, Paddy | AAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Dudhia, Jimy | WMR | Proj Scientist III |
Steinkamp, Pat | NCARLIB | Admin Assistant III |
Ahijevych, David | PARC | Assoc Scientist IV |
Hoswell, Liz | RALAO | Administrator IV |
Madronich, Sasha | ESS | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Cisneros, Armando | NETS | Technician IV |
Lecinski, Alice | IG | Casual - Assoc Sci III/IV |
D'Attilo, Garth | NRIT | Systems Adr IV |
Legg, Sonya | COL | COL Director |
Aquino, Janine | RAFSE | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Tunison, Barbara | ACOMAO | Budget Analyst II |
Devaul, Holly | NCARLIB | Casual - Admin/Cler III |
Williams, Steve | DECS | Casual - Assoc Sci III/IV |
Slagel, Bonnie | CGDAO | Administrator II |
Doremire, Emily | ACOMAO | Administrator III |
Serafin, Robert | EOLAODEPT | NCAR Dir Emeritus |
Davis, Ethan | UNIDATA | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Keller, Teddie | AAP | Assoc Scientist IV - NE |
Shertz, Stephen | ESS | Engineer IV |
Rempel, Matthias | HAOAO | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Michalakes, John | CPAESS | Casual - SW Eng/Prog III/IV |
Morrison, Hugh | DPM | Senior Scientist |
Weber, Jeff | NCAROPS | Proj Mgr II |
Maull, Keith | NCARLIB | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Eaton, Brian | AMP | Casual - SW Eng/Prog III/IV |
Qian, Liying | GEOSPACE | Proj Scientist III |
Kucera, Paul | COMET | Mgr, International Cap & Bus Dev |
Powers, Jordan | WMR | Proj Scientist III |
Kolinski, Don | MLSO | Web Developer III |
Russi, David | COMET | Translator/Multimedia Spec |
Levy, Michael | OS | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Martinez, Jerome | NETS | Network Eng II |
Davis, Chris | NCAROPS | Deputy Director of NCAR Education and Outreach |
Halley Gotway, John | JNT | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Zhang, Ying | HAP | Assoc Scientist III |
Morss, Rebecca | PARC | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Campagnolo, Mary | COODEPT | Casual - Adm Profl |
Colburn, Scot | NETS | Network Eng IV |
Schreiner, Bill | COSMIC | Advisor to COSMIC Director - NE |
Bierbaum, Anne-Marie | NRIT | Systems Adr III |
Dettling, Susan | WSAP | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Cheeseman, Geoff | CFODEPT | UCAR Dir of Budget & Planning |
Johnson, Ruth | FA | Visitor - Casual |
Strand, Gary | CCR | Data Engineer III |
Craig, Jason | AAP | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Mumford, Richard | NETS | Technician III |
Soh, Howard | NSAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Wee, Tae-Kwon | COSMIC | Proj Scientist II |
Lipscomb, William | PPC | Senior Scientist |
Kuo, William | UCARPRESDEPT | UCP Director |
Williams, Jody | NRIT | Systems Adr III |
Elahi, Irfan | HPCDSEC | Director of High-Performance Computing Division (HPCD) |
Soisuvarn, Seubson | CPAESS | Proj Scientist I |
Wolff, Jamie | HAP | Proj Mgr II |
Emmett, Jonathan | RSF | Technician IV |
Snyder, Chris | PARC | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Schwenz, Karl | DFS | Machine Shop Supv |
Stepaniak, David | DECS | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Gilbert, Holly | HAOAO | Interim NCAR Deputy Director |
Skamarock, Bill | WMR | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Roux, Alma | MODELING | Scientist III |
Flanagan, Michael | NCARLIB | Metadata & Serials Librarian |
Clyne, John | VAST | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Metz, Sara | EOLADMIN | Administrator IV |
Verstraete, Louis | APG | Casual - Eng Tech |
Bobka, Jeff | RSF | Casual - Technician IV |
Patton, Edward (Ned) | DPM | Proj Scientist IV |
Vigh, Jonathan | JNT | Proj Scientist II |
Drummond, Rachael | NCAR | UCAR Comm Dir |
Nance, Louisa | RALAO | RAL Prog Dir |
Levy, Ilan | ESA | Systems Adr III |
Hall, Samuel | ESS | Proj Scientist III |
Bruyere, Cindy | CPAESS | CPAESS Deputy Director |
Briggs, Scott | EDEC | Prog Spec II |
Yeager, Stephen | CCR | Proj Scientist IV |
Hulsing, Betsy | FA | Property Admin |
Loew, Eric | RSF | Engineer IV |
Kepple, Tammy | COODEPT | Admin Assistant III |
Barth, Mary | MODELING | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Weckwerth, Tammy | RSF | Senior Scientist |
Apel, Eric | ESS | Proj Scientist IV Sect Head |
Trenberth, Kevin | CGDAO | Distinguished Scholar |
Hock, Terry | ISFMGMT | EOL Facility Mgr |
Ramamurthy, Mohan | EODSCENTER | Center Director |
Boehnert, Jennifer | NSAP | Sr GIS Coordinator |
Carr, Laurie | HR | Sr. Benefits Specialist |
Demuth, Julie | PARC | Proj Scientist III |
Russ, Ted | NRIT | Systems Adr IV |
Cooper, William | SCIandINST | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Gent, Peter | OS | Sr Res Assoc - CAS |
Collins, Nancy | DARES | Casual - SW Eng/Prog III/IV |
Raeder, Kevin | DARES | Assoc Scientist IV |
Campos, Teresa | ESS | Proj Scientist II |
Foote, Brant | RALAO | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Knievel, Jason | NSAP | RAL Prog Mgr |
Haggerty, Julie | SCIandINST | Proj Scientist III |
Shearer, Stephanie | CGDAO | Admin Assistant III |
Vitt, Francis | MODELING | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Meymaris, Greg | AAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Anderson, Jeffrey | DARES | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Tremolet, Yannick | JCSDA | Research Scientist |
Romashkin, Pavel | APO | Proj Mgr II |
Shields, Christine | CCR | Proj Scientist III |
Anderson, Bill | HPCDSEC | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Bobillo, Serjio | MAINT | Maintenance Mech |
Delaney, Megan | BSS | UCP Assistant Director |
Skumanich, Andy | SOLAR | Casual - Sci III/IV |
Bansemer, Aaron | DPM | Assoc Scientist IV |
Wilson, Jim | HAP | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Bonan, Gordon | TSS | Senior Scientist |
Truesdale, John | AMP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Tribbia, Joseph | AMP | Sr Res Assoc - CAS |
Roberts, Rita | HAP | Casual - Sci III/IV |
Richmond, Art | GEOSPACE | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Haacker, Rebecca | EDEC | NCAR Associate Director & Director of Education and Outreach |
Harrold, Michelle | HAP | Assoc Scientist IV |
Winkler, Malte | COMET | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Winterhalder, Thomas | MAINT | Electrician II |
Vanhove, Teresa | COSMIC | Assoc Scientist IV |
Hornbrook, Rebecca | ESS | Proj Scientist III |
Randel, William | ACRESP | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Bauer, Amy | CISLAODEPT | Administrator IV |
Guerrero, Fabian | NETS | Network Eng IV |
Book, Christina | CGDAO | Budget Analyst III |
Vivekanandan, Jothiram | RSF | Senior Scientist |
Holland, Bill | OS | Sr Res Assoc - CAS |
Nair, Ram | CPAESS | Proj Scientist III |
Knoelker, Michael | HAOAO | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Hannay, Cecile | AMP | Assoc Scientist IV |
Clark, Sharon | SciEd | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Done, James | C3WE | Proj Scientist III |
Pritchard, Sarah | UCARPRESDEPT | Chief Legal Officer |
Schauffler, Sue | ESS | Casual - Assoc Sci III/IV |
Sleziak, Maggie | COSMIC | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Hernandez, John | NETS | Network Eng IV |
Mao, Debbie | ACRESP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Koch, Valerie | NCAROPS | Asst Dir NCAR Budget & Plan |
Daniels, Mike | NCARLIB | Casual - Adm Profl |
Lenschow, Don | DPM | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Palmer, Sherie | ACOMAO | Admin Assistant II |
Patterson, David | FMENG | FAC Energy/Elec Eng, Eng Lead |
Spuler, Scott | RSF | Research Eng IV |
Allison, John | DMS | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Dowdy, Stephen | NRIT | Systems Adr III |
Hu, Aixue | CCR | Proj Scientist III |
Wu, Qian | GEOSPACE | Proj Scientist IV |
Kim, Ju-Hye | WSAP | Assoc Scientist III |
Ha, Soyoung | PARC | Proj Scientist III |
Burns, Sean | DPM | Assoc Scientist IV - NE |
McDaniel, Erin | ECS | Manager, Enterprise Infrastructure & Platforms |
Wehrheim, Nick | NRIT | Systems Adr IV |
Schneider, Timothy | RALAO | Proj Mgr III |
de Toma, Giuliana | SOLAR | Proj Scientist III |
Anderson, Bryan | NETS | Network Eng II |
Lueb, Richard | ESS | Casual - Engineering |
Worden, Helen | ACOMDO | Dep Lab Director |
Oehmke, Robert | CSEG | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Garcia, Rolando | ACRESP | Distinguished Scholar |
Loehrer, Scot | DMS | Assoc Scientist III |
Daves, Joel | ECS | Systems Adr IV |
McInerney, Joseph | GEOSPACE | Assoc Scientist III |
Gille, John | ACRESP | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Vlasity, Barb | NCAROPS | Casual - Admin/Cler I/II |
Knight, Charles | DPM | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Dikpati, Mausumi | SOLAR | Senior Scientist |
Pfister, Gabriele | MODELING | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Phillips, Adam | CAS | Assoc Scientist IV |
Petch, Jonathan | CGDAO | NCAR Assoc Dir |
Gentile, Silvia | CGDAO | Budget Analyst II |
Win-Gildenmeister, Minna | JNT | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Voemel, Holger | SND | Senior Scientist |
Prestopnik, Paul | AAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Weinheimer, Andrew | ESS | Casual - Sci III/IV |
Burghart, Chris | RSF | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Swerdlin, Scott | NSAP | RAL Prog Dir |
Chapin, Elizabeth | CISLAODEPT | Administrator III |
Jelenak, Zorana | CPAESS | Proj Scientist III |
Finley, Aneka | UCARPRESDEPT | Assistant Director, Governance Liaison |
Zhang, Susan | ESA | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Deser, Clara | CAS | Sr Scient Sect Head |
Hahn, David | NSAP | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Megenhardt, Daniel | WSAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Fischer, Chris | CSEG | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Chastang, Julien | UNIDATA | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Ballhaus, Amy | NCAROPS | Administrator III |
Pinto, James | AAP | Proj Scientist III |
Casini, Roberto | SOLAR | Senior Scientist |
Ji, Zaihua | DECS | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Oleson, Keith | TSS | Proj Scientist III |
Ho, Yuan | UNIDATA | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Richter, Yaga | NCAROPS | Special Projects Lead to the NCAR Director |
Swenson, Sean | TSS | Proj Scientist II |
Williamson, Dave | AMP | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Cowan, John | INSTTECH | Technician IV |
Young, Justin | CFODEPT | Chief Financial Officer |
Wiley, Bob | HESS | Director of Employee and Workplace Safety |
Morgan, Kathy | MMMAO | Administrator IV |
Burkepile, Joan | MLSO | Proj Scientist III Sect Head |
Ruttenberg, Rebecca | NSAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Smith, Anne | MODELING | Sr Sci Emeritus |
Williams, George | SWES | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Campbell, Tina | RALAO | Administrator III |
Brucker, Deidre | NRIT | Systems Adr III |
Cummings, Donna | BSS | Budget Analyst I |
Stephens, Britt | SCIandINST | Senior Scientist |
Kiessling, Dolores | COMET | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Cornman, Larry | AAP | Proj Scientist III |
Coen, Janice | DPM | Proj Scientist III |
Braun, John | COSMIC | COSMIC Deputy Director |
Coleman, Dani | AMP | Associate Scientist III - NE |
Orlando, John | ESS | Senior Scientist |
Schmidt, Mike | UNIDATA | Systems Adr IV |
Chen, Chih-Chieh-Jack | AMP | Proj Scientist II |
Gaydos, Andrew | AAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Xu, Mei | HAP | Proj Scientist II |
Newman, Andrew | HAP | Proj Scientist III |
Cross, Julie | BSS | Budget Analyst III |
Bond, Gete | UCARPRESDEPT | Casual - Admin/Cler I/II |
Hawkins, Wendy | HAOAO | Admin Assistant III |
Kong, Rong | PARC | Proj Scientist II |
Zinsli, Diana | CON | Pcard Specialist |
Guarente, Bryan | COMET | Assoc Scientist III |
Phillips, Konnie | NCAROPS | Administrator II |
Hook, Nathan | SAGE | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Grim, Joe | AAP | Proj Scientist II |
Berner, Judith | PARC | Scientist III |
Packard, Lisa | RALAO | Admin Assistant III |
Hertneky, Tracy | JNT | Assoc Scientist III |
Buss, Peter | ECS | Systems Adr IV |
Knipp, Delores | GEOSPACE | Sr Res Assoc - CAS |
Ross-Lazarov, Tsvetomir | COMET | Educational Designer III |
Lawrence, Peter | TSS | Proj Scientist II |
Bubon, Robert | COMET | Systems Adr IV |
Eidhammer, Trude | HAP | Proj Scientist II |
Gutmann, Ethan | HAP | Interim RAL Prog Dir |
Lovell, Rebecca | FPA | Assistant Director, UCAR Financial Planning & Analysis |
Moores, Jessica | FA | Travel Audit Spec III |
Weeks Karkkainen, Courtney | HAP | Assoc Data Scientist III - NE |
Brownrigg, Rick | ISFSE | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Chen, Ming | WMR | Assoc Scientist IV |
Turuncoglu, Ufuk | CSEG | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Cheng, Will | NSAP | Proj Scientist II |
Urist, Daniel | ECS | Systems Adr III |
Shin, Hyeyum (Hailey) | AAP | Proj Scientist II |
Landrum, Laura | PPC | Proj Scientist II |
Liu, Yuewei | NSAP | Assoc Scientist III |
Kalb, Christina | JNT | Assoc Scientist III |
Romine, Glen | NCARSCI | NCAR Senior Advisor to the Director |
Bekele, Endalkachew | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist IV |
Henry, Michael | UCARPRESDEPT | Director of Government Relations |
Bacmeister, Julio | AMP | Senior Scientist |
Schwartz, Craig | PARC | Proj Scientist III |
Arendt, Clayton | SND | Technician IV |
Vincente, Vanessa | COMET | Assoc Scientist III |
Morin, Matthew | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist III |
Tsai, Peisang | APO | Proj Mgr I |
Lenssen, Nathan | CAS | Proj Scientist II - NE |
Newman, Kathryn | JNT | Assoc Scientist IV |
Echo-Hawk, Linda | DMS | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Ulate, Marcela | CPAESS | Proj Scientist I |
Kamrath, Anke | CISLAODEPT | NCAR Lab Dir |
Martinez, Brian | EVENTS | Food Svc Supv |
Dudley, Clint | HESS | Casual - Other Clerical |
Kumar, Rajesh | RALAO | RAL Deputy Director |
Stone, Ken | AAP | Proj Mgr III |
Siems-Anderson, Amanda | WSAP | Assoc Scientist IV |
Rockwell, Alison | EOLAODEPT | Proj Mgr II |
Pedatella, Nicholas | GEOSPACE | Scientist III |
Smith, Neelee | MMMAO | Admin Assistant III |
Bates, Susan | CCR | Proj Scientist II - NE |
Lombardozzi, Danica | TSS | Proj Scientist III - NE |
Medeiros, Brian | CAS | Proj Scientist III |
Zhang, Yongxin | NSAP | Proj Scientist II |
Berkey, Ben | MLSO | Assoc Scientist IV |
Slater, Karen | RALAO | Writer/Editor II |
Grow, Vince | DFS | Instrument Maker IV |
Smith, Andrea | COMET | Assoc Scientist IV |
Adriaansen, Daniel | AAP | Assoc Scientist IV |
Stell, Meghan | HAP | Associate Sci 1 |
Li, Hui | CCR | Proj Scientist II |
Vanderheiden, Peter | ESA | Business Applications Eng |
Boyington, Jasen | MAINT | Maintenance & Facilities Services Operations Manager |
Torrez, Martin | MAINT | Ground Maintenance Lead |
Small, Justin | OS | Proj Scientist III |
Broussard, Susan | RALAO | Senior Proposal Analyst |
Carroll-Smith, Dereka | C3WE | Proj Scientist I |
Walker, Curtis | WSAP | Proj Scientist II |
Hart, Dave | CISLAODEPT | CISL Division Director |
Ruscetta, Sheri | UNIDATA | Administrator III |
Martinez, Andrea | NCARPre-Award | Contract Mgt Analyst |
McCabe, George | AAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Ramey, Matt | NCARLIB | Metrics and Research Impact Specialist |
Cram, Thomas | DECS | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Lee, Jared | WSAP | Proj Scientist II |
Gagne, David John | MILES | Machine Learning Scientist II |
Chartier, Nicholas | NRIT | Systems Adr III |
Paxton, Mike | NRIT | Systems Adr III |
Steinbach, Adolph | FLTOPS | Flight Eng/Mechanic |
Penny, Andrew | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist IV |
Dirks, Douglas | UNIDATA | Writer/Editor III |
Hsu, Chih-Ting | GEOSPACE | Proj Scientist I |
Martinez, Susannah | HESS | HESS Technician |
Rasmussen, Soren | HAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Edwards, Jim | CSEG | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Biswas, Mrinal | JNT | Proj Scientist II |
Phillips, Jennifer | NCARLIB | Library Director |
Grant, Christy | SAGE | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Burge, Daniel | FA | Admin Assistant III |
Xu, Haiying | ASAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Patterson, Mike | CPAESS | Clivar Proj Dir |
Cunning, Jason | SAGE | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Portillo Barron, Fabian | EVENTS | Food Svc Support |
Castruccio, Frederic | OS | Proj Scientist II |
Vaughan, Jeremy | ISGC | Lead Electric/Mech |
Kercher, Michael | COSSEC | Cheyenne Operations Section Facility Manager |
Kruse, Chris | SCIandINST | Proj Scientist II |
Petzke, Bill | WSAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Baker, Jared | HSG | HPC Systems Eng IV |
Werner, Kelly | WMR | Assoc Scientist III |
Arms, Sean | UNIDATA | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Hayman, Matthew | RSF | Proj Scientist III |
Rios-Berrios, Rosimar | DPM | Scientist II |
Hartman, Melannie | TSS | Casual - Assoc Sci I/II |
Mayernik, Matthew | NCARLIB | Proj Scientist III |
Freeman, Mary | EVENTS | Casual - Service Workers |
Johnson, Erik | DMS | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Sobash, Ryan | PARC | Proj Scientist III |
Zhang, Jun | MODELING | Proj Scientist I |
Honomichl, Shawn | ACRESP | Assoc Scientist III |
Brummet, Thomas | WSAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Bonnlander, Brian | SAGE | Data Engineer II |
Jung, BJ | PARC | Proj Scientist II |
Tye, Mari | CCR | Proj Scientist II |
Joseph, Everette | UCARPRESDEPT | NCAR Dir |
Zhang, Cindy | ESA | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Rozoff, Christopher | NSAP | Proj Scientist II |
Wood, Andy | TSS | Proj Scientist IV |
Voelz, Sheri | ASAP | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Mullendore, Gretchen | MMMAO | NCAR Assoc Dir |
Hendricks, Eric | NSAP | Proj Scientist III |
Riddle, Emily | NSAP | Casual - Proj Scientist I/II |
Smith, Ren | ACRESP | Proj Scientist I |
McCrary, Rachel | RISC | Proj Scientist II |
Klockow McClain, Kim | CPAESS | Sr Research Scientist |
Ban, Junmei | PARC | Assoc Scientist IV |
Judt, Falko | WMR | Scientist II |
Kim, Who | OS | Proj Scientist I |
Nusbaumer, Jesse | AMP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Thomas, Cliff | COODEPT | Deputy Chief Operating Officer |
Herrington, Adam | AMP | Proj Scientist II |
Hauser, Thomas | CISLAODEPT | NCAR Lab Dir |
Johnson, Ben | DARES | Proj Scientist I |
Eads, Penny | INSTTECH | Casual - Eng Tech |
Rojas Torres, Carlos | NETS | Network Eng II |
Snyder, Brooks | DMS | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Boone, Beth | CON | Contracts Adr I |
Mizukami, Naoki | HAP | Assoc Scientist IV |
Malmberg, Julie | SciEd | Program Assistant Director |
Jacobs, Neil | CPAESS | Chief Science Advisor |
Fossell, Kate | MMMAO | Proj Mgr II |
Seving, Tom | NRIT | Systems Adr III |
Wieder, Will | TSS | Proj Scientist III |
Zhu, Jiang | PPC | Proj Scientist II |
Martinez, Paul | EMMS | Multimedia Technician II |
Gallagher, Dennis | IG | Engineer IV |
Baker, Allison | ASAP | Proj Scientist III |
Herring, Matthew | HESS | HESS Specialist II |
Foote, Bradley | DFS | Materials and Production Planning Lead |
Roberts, Jonathan | HSG | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Torrez, Bert | MAINT | Maintenance Worker I |
Kavulich, Michael | JNT | Assoc Scientist III |
Fisher, Ward | UNIDATA | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Chaisitti, Tanya | BSS | Budget Analyst II |
Read, David | CASG | Systems Adr I |
Jaye, Abby | C3WE | Assoc Scientist IV |
Hawbecker, Patrick | WSAP | Proj Scientist I |
Knight, Storm | HSG | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Jess, Spencer | EVENTS | Food Svc Generalist |
Alessandrini, Stefano | WSAP | Interim RAL Prog Dir |
Hoch, Sebastian | SND | Research Scientist |
Ford, Jeff | CASG | Systems Adr I |
Willson, Frances | TRANSP | Shuttle Driver |
Russell, James | COMET | Assoc Scientist III |
Omani, Nina | HAP | Associate Scientist III |
Schipper, Gail | ESA | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Vance, David | NRIT | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Rosen, Dan | CSEG | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Kershaw, Helen | DARES | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Lu, Feiyu | CPAESS | Proj Scientist II |
Kay, Junkyung | RSF | Proj Scientist I |
Kailyn, Lily | CISLAODEPT | Casual - Info Svcs Tech |
Munoz-Esparza, Domingo | AAP | Proj Scientist II |
Barre, Jerome | JCSDA | Proj Scientist II |
Perez-Gonzalez, Lisa | MLSO | Assoc Scientist II |
Thayer-Calder, Katherine | PPC | Assoc Scientist III |
Adams, Lori | ESA | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Wild, Justin | ESA | Senior Cloud Solutions Analyst |
Cote, Ken | NRIT | Systems Adr III |
Geinosky, Stephen | ECS | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Galloy, Michael | MLSO | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Zhang, Hailing | COSMIC | Proj Scientist I |
Lin, Hsiao-Chun | COSMIC | Postdoc Fellow II |
Raff, Kenny | ISGC | Maintenance Mech |
Buchholz, Rebecca | ACRESP | Proj Scientist II |
Johnson-Groh, Mara | HAO | |
Pichardo, Manual de Jesus | HAO | |
Cramer, William | HAO | |
Pearse, Scott | VAST | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Frediani, Maria | NSAP | Proj Scientist II |
Ryan, Debbie | ACOMAO | Budget Analyst II |
Dussin, Raphael | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist IV |
Raczka, Brett | DARES | Assoc Data Scientist II |
Singh, Bohar | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist III |
Steinson, Martin | COMET | Proj Mgr II |
Sloan, Valerie | EDEC | Lead for Early-Career Professional Development |
Lee, Justin | CON | Lead Contracts Adr |
Opatz, John | JNT | Assoc Scientist III |
Hewey, Jeremy | ISGC | Lead Electric/Mech |
Gaubert, Benjamin | ACRESP | Proj Scientist II |
May, Ryan | UNIDATA | Unidata Deputy Director |
FitzGerald, Katelyn | VAST | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Rener, Joey | COMET | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Shapiro, Sheryl | HAOAO | Admin Assistant III |
Pendergrass, Angeline | CCR | Proj Scientist II - NE |
Dawson, Nick | HAP | Proj Scientist II |
LeMay, Bo | FLTOPS | Chief Pilot & Op Hd |
Rehme, Matt | VAST | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Kennedy, Daniel | CAS | Proj Scientist I |
Sobtzak, John | RSF | Engineer IV |
McCreight, James | CPAESS | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Dugger, Aubrey | HAP | Proj Mgr II |
Dougherty, Erin | HAP | Proj Scientist I |
Varuolo-Clarke, Arianna | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow II |
Veitel, Hannah | COSMIC | Assoc Data Scientist III |
Matthews, Benjamin | HSG | HPC Systems Eng III |
Pacheco, Gary | COMET | Web Developer III |
Sobhani, Negin | CSG | HPC Consultant II |
Miller, Joseph | ISGC | Electrician I |
Shlyaeva, Anna | CPAESS | Computational Scientist III |
Herbener, Stephen | JCSDA | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Brinkworth, Cam | UCARPRESDEPT | Chief ACO Officer |
Krumhardt, Kristen | OS | Proj Scientist I |
Jeong, Inseong | CPAESS | Proj Scientist II |
Weiss, Jan-Peter | COSMIC | COSMIC Program Director |
Foster, Adrianna | TSS | Proj Scientist II |
Simpson, Isla | CAS | Scient III Sect Head |
Takeishi, Azusa | AMP | Postdoc Fellow I |
Malanushenko, Anna | SOLAR | Proj Scientist II |
Cohen, Lis | COMET | Casual - Assoc Sci III/IV |
Bryans, Paul | SOLAR | Proj Scientist III |
Arey, Dale | COSSEC | Systems Adr II |
Quesada, Sylvia | COMET | Casual - Info Svcs Tech |
Summers, Ayesha | UNIDATA | Administrator II |
Romatschke, Ulrike | RSF | Proj Scientist II |
Breidegam, Jenna | FMENG | Facilities Project Manager |
Jiang, Lipeng | PARC | Scientific Visitor |
Pham, Kevin | GEOSPACE | Proj Scientist I |
Golden, Reva | HESS | HESS Specialist II |
Estrada, Rudy | ESA | Systems Adr IV |
Ross-Lazarov, Sarah | COMET | Casual - Adm Profl |
Purvis, Inken | COSMIC | Admin Assistant III |
Snider, Laura | COMM | Science Communications Mgr |
Huang, Xingying | CAS | Proj Scientist II |
Hoekstra, Matt | UCP | UCP IT Lead |
Cross, Benjamin | CON | Contracts Adr III |
Wong, May | PARC | Proj Scientist II |
RafieeiNasab, Arezoo | HAP | Proj Scientist II |
Cha, Ting-Yu | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow II |
Glanville, Sasha | CCR | Assoc Scientist III |
Stanchfield, Todd | LOG | Import/Export Lead |
Bailey, Kirsten | SUSTAIN | Sustainability Coordinator II |
Garrison, Renate | SS | Site Svcs Coord |
Albright, Michael | FMADMIN | Dep Dir, Facilities Operations |
Fowler, Meg | AMP | Proj Scientist II |
Hewins, Ian | HAOAO | Casual - Assoc Sci III/IV |
Peczkowicz, Kathryn | HAOAO | Administrator II |
Brenner, Scott | ISGC | Maintenance Mech |
Vanderwende, Brian | CSG | HPC Consultant III |
Mattson, Lindsey | JCSDA | Proj Scientist I |
Ortega, Ivan | ACRESP | Proj Scientist I |
Haws, Caroline | MMMAO | Administrator II |
Accame, Willy | C3WE | Casual - Adm Profl |
Heinzeller, Dom | CPAESS | Research Scientist III - CS |
Fox, Alyssa | ESA | Cloud Solutions Analyst |
Jang, Jihyeon | WMR | Assoc Scientist III |
Fewless, Kimberly | RALAO | Assoc Scientist II |
Rugg Stebbins, Alex | AAP | Proj Scientist I |
Lentz, Justin | AAP | Assoc Scientist II |
Gharamti, Moha | DARES | Scientist II |
Cyccone, Jerry | EDEC | Higher Educ Spec II |
Dobbins, Brian | CSEG | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Moulton, Melissa | OS | Project Scientist I |
Smith, Jason | CSPO | Systems Security Eng II |
Lehner, Flavio | CAS | Proj Scientist II - NE |
Reid, Robert | FMADMIN | Director, Facilities Management |
Hudson, Joshua | CON | Contracts Adr II |
White, Dan | ECS | Systems Adr III |
Cozad, Dale | ESA | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Quinn, Caitlyn | HAOAO | Administrator II |
Goodstein, Mack | SND | Engineer III |
Hebert, Francois | JCSDA | Computational Scientist II |
Cherukuru, Nihanth | VAST | Proj Scientist I |
Meech, Scott | NSAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
DuVivier, Alice | PPC | Proj Scientist II |
McCurdy, Andrea | COL | Prog Spec IV |
Perna, Matthew | UNIDATA | Systems Adr III |
Lacatus, Daniela | SOLAR | Proj Scientist I |
Webster, Simon | CSPO | Systems Security Eng III |
Suresh, Supreeth Madapur | ASAP | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Srivastava, Ishita | HAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Kleespies, Tom | SCSG | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Jaroszynski, Stanislaw | VAST | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Robinson, Scott | CPAESS | Admin Assistant III |
Thomas, Ellen | BSS | Administrator II |
Zhang, Zhe | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow II |
Ramos Valle, Alexandra | C3WE | Proj Scientist I |
Cordova, Tom | NCARDIRECTOR | Senior HR Partner |
Hoff, Laura | NCARLIB | Head of Archives |
Paine, Steven | CFODEPT | Treasury Manager |
Sjoberg, Jeremiah | COSMIC | Proj Scientist I |
Lacey, Forrest | NSAP | Proj Scientist II |
Felfelani, Farshid | HAP | Proj Scientist I |
Carnes, Joshua | INSTTECH | Engineer III |
Kent, Julia | VAST | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Bernatsky, Todd | DFS | Engineer III |
Sauer, Jeremy | AAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Epley, Vicki | CON | Procurement Asst |
Kamali, Soudeh | GEOSPACE | Research Eng I |
Jacobson, Darcy | AAP | Assoc Scientist III |
Adler, Matt | NETS | Network Eng III |
Albrecht, Tom | FPA | Budget Analyst III |
Aponte, Kristen | NCAROPS | NCAR Assistant Director of CORE |
Stevens, Peggy | UCARPRESDEPT | Administrator I |
Wharton, Jan | EOLADMIN | Admin Assistant III |
Van Sky, Karrey | SS | Site Svcs Coord |
Pruitt, Scott | UCARPRESDEPT | Casual - Adm Profl |
Macarewich, Sophia | PPC | Proj Scientist I |
Suhr, Isabel | ISFSE | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Bell, Brianne | HR | Lead Compensation Analyst |
Dewerd, Catherine | RAFSE | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Johnson, Benjamin | JCSDA | Proj Scientist III |
Dawson, Eliza | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow I |
Lin, Dong | GEOSPACE | Proj Scientist I |
Anderson, Michael | UCARPRESDEPT | Sr Assoc General Counsel |
Ritter, Steve | NCARPre-Award | Budget Analyst II |
Alland, Joshua | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist IV |
Bramberger, Martina | MODELING | Scientist II |
Wills, Samantha | CPAESS | Prog Spec III |
Tamagni, Andrew | ECS | Systems Adr III |
Cain, Kristi | CISLAODEPT | Administrator I |
Morrison, Monica | TSS | Prog Spec III |
Leach, James | TRANSP | Shuttle Driver |
West, Terry | TRANSP | Shuttle Driver |
Oldenburg, Dylan | CCR | Postdoc Fellow I |
McAllister, Molly | CPAESS | Higher Educ Spec III |
Chen, Sisi | HAP | Proj Scientist II |
Seger, Tim | DFS | Instrument Maker III |
Wilson, Matthew | AAP | Proj Scientist I |
Altuntas, Alper | OS | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Thornton, Matt | FLTOPS | Flight Eng/Mechanic |
Welch, Brittany | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow I |
Medina Luna, Lorena | NCAROPS | Prog Spec II |
Waterstreet, Mary | COSSEC | Administrator I |
Tavarez, Kelvin | EMMS | Multimedia Technician II |
Lin, Tzu-Shun | HAP | Proj Scientist I |
Marques, Gustavo | OS | Scientist II |
DeCastro, Amy | NSAP | Proj Scientist I |
Stillwell, Robert | RSF | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Javornik, Brenda | RSF | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Mazrooei, Amir | HAP | Proj Scientist I |
Bhargava, Kriti | JCSDA | Proj Scientist I |
Cherniak, Iurii | COSMIC | Proj Scientist II |
Leguy, Gunter | PPC | Proj Scientist II |
Lingerfelt, Eric | JCSDA | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Dang, Cheng | JCSDA | Proj Scientist I |
Dagon, Katie | CCR | Proj Scientist II |
Hale, Derek | ISGC | Electrician I |
Tang, Wenfu | ACRESP | Proj Scientist II |
Schmitz, Joanna | UCARPRESDEPT | Executive Asst to the UCAR President |
Brown, Cena | ASAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Anderson, Wendy | OGC | Research Compliance Analyst |
Abdi-Oskouei, Maryam | JCSDA | Computational Scientist I |
Raizman, Dean | SS | Site Svcs Coord |
O'Neill, Joseph | NRIT | Systems Adr II |
He, Cenlin | HAP | Proj Scientist II |
Arnold, Melinda | NCARPre-Award | Manager of Pre-award Administration |
Johnson, Ryan | NRIT | Soft Eng/Prog II |
McCauley-Hartner, Auliya | EDEC | Prog Spec II |
Irwin, Melissa | RALAO | Budget Analyst II |
Alvich, Jason | CPAESS | Soft Eng/Prog III |
McCluskey, Alyssa | HAP | Proj Mgr II |
Wang, Susan | ESA | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
James, Carolyn | ESA | Cloud Solutions Analyst |
McCluskey, Christina | CAS | Proj Scientist II |
Bush, Shaun | ACOMAO | Administrator I |
Nayak, Shelley | NCARLIB | Library Technician II |
Readle, Simmi | NCAROPS | Graphic Artist III |
Fourment, Tiffany | DEVPART | Community Relations Specialist |
Karboski, Adam | RSF | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Bernardez, Miguel | CPAESS | Postdoc Researcher |
McCartney, Brandon | COSSEC | NWSC Asst Ops Mgr |
Lave, Joshua | AAP | Assoc Scientist II |
Storm, Joshua | APG | Technician II |
Paulk, Jay | MAINT | Electrician I |
Fair, Travis | ECS | Help Desk Technician II |
Faircloth, Elizabeth | CGDAO | Administrator II |
Byrd, Sara | NCARLIB | User Experience Spec |
Ameko, Agbeli | CODE | Educational Designer I |
Kessenich, Lee | RISC | Assoc Scientist II |
Eghdami, Masih | WSAP | Proj Scientist I |
Olivarez, Holly | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow I |
Richling, Justin | AMP | Assoc Scientist II |
Wu, Haonan | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow II |
Ebrahimi, Hamideh | JCSDA | Proj Scientist I |
Cardarelli, Paul | MAINT | Maintenance Mech |
Huebler, Gunther | ASAP | Grad Res Asst/Post - NE |
Kerner, Nancy Sue | MMMAO | Admin Assistant III |
Matthews, Mary Helen | OGC | Sr Assoc General Counsel |
Shaub, Emma | HSG | HPC Systems Eng II |
Sharon, Tarah | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist IV |
Ruchti, Carol | DMS | Assoc Scientist II |
Warren, Michael | NCARBP | Budget Analyst III |
Yang, Zihao | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow I |
Benson, David | CPAESS | Prog Spec III |
Patnaude, Ryan | AMP | Postdoc Fellow I |
Englebrecht, Dana | EVENTS | Food Svc Generalist |
Li, Weiwei | JNT | Proj Scientist II |
VanHoof, April | RALAO | Budget Analyst II |
Mullally, Dawn | CPAESS | Writer/Editor III |
Do, Virginia | CODE | Higher Educ Spec II |
Kaiser, Mary | CON | Subcontract/Procurement Mgr |
Richards, Sarah | COODEPT | Internal Auditor |
Conroy, Riley | DECS | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Palmer, Brenda | ESA | Quality Assurance Test Eng |
Brody, Frank | COMET | Casual - Assoc Sci III/IV |
Sierra, Diane | HR | Total Rewards Coordinator |
Lauer, Emily | COSMIC | Sr. Security Compliance Analyst |
Potkay, Aaron | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow II |
Larson, Lisa | CISLAODEPT | Admin Assistant III |
Brundege, Sue | HR | Assistant Director Talent Management |
Minallah, Samar | CCR | Proj Scientist I |
Huang, Xin | TSS | Postdoc Fellow II |
Vahl, Steven | JCSDA | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Hardy Gas, Clementine | JCSDA | Assoc Scientist III |
Leung, Danny | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow II |
Baker, Tracy | HESS | Admin Assistant III |
Carlile, Andrew | IG | Engineer III |
Dobbins, Mason | NRIT | Systems Adr I |
Hagen, Emma | SciEd | Prog Spec II |
Wasson, Summer | COSSEC | Outreach & Training Spec II |
Booth, William | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist IV |
Lee, Walker | AMP | Postdoc Fellow II |
Dunaway, Greg | NRIT | Systems Adr III |
LeFevre, Karla | HPCDSEC | Writer/Editor II |
Shrake, Nicole | CON | Lead Contracts Adr |
Hahn, Lily | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow II |
Dong, Wenhao | CPAESS | Proj Scientist II |
Chapman, Katie | SciEd | Administrator I |
Hancock, Jeff | AAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Patton, Chris | TS | Sr Tech Security Administrator |
Horvey, Bryan | LOG | Logistics Ops Clerk II |
Letourneau, Naomi | ESA | Associate Cloud Solutions Analyst |
Lyons, Natalie | ESA | Workday Solutions Lead |
Zietlow, Daniel | EDEC | Educational Designer II |
Snode-Brenneman, Emily | SciEd | Prog Spec III |
Wild, Katharyne | EITDEPT | Administrator II |
Rummel, Melissa | SciEd | Educational Designer I |
Juliano, Timothy | WSAP | Proj Scientist II |
Blitz, Thomas | AAP | Proj Mgr I |
Khoury, Alia | CON | Contracts Adr I |
Gibney, Ethan | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist IV |
Sluka, Travis | JCSDA | Computational Scientist II |
Thomas, Anna | CON | Contracts Manager |
Molina, Maria | CCR | Proj Scientist I - NE |
Lopez, William | COSMIC | Soft Eng/Prog III |
del Moral Mendez, Anna | RSF | Proj Scientist I |
Amodeo, Todd | EDEC | Administrator I |
Shams, Shima | NSAP | Proj Scientist I |
Williams, Kate | FA | Accountant III |
Mitchell, Charlie | NCARBP | Asst Dir NCAR Budget & Plan |
Trabing, Ben | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist III |
Ward, Kim | FLTOPS | Aircraft Mech |
Killinger, Molly | NCAROPS | Proj Mgr II |
Williams, Shelby | NRIT | Systems Adr I |
Marchais, Victor | JCSDA | Assoc Scientist III |
Modlin, Daniel | FMENG | Facilities Project Manager |
Tillotson, Jenett | HSG | HPC Systems Eng III |
Gibbs, Philip | JCSDA | Proj Mgr III |
Zhang, Liping | CPAESS | Proj Scientist III |
Casali, Matthew | HAP | Assoc Scientist III |
Witte, Jacquelyn | ISFSEC | Mgr Tech Facility |
Clifford, Luis | NCAROPS | Engineer IV |
Chapman, Will | AMP | Proj Scientist I |
Feng, Mary | RALAO | Administrator III |
Dickerson, Dylan | WMR | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Swofford, Alisha | COODEPT | UCAR Chief Operating Officer |
Delany, Liam | NETS | Technician II |
Roozitalab, Behrooz | ACRESP | Proj Scientist I |
Degnan, Amelia | CSPO | Project Analyst |
Barnes, Kellie | CSPO | Cybersecurity Risk and Compliance Analyst |
Palm, Brett | ESS | Scientist I |
Rabenold, Christa | CPAESS | Writer/Editor III |
Gulbraa, Rachel | CPAESS | Writer/Editor III |
Sharp, Kathie | CON | Lead Contracts Adr |
Freeman, Richard | INSTTECH | Technician III |
Wei, Shih-Wei | JCSDA | Postdoc Fellow II |
Huang, Gwo-Jong | RSF | Visitor - Casual |
Lu, Cheng Hsuan | JCSDA | Sr Research Scientist |
Orange, Daniel | ECS | Systems Adr II |
Zmarzly, Patrick | IG | Engineer III |
Sha, Kyle | PARC | Postdoc Fellow II |
Bernhardt, Elizabeth | IG | Engineer I |
Mandli, Kyle | PPC | Casual - Proj Scientist I/II |
Collins, Buddy | NETS | Network Eng I |
Torrance, Wendy | NCARDIRECTOR | Proj Mgr II |
De Simone, KelleeAnne | NCAROPS | Administrator II |
Choi, Daniel | DMS | Soft Eng/Prog I |
Winstead, Tyler | COMET | Web Developer II |
Ortigoza, David | SND | Engineer III |
Gram, Wendy | COMET | COMET Deputy Director |
Zavala, Chris | NRIT | Systems Adr II |
Ruston, Benjamin | JCSDA | Sr Research Scientist |
Prestley, Robert | PARC | Assoc Scientist III |
Baily, Scott | NETS | Visitor - Casual |
Sun, Tao | PARC | Proj Scientist I |
Chandrakar, Kamal Kant | DPM | Proj Scientist I |
Eroglu, Orhan | VAST | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Bolton, Jennifer | RALAO | Administrator I |
Habegger, Christopher | MAINT | Maintenance Plumber |
Wieringa, Molly | EDEC | ASP Postdoctoral Fellow |
Amrhein, Dan | OS | Scientist II |
Walker, Angie | FMADMIN | Administrator I |
Tang, Guoqiang | TSS | Proj Scientist I |
Tachera, Diamond | C3WE | Proj Scientist I |
Lybarger, Nick | HAP | Proj Scientist I |
Watts, Daniel | NRIT | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Damiani, Stefania | HR | Recruiter |
Gopal, Abishek | WMR | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Diniz, Fabio | JCSDA | Proj Scientist II |
Zakharenkova, Irina | COSMIC | Proj Scientist II |
Crane, Benjamin | RSF | Technician III |
Dammann, Rachel | GOV | Prog Spec II |
Nelson, Brianne | JNT | Assoc Scientist II |
Metzger, Luis | SWES | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Hirsch, Adam | COMET | Assoc Scientist III |
Johnston, Benjamin | CPAESS | Proj Scientist I |
Gawlowski, Krista | NCARLIB | Collections Strategies Librarian |
Enzminger, Tom | HAP | Proj Scientist I |
Mayfield, Will | JNT | Assoc Scientist III |
Nardi, Kyle | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow I |
Lin, Haipeng | AMP | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Harris, Austin | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow II |
Baldwin, Tracey | CPAESS | CPAESS Assistant Director |
Tsuda, Thao | CON | Contracts Adr II |
Malasala, Murali Nageswara Rao | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist II |
Hernandez Banos, Ivette | PARC | Proj Scientist I |
Huang, Kai | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow II |
Camron, Drew | UNIDATA | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Dawson, Matthew | MODELING | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Roden, Chris | ISFS | Engineer IV |
Franchin, Alessandro | ESS | Proj Scientist I |
Mueller, Mike | CPAESS | Proj Scientist II |
Velissariou, Panagiotis | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist III |
Becker, Charlie | MILES | Assoc Data Scientist II |
Carlson, Kimberlee | HR | Lead Benefits Analyst |
Gantos, Gabrielle | MILES | Assoc Data Scientist II |
Meyer, Tiffany | UNIDATA | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Smith, Brianna | COMET | Assoc Scientist II |
Mason, Beth | CON | Contracts Adr II |
Ulaszek, Rebecca | FMENG | Proj Mgr III |
Duncan, Devon | HR | Talent & Learning Development Lead |
Cotter, Marc | MLSO | Assoc Scientist III |
Woelfel, Beverley | FA | Travel Audit Spec III |
Jin, Yuming | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow II |
Tomsula, Liz | EITDEPT | Administrator II |
Zacharias, Anissa | VAST | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Schreck, John | MILES | Machine Learning Scientist II |
Schumacher, Andrea | PARC | Proj Scientist I |
Gullotta, William | COSMIC | Engineer III |
Gillespie, Trey | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist III |
Madden, Greg | EITDEPT | Chief Information Officer |
Wang, He | CPAESS | Proj Scientist II |
Starr, Jon | ACRESP | Assoc Scientist II |
Sun, Jian | ASAP | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Lamb, Zach | EVENTS | Dishwasher |
Myers, Brendan | CCR | Casual - Assoc Sci I/II |
Neph, David | FA | Accounts Payable Mgr |
Mower, Ross | HAP | Assoc Scientist III |
Weisshaar, Chad | CPAESS | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Werner, Aric | HSG | HPC Systems Eng III |
Abolafia-Rosenzweig, Ronnie | HAP | Proj Scientist I |
Ash, Lori | HR | Total Rewards Specialist |
Klotz, Brad | RSF | Proj Scientist II |
Burke, Damon | IG | Engineer III |
Bauters, Jessica | UCARPRESDEPT | Writer/Editor III |
Cannistraci, Alyssa | CPAESS | Prog Spec II |
Mayer, Kirsten | CCR | Proj Scientist I |
Hodge, Lynne | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist I |
Ridener, Christopher | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist II |
Stephens, Benjamin | AMP | Proj Scientist I |
Zinkann, Ann-Christine | CPAESS | Prog Spec III |
Corbin, Nicole | UNIDATA | Educational Designer II |
Howard, Daniel | CSG | HPC Consultant II |
Kiessling, Ariana | COMET | Casual - Web Developer I |
Peverley, Courtney | AMP | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Koch, Heather | BSS | CPAESS Administrator II |
Wolfson, Katie | ETCCENTER | Outreach & Training Spec III |
Steele, Christopher | MAINT | Building Automation Controls Specialist |
Parchman, Shelly | FA | Senior Payroll Administrator |
Wilcox, Alejandra | COODEPT | Writer/Editor II |
Price, Natalie | FA | Accountant III |
Baca, Damien | NETS | Technician II |
Zhang, Yingxiao | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow I |
Aderhold, Nathan | NCARPre-Award | Budget Analyst III |
Fleri, Joseph | OGC | Export and Research Security Compliance Program Manager |
Lesko, Kirk | ESS | Engineer I |
Lampe, Joel | BSS | Administrator I |
Wirz, Christopher | PARC | Proj Scientist I |
Cains, Mariana | PARC | Proj Scientist I |
Swearengin, Dominique | FA | Travel Audit Spec III |
Landis, Audrey | DFS | Engineer II |
Vara, Marissa | SciEd | Interim NSF SOARS Program Lead |
Brokaw, Amy | UCARPRESDEPT | Casual - Info Services |
Meyer, Alex | CPAESS | Graphic Artist II |
Stilling, Rosalyn | COMM | Media Spec |
Stoner-Osborne, Blake | EDEC | Student Visitor |
Gunlock, Aaron | INSTTECH | Technician II |
Li, Zhe | CPAESS | Postdoc Researcher |
Miller, Caroline | BSS | Administrator I |
Chmielowiec, Philip | VAST | Soft Eng/Prog I |
Rabin, Sam | TSS | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Jeffers, Mitchell | IG | Engineer II |
Neidigh, Joshua | COSMIC | SPS-BSS Manager of Business Administration |
Qiao, Zishun | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow I |
Raizman, Samuel | APG | Engineer I |
Bey, Genie | CPAESS | Prog Spec II |
Avila, Lixion | CPAESS | Casual - Admin/Cler III |
Boris, Joseph | FLTOPS | Aircraft Mech |
Davis, Kyle | SWES | Soft Eng/Prog I |
Tian, Yang | AMP | Scientist I |
Vu, Ivana | INSTTECH | Research Aviation Facility (RAF) Technician III |
Catron, Amanda | CPAESS | Prog Spec II |
LaConte, Keliann | COMET | Educational Designer III |
Kukulies, Julia | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow II |
Romero, Gary | COSMIC | Systems Adr III |
Recalde, Gloria | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist II |
Ling, Pam | RISK | Insurance Specialist |
Weaver, Lori | EITDEPT | Manager, User Experience & Support Services |
Starling, Mark | MAINT | Maintenance Worker II |
Park, Jun | PARC | Assoc Scientist II |
Das, Shiv | CPAESS | Prog Spec III |
Emmenegger, Todd | AMP | INFORM COMPASS Postdoc |
Perman, Heidi | UCP | Assistant Director Strategic Partnerships |
Goldsmith, Kaity | CPAESS | Prog Spec IV |
Sampson, Christian | JCSDA | Proj Scientist I |
Wiese, Anthony | ISFS | Technician III |
Rodd, Kate | CPAESS | Prog Spec II |
Stuivenvolt-Allen, Jacob | NSAP | Proj Scientist I |
Cortes-Hernandez, Luis | CPAESS | Prog Spec II |
Lichtig, Pablo | MODELING | Postdoc Fellow I |
Pfenning, Carlene | CON | Contracts Adr II |
Johnson, Silvia | SS | Administrator I |
Lawton, Quinton | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow I |
DeRoia, Diane | HR | Assistant Director Total Rewards |
Wlodek, Alicja | CON | Contracts Adr II |
Richardson, Angela | NCAROPS | Proj Mgr III |
Ye, Qing | ESS | Scientist I |
Lojko, Alex | WMR | Postdoc Fellow I |
Puritz, Alexandra | CPAESS | Prog Spec III |
Colegrove, Domi | NCARPMO | Proj Mgr II |
Simpson, Lee-ann | COMET | Assoc Scientist III |
Myron-Karels, Meghan | HR | Recruiter |
King, Teagan | CCR | Assoc Data Scientist II |
Wick, Daniel | EOLADMIN | Administrator II |
Kirk, Ben | CSG | HPC Consultant IV |
Pierce, Jesse | CASG | Systems Adr I |
Lewis, Michael | NRIT | Systems Adr II |
Rodman, Will | NRIT | Systems Adr I |
Sullivan, Kevin | BSS | Budget Analyst II |
Espinoza, Ana | UNIDATA | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Rhodes, Westley | ECS | Help Desk Technician II |
Harms, Joshua | OGC | Legal Specialist - NE |
Hansen, Taylor | ECS | Web Solutions Analyst |
Tam, Rachel | CISLAODEPT | Intern |
Olson, Lucas | HR | Senior Immigration Specialist |
Shores, Kyle | MODELING | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Marranzino, Ashley | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist III |
Henderson, Jennifer S. | MMMAO | Budget Analyst II |
Chestnut, Wayne | TS | Tech Security Spec |
Chen, Jimmy | NCARLIB | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Stephene, Brittani | UCPPROG | Writer/Editor III |
Cacapit, Ahmi | EDEC | Student Visitor |
Payne, Kathryn | COMET | Proj Mgr II |
Reno, Michael | CPAESS | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Morgan, Macy | CSPO | Systems Adr II |
Resendiz, Edgar | ISGC | Electrician I |
Payeur, Maggie | CPAESS | Mtg Planner II |
Honeman, Justin | CON | Contracts Adr II |
Dewantini, Demitria | CON | Contracts Adr I |
Farahani, Mozhgan | TSS | Hydrology/Land Modeling Post Doc Fellow |
Woods, Sarah | SCIandINST | Assoc Scientist III |
Jamison, Amanda | CFO | Controller |
Faria, Genevieve | RSF | Technician III |
Anderson, Talia | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow I |
Zoet, Zac | CON | Contracts Adr I |
Rabern, Shelley | CPAESS | Mtg Planner II |
Fellman, Benjamin | EDEC | Intern |
Nicewonger, William | COMET | Engineer II |
Dimoh, Patrick | HR | Talent Acquisition Lead |
Montano, Patty | EDEC | Prog Spec III |
Montelongo, Josue | EVENTS | Asst Chef |
Patel, Nir | IG | Engineer II |
Wilson, Maurice | HAOAO | Proj Scientist I |
Smith, Marlee | DARES | Soft Eng/Prog I |
Manikhavel, Nandhy | CIODEPUTY | Proj Mgr II |
Rehme, Leanne | SciEd | Outreach & Training Spec II |
Neuman, Brett | CSG | HPC Consultant I |
Cribelli, Rebecca | CPAESS | Admin Assistant II |
Deck, Clara | CPAESS | Writer/Editor II |
Daskam, Jeff | EVENTS | Events Svcs Mgr |
Wurzel, Michael | SUSTAIN | Sustainability Manager |
Holmes, Jessica | OS | Grad Res Asst/Post - NE |
Painter, Abraham | CON | Contracts Adr II |
Hsia, Alex | NETS | Network Eng IV |
Cooper, Patrick | CPAESS | AI Architect |
Loyd, Susan | CON | Lead Contracts Adr |
Perkins, Emma | PPC | Student Asst I CAS |
Vance, Tanya | UNIDATA | Prog Spec IV |
Ehmann, Laura | RALAO | Budget Analyst I |
Herring, Sarah | CPAESS | Admin Assistant II |
Bonelli, Wes | CPAESS | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Murray-Kurzban, Vicki | COMET | Casual - Adm Profl |
Owen, Courtney | ESS | Engineer II |
Owen, Hannah | FA | AR/Ecommerce Admin |
Ozersky, Laurel | COMET | Educational Designer II |
Martin, Thomas | UNIDATA | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Webb, Jesse | EMMS | Multimedia Technician I |
Sepp, Christopher | EMMS | Multimedia Technician I |
Lamkin, Carlos | FPA | Data Analytics and Business Intelligence Analyst |
Antell, Daniel | CASG | Systems Adr I |
Hallock, Jordan | ESA | Applications Support Specialist |
Dorji, Jigmei | FA | Financial Analyst |
Martinez, Ryan | ISGC | Maintenance Worker I |
Farid, Samaiyah | SOLAR | Proj Scientist I |
Denkyi, Kwabena | COMET | Proj Mgr II |
Martinez, Jessica | CPAESS | Mtg Planner II |
Correll, Akio | CPAESS | Educational Designer III |
Bronaugh, Ella | MMMAO | Admin Assistant II |
Parottil, Ajay | MODELING | Postdoc Fellow II |
Martinez, Shantel | UCARPRESDEPT | ACO Specialist II |
Dhavale, Shreyas | CPAESS | Predoctoral Fellow II - NE |
Burris, Veronica | NCAROPS | Admin Assistant II |
Trahan, Mea | CSG | HPC Consultant I |
Young, James | NCAROPS | Admin Assistant III |
Houlihan, Erin | COMET | Assoc Scientist II |
Swartz, Stephen | FA | Acct Pay/Trav Lead |
Fernandez, Daniel | EVENTS | Food Svc Supv |
Cooper, Stonie | UNIDATA | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Garrison, Jessica | CPAESS | Prog Spec I |
Walters, Grant | CPAESS | Sr Learning & Development Advisor |
Gregory, Alison | CPAESS | Prog Spec III |
DeBellis, Keila | CGDAO | Admin Assistant III |
Rome, Nicholas | COL | Senior Program Manager |
Vigil, Antonio | APG | Technician II |
Swanson, Sarah | UCARPRESDEPT | Assistant Director, Friends of the National Center |
Murillo Greene, Elisa | WMR | Postdoc Fellow II |
Morris, Alex | NCARPMO | Project Analyst |
Renderman Patrick, Angela | HR | Senior HR Partner |
Franda, Ian | VAST | Student Asst II CAS |
Edmondson, Masha | COL | Prog Spec II |
Wilson, Cassie | COL | Prog Spec II |
Desai, Kruti | COL | Prog Spec III |
Fillingham, Katie | COL | Prog Spec II |
Brodeur, Melissa | COL | Prog Spec IV |
Sena, Daniel | CGDAO | Admin Assistant II |
Phipps, Kate | NRIT | Systems Adr I |
Jaret, Jessica | CON | Contracts Adr I |
Sharma, Pinki | RALAO | Admin Assistant III |
Froehlich, Ben | AE | Engineer II |
Ferrell, John | ECS | Help Desk Technician |
Brown, Alexa | HR | Recruiter |
Swanson, Chloe | EOLADMIN | Admin Assistant III |
Bush, Anabel | NETS | Admin Assistant II |
Davis, Halle | EOLADMIN | Admin Assistant III |
DiMartino, Joe | COSMIC | Systems Adr I |
Li, Yuanpu | AMP | Postdoc Fellow II |
Rodriguez, Aaron | ECS | Help Desk Technician |
McUmber, Evy | EDEC | Educational Designer I |
Walz, Teresa | CGDAO | Admin Assistant III |
Russell, Lori | NCAROPS | Web Developer I |
Wabst, Megan | UCARPRESDEPT | Prog Spec II |
Lafferty, Tanya | FA | Accountant I |
McMahan, Jessica | HR | Talent & Learning Development Specialist |
Raftery, Claire | GOV | Higher Educ Spec I - NE |
Zhu, Feng | PPC | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Giordano, Katherine | HR | HR Specialist |
Flynt, Bryan | CPAESS | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Bright, Neil | NRIT | Assistant Director, Research IT |
Miller, Nicole | CPAESS | Prog Spec III |
Melani, Ethan | MAINT | Maintenance Worker I |
Welch, Erik | FA | Accountant I |
Aucone, Michael | MAINT | Maintenance Worker I |
Larkin-Swartout, Alyse | CPAESS | Prog Spec III |
Russell, Fred | SS | Security & Site Srvs Mgr |
Casey, Sean | CPAESS | Proj Scientist II |
Torres, David | CSPO | Systems Security Eng II |
Roy, Tori | CPAESS | Prog Spec I |
Fitzpatrick, Jordyn | HR | HR Generalist - Employee Relations Investigations |
Veres, Patrick | SCIandINST | Scientist III |
Mays, Elizabeth | SciEd | Outreach & Training Spec I |
Michel, Richard | UNIDATA | Administrator III |
Nelson, Connor | CPAESS | Proj Scientist I |
Sanders, Dylan | NETS | Student Asst I NE |
Griffin, Ashley | JCSDA | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Parker, Evan | JCSDA | Soft Eng/Prog IV |
Zhang, Tammy | VAST | Student Asst II CAS |
Solner, Keri Dawn | CPAESS | Mtg Planner II |
Rossi, Elizabeth | CPAESS | Graphic Artist II |
Maticka, Sam | JCSDA | Computational Scientist I |
Islas, Anthony | WMR | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Samide, Liah | EVENTS | Catering Coordinator/Menu Planner |
McLaren, Melanie | HR | Senior Human Resources Data Analyst |
Rosky, Elise | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow I |
Welsh, Nick | MAINT | Electrician I |
Tye, Robyn | MMMAO | Admin Assistant III |
Vargas Oviedo, Claudia | FA | Travel Audit Spec III |
Jarolim, Robert | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow II |
Carter, Courtney | FPA | Budget Analyst II |
Neuhaus, Meghan | COMET | Proj Mgr II |
Nifoussi, David | FPA | Budget Analyst II |
Wright Fairbanks, Liza | CPAESS | Prog Spec III |
Hossen, Jakir | CPAESS | Proj Scientist I |
Applegate, Jim | CPAESS | Web Developer III |
Russo, Jack | FPA | Budget Analyst II |
Markowski, Brent | FLTOPS | Pilot |
Walker, Mark | ECS | Help Desk Technician II |
Zarzana, Kyle | ESS | Assoc Scientist II |
Cuevas Morales, Jennifer | IG | Intern |
Nirschl, Maddy | COMM | Writer/Editor II |
Riley, Sheila | COSSEC | Janitorial and Housekeeping Worker |
Kimpara, Dhamma | MILES | Grad Res Asst/Post - NE |
Cote, Nick | HPCDSEC | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Whitehead, Carie | CIODEPUTY | Educational Designer II |
Burkart, Stephanie | EVENTS | Dishwasher |
Martin, Melissa | FLTOPS | Casual - Pilot |
Mihala, Haily | HR | Sr Comp Analyst |
Kelp, Makoto | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow II |
Dove, Lily | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow II |
Urbowicz, Nicole | FA | Accounting Tech II |
Spingos, Markos | FLTOPS | Casual - Pilot |
Vogt-Vincent, Noam | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow II |
Rattanasriampaipong, Ronnie | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow II |
Gim, Jiwon | MODELING | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Quagraine, Kwesi Akumenyi | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow II |
Vail Castro, Cyndi | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow II |
Arshad, Arfan | HAP | Postdoc Fellow I |
Benson, Alayne | COMET | Writer/Editor II - NE |
Kumari, Komal | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow II |
Afonso, David | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow II |
Roy, Puja | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow II |
Zhang, Peijin | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow II |
Payne, Courtney | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow II |
Kansabanik, Devojyoti | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow II |
Kerfoot, Raegan | BSS | Mtg Planner II |
Waterfall, Charlotte | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow II |
Lin, Mei-Yun | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow II |
Crescenzo, Chelsey | EVENTS | Banquet Captain |
Kampert, Kailyn | CGDAO | Admin Assistant III |
Burnham, Chad | NETS | Visitor - Casual |
Waxmonsky, Michael | CISL | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Johnson, Alyssa | CPAESS | Prog Spec II |
Nusbaum, David | AAP | Student Asst II CAS |
Sulek, Michelle | COODEPT | Admin Assistant III |
Gururaj, Sudarshan | NETS | Network Eng II |
Gum, Joseph | SAGE | Assoc Scientist III |
McCracken, Natasha | CPAESS | Web Developer III |
Smith, Kristin | JCSDA | Writer/Editor I |
Davis, Kelly | CPAESS | Prog Spec II |
Quaglia, Ilaria | MODELING | Proj Scientist I |
Hicks, Justin | SND | Technician II |
Knisely, Joseph | CPAESS | Predoctoral Fellow II - NE |
Conroy, Rachel | COSMIC | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Faber, Emily | CPAESS | Predoctoral Fellow II - NE |
Brannan, Allie | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist III |
Monroe, Kimberly | HESS | Human Factors Engineer |
Busby, Kevin | COSSEC | Supercomputing Operator I-2 |
Crossette, Nate | JCSDA | Computational Scientist I |
Stuebing, David | BSS | Administrator I |
Max, Lauren | EVENTS | Food Svc Supv |
Henkels, Jeff | EVENTS | Event Services Lead |
Durfee, Bryant | COSSEC | Supercomputing Operator I-1 |
Ko, Yao-Chun | COSMIC | Student Asst II CAS |
McComiskey, Allison | NCAROPS | NCAR Assoc Dir |
Tinney, Emily | ACRESP | Postdoc Fellow I |
Jackson, Leslie | BSS | Admin Assistant III |
Carrillo, Kammie | BSS | Admin Assistant III |
Hsu, Ango | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist IV |
Cho, Changmin | ESS | Postdoc Fellow I |
McLawrence, Rachel | RALAO | Admin Assistant II |
Landeros, Jaime | GEOSPACE | Intern |
Vidal Urbina, Andres | CPAESS | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Sullivan, Timothy | NCAROPS | Engineer IV |
Rao, Nikhil | GEOSPACE | Soft Eng/Prog I |
Harper, Paul | FLTOPS | Chief Aircr Maint |
Apala Flaherty, Willie | CPAESS | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Boenish, Hans | NCAROPS | Aeronautical Eng |
Proulx, Edward | AE | Pilot |
Andonian, Alexandria | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist III |
Roberts, Stephanie | NCAROPS | Prog Spec II |
Schneck, Cora | VAST | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Klopsch, Samuel | NCARLIB | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Wittig, James | WMR | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Coward, Georgia | COL | Prog Spec II |
Munaf, Saad | FA | Systems Adr III |
Hickmann, Kaitlyn | COMM | Writer/Editor II |
Bell, Christa | COMM | Writer/Editor II |
Feldman, Shira | RSDSEC | Writer/Editor II |
Wilson, Corrin | CFODEPT | Executive Asst I |
Lyday, Kayla | COSSEC | Admin Assistant II |
Wang, Kuan-Chih | WMR | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Petroni, Valentina | COSMIC | Assoc Scientist I |
Zhang, Jiahua | COSMIC | Proj Scientist I |
Meinke, Bonnie | UCARPRESDEPT | Director of External Engagement & Business Development |
Mowry, Claire | UCPPROG | Proj Mgr II |
Merket, Audrey | NCAR | Writer/Editor I |
Sattler McQuillan, Pilar | COODEPT | Dialogue Program Manager |
Rooney, Christopher | CFO | Administrator II |
Dean, Kate | CPAESS | Educational Designer I |
Rountree, Emily | CPAESS | Prog Spec II |
Parsley, Kerri | CPAESS | Admin Assistant II |
Jackson, Kelly | EOLADMIN | Administrator I |
Jude, Stephen | FLTOPS | Pilot |
Byers, Emma | UCARPRESDEPT | Prog Spec II |
Zieber, Rebecca | COMET | Assoc Scientist II |
LoRusso, Joseph | FLTOPS | Casual - Pilot |
Dennis, Hannah | HR | Executive Asst I |
Orzechowski, Emily | DEVPART | Government Relations Specialist |
Aguilar, Timothy | TRANSP | Shuttle Driver |
Carn, Levin | CPAESS | Systems Adr III |
Balotin, Lauren | CPAESS | Prog Spec II |
Russell, Millie | EVENTS | Food Svc Generalist |
Bellfi, Carole | BSS | Admin Assistant III |
Cozad, Sam | CISLAODEPT | Budget Analyst I |
Wang, Jessica | CSG | Higher Educ Spec I |
Hofmann, Ryan | SOLAR | Postdoc Fellow I |
Tsay, Ann | CSEG | Proj Mgr III |
Pruzinsky, Nina | CPAESS | Prog Spec II |
Palma, Nicole | COL | Prog Spec II |
Rubinstein, Bodhi | HSG | Student Asst III CAS |
Glass, Jeremy | FLTOPS | Intern |
Lau, Alice | CPAESS | Prog Spec II |
Sanders, Aaron | NETS | Technician I |
Cotton, Molly | BSS | Admin Assistant II |
Portillo Almeda, Fabiola | EVENTS | Casual - Service Workers |
Wilcox, Kelly | FMENG | Proj Mgr II |
Horton, Sierra | FMENG | Proj Mgr II |
Aeling, Laura | CON | Admin Assistant III |
Black, Kristina | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow I |
Molinari, Carlos | FLTOPS | Casual - Flight Engineer |
Leung, Meredith | EDEC | Postdoc Fellow I |
Fedorchuk, Slava | NCAROPS | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Camargo, Eduardo | NRIT | Admin Assistant II |
Runkel, Sara | RAFSE | Assoc Data Scientist II |
Janz, Frances | NRIT | Proj Mgr I |
Real, Becca | NRIT | Admin Assistant II |
Stokely, Andy | WMR | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Joseph, Jofia | OS | Postdoc Fellow I |
Lowery, Amanda | HR | Recruiting Coordinator |
Lynch, Roman | WSAP | Student Asst II CAS |
Coad, Cara | DFS | Engineer IV |
Segele, Zewdu | CPAESS | Proj Scientist II |
Hoppe, Brenda | NSAP | Proj Scientist I |
Hampapura, Harsha | DECS | Assoc Scientist II |
Halberstadt, Jack | COMET | Student Asst II CAS |
Chambers, Amy | MAINT | Painter |
Abeloe, Jaci | HR | TLD Specialist & Mentoring Lead |
Roche, Daniel | ESA | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Hiatt, Melissa | CPAESS | Web Developer II |
O'Brien, Jennika | NCAROPS | Proj Mgr I |
Fahrenbruch, Gregg | RAFDEPT | Aviation Operations Manager |
Hurd, Matthew | CON | Buyer II |
Dowd, Abby | COMET | Educational Designer II |
Powderly, Johnny | MAINT | Maintenance Worker I |
Jones Patterson, Megan | COMET | Casual - Adm Profl |
Krauss, Jeanne Marie | FA | Accountant III |
Keener, Emily | COMET | Casual - Adm Profl |
Phillips, Jean | CPAESS | Casual - Writer/Editor II |
Gwinn, Jessica | CPAESS | Prog Spec III |
Knapp, Liz | COMET | Casual - Adm Profl |
Valdez, Hugo | EDEC | Prog Spec I |
Miller, Lily | ECS | Systems Adr II |
Islam, Rubaiat | PARC | Assoc Scientist II |
Stein, Rebekah | CPAESS | Prog Spec II |
Gelatt, Kai | RSF | Technician II |
Sneed, Renee | HR | Chief Human Resources Officer |
Sears, Mya | SND | Assoc Scientist I |
Hibler, Varessa | FA | Accountant I |
Wolfmeier, Nelson | HESS | Aviation Safety Officer |
Kazadi, Arnold | CISLAODEPT | Intern |
Kowal, Katie | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist III |
Jackson, Corbin | COMET | Translator/Multimedia Spec |
Maletckii, Boris | COSMIC | COSMIC Postdoctoral Fellow |
Rodriguez, Emily | EVENTS | Food Svc Generalist |
Lappen, Dana | EDEC | Admin Assistant III |
Li, Ming | COSMIC | Proj Scientist I |
Guild, Nicole | NCAROPS | Admin Assistant III |
Zhang, Yang | CPAESS | 2024 Jack Eddy Postdoctoral Fellowship |
Younas, Waqar | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow I |
Brka, Haris | ECS | Help Desk Technician |
Li, Yaowei | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow I |
Stores, Morgan | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow I |
Mayank, Prateek | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow I |
Kumar, Sunil | CPAESS | Postdoc Fellow I |
Mackay, Alex | CPAESS | Prog Spec II |
Vesga-Toloza, Fernando | NETS | Technician III |
Bisbal, Prentice | HSG | HPC Systems Eng III |
Faust, Marie | UCARPRESDEPT | Prog Spec II |
Vila Perez, Jordi | GEOSPACE | Proj Scientist I |
Moynihan, Phillip | TRANSP | Casual - Operative |
Ahlers, Perrin | EDEC | Admin Assistant II |
Cheng, Ben | NCAROPS | Postdoc Fellow I |
Brundage, Danny | ECS | Systems Adr II |
Martinez, Vanessa | SS | Site Svcs Coord |
Adams, Liam | JCSDA | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Bazubwabo, Sandra | DEVPART | Government Relations Specialist - NE |
Augenstein, Melanie | AAP | Student Asst II CAS |
Weeks, Victor | NSAP | Soft Eng/Prog III |
Castro, Christopher | RALAO | NCAR Associate Director/Lab Director - RAL |
Murphy, Alaynah | NCARPre-Award | Student Asst II CAS |
Frame, Jennifer | DMS | Student Asst II CAS |
Beuke, Evan | AAP | Student Asst II CAS |
Venumuddula, Manish | OS | Soft Eng/Prog I |
Smuck, Melissa | CPAESS | Prog Spec III |
Gertz, Brandon | CPAESS | Prog Spec II |
Galindo, Jesus | ESA | Student Asst II CAS |
Toedtli, Simon | PARC | Postdoc Fellow I |
Isabell, Jesse | FLTOPS | Aviation Parts and Logistics Specialist |
Rockey, India | NETS | Student Asst I CAS |
Heenehan, Heather | CPAESS | Prog Spec II |
Groswald, Lewis | NCAROPS | Strategic Partnerships Development Lead |
Yang, Zongyao | NRIT | Soft Eng/Prog I |
Birmingham, Seamus | EDEC | Student Visitor |
Thind, Montek | MODELING | Soft Eng/Prog I |
Barron, Nicholas | RSF | Postdoc Fellow I |
Schantz, Oliver | DFS | Student Asst II CAS |
Warren, Danielle | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist III |
Markina, Margarita | OS | Proj Scientist I |
Baechler, Neah | CPAESS | Assoc Scientist III |
Salerno, Jennifer | COL | Prog Spec I |
Chitturi, Dedipya | NRIT | Systems Adr II |
Hildebrandt, John | MAINT | Maintenance Mechanic I |
Hofmaster, Shelby | FLTOPS | RAF Maintenance Quality Manager |
Wray, Rachel | NCAROPS | NCAR Assistant Director of Operations |
Guidas, Paul | HSG | Student Asst III CAS |
Hillock, Laura | UCARPRESDEPT | Chief Legal Officer |
Roy Chowdhury, Riyanka | OS | Postdoc Fellow I |
Taylor, Graham | CPAESS | Postdoc Researcher |
Roper, Taylor | CPAESS | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Eckrich, Tom | HSG | Student Asst III CAS |
Garby, Bryce | RSF | Casual - Assoc Sci I/II |
Kuzemka, Kate | NCAROPS | Proj Mgr II |
Banda, Varsha | HSG | HPC Systems Eng II |
Otto, Janna | BSS | Mtg Planner II |
Wilcox, Esther | NCAROPS | Proj Mgr II |
Hrpcek, Kevin | HSG | HPC Systems Eng II |
Seidorf, Michele | CPAESS | Prog Spec II |
Young, Doris | HR | Sr Comp Analyst |
Torres, Lalo | ASAP | Soft Eng/Prog II |
Harney, Leigh | NCAROPS | Proj Mgr II |
de Souza Menicucci, Lucas | HAOAO | Predoctoral Fellow I NE |
Edwards, Anthony | ISFS | Technician II |
Manzanillo, Jessica | UCARPRESDEPT | ACO Coordinator |
Whitman, Michelle | CPAESS | Web Developer II |
Hu, Tianyang | GEOSPACE | Postdoctoral Fellow I in Space Physics |
Wooldridge, Jaden | NETS | Technician I |
Patrick, Lesley | UCPPROG | UCP Director of Business Operations |
Arellano, Daniel | ECS | Help Desk Technician |
Ludwig, Donna | HR | Assistant Director - Human Resources Operations |
NCAR is managed by the nonprofit University Corporation for Atmospheric Research on behalf of NSF and the UCAR university community.