Organizational Directory (A-Z)

You can also browse based on the hierarchical structure of our organization.

Aviation Applications Program (AAP)RAL
Atmospheric Modeling and Predictability (AMP)CGD
Climate Analysis (CAS)CGD
Climate Change Research (CCR)CGD
Climate & Global Dynamics Lab (CGD)NCAR
Computational & Information Systems Lab (CISL)NCAR
Communications (COMM)UCARPRES
Contracts (CON)CFO
Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate (COSMIC)EODS
CESM Software Engineering Group (CSEG)CGD
Consulting Services Group (CSG)HPCD
Data Assimilation Research Section (DARES)TDD
Design and Fabrication Services (DFS)EOL
Earth Observing Lab (EOL)NCAR
Events Administration (EVENTS)FM
Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE)ETC
Governance (GOV)UCARPRES
High Altitude Observatory (HAO)NCAR
Hydrometeorological Applications Program (HAP)RAL
Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer (HR)COO
High-End Services Section (HSS)CISL
Instrumentation Group (IG)HAO
In-situ Sensing Facility (ISF)EOL
Joint Numerical Testbed (JNT)RAL
Logistics (LOG)FM
Mesoscale & Microscale Meteorology Lab (MMM)NCAR
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)UCAR
NCAR Budget and Planning Office (NCARBP)NCARDirectorate
NCAR Library (NCARLIB)NCARDirectorate
Network Engineering and Telecommunications Services (NETS)EIT
National Security Applications Program (NSAP)RAL
Office of General Counsel (OGC)UCARPRES
Oceanography (OS)CGD
Research Aviation Facility (RAF)EOL
Research Applications Lab (RAL)NCAR
RAL Administrative Office (RALAO)RAL
Remote Sensing Facility (RSF)EOL
Supercomputer Systems Group (SCSG)HSS
Site Support Services (SS)FM
Technology Development Division (TDD)CISL
Transportation (TRANSP)FM
Terrestrial Sciences (TSS)CGD
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)--
UCAR Community Programs (UCP)UCAR
Unidata Program Center (UNIDATA)EODS
Weather Systems and Assessment Program (WSAP)RAL
Cheyenne Operations Section (COS)HPCD
HAO Administrative Office (HAOAO)HAO
Cheyenne Admin Support Group (CASG)COS
CGD Administrative Office (CGDAO)CGD
EOL Administration (EOLADMIN)EOLAO
Flight Operations (FLTOPS)RAF
Health Environment and Safety Services (HESS)ERM
Instrument Support (INSTTECH)RAF
Infrastructure Support Group Cheyenne (ISGC)COS
Maintenance (MAINT)FM
Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (MLSO)HAO
MMM Administrative Office (MMMAO)MMM
NCAR Operations (NCAROPS)NCARDirectorate
Regional Integrated Sciences Collective (RISC)RAL
Sustainability (SUSTAIN)FM
Technical Security (TS)FM
Application Scalability and Performance Group (ASAP)TDD
Atmospheric Profiling Group (APG)ISF
In Situ Flux System Group (ISFS)ISF
Sounding Group (SND)ISF
Aeronautical Engineering Group (AE)RAF
Science and Instrumentation Group (SCIandINST)RAF
Airborne Project Office (APO)RAF
RAF Software Engineering (RAFSE)RAF
Facilities Management (FM)COO
FM Engineering (FMENG)FM
UCAR Center for Science Education (SciEd)ETC
NCAR Directorate (NCARDirectorate)NCAR
Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling Lab (ACOM)NCAR
Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling Administrative Office (ACOMAO)ACOM
Software Applications & Gateway Engineering (SAGE)ISD
Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science (CPAESS)SPS
In-Situ Sensing Facility Software Engineers (ISFSE)ISF
Data Management and Services (DMS)EOL
Visualization and Analysis Software Team (VAST)TDD
Capacity Center for Climate & Weather Extremes (C3WE)MMM
Dynamical and Physical Meteorology (DPM)MMM
Prediction, Assimilation & Risk Communication (PARC)MMM
Weather Modeling & Research (WMR)MMM
Paleo and Polar Climate (PPC)CGD
Geospace Frontiers (GEOSPACE)HAO
Solar Frontiers (SOLAR)HAO
Office of The Chief Operating Officer (COO)UCAR
Office of The Chief Financial Officer (CFO)COO
Enterprise Risk Management (RISK)ERM
FM Administration (FMADMIN)FM
Financial Planning and Analysis (FPA)CFO
CISL Outreach Diversity and Education (CODE)CISL
Information Systems Division (ISD)CISL
Data Engineering & Curation Section (DECS)ISD
Software & Web Engineering Section (SWES)RSD
Office of Information Security (CSPO)EIT
Chief Financial Officer (CFODEPT)CFO
Climate and Global Dynamics (CGDDEPT)CGD
Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Laboratory (MMMDEPT)MMM
CISL Administrative Office (CISLAODEPT)CISL
Cheyenne Operations Section (COSSEC)HPCD
EOL Administrative Office (EOLAODEPT)EOLAO
In-Situ Sensing Facility (ISFSEC)ISF
Research Aviation Facility (RAFDEPT)RAF
Chief Operating Officer (COODEPT)COO
Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA)EODS
Enterprise Information Technology (EIT)COO
EIT - Enterprise Information Technology (EITDEPT)EIT
High Performance Computing Division Section (HPCDSEC)HPCD
High Performance Computing Systems Group (HSG)HPCD
High Performance Computing Division (HPCD)CISL
Earth Observation and Data Services (EODS)UCP
Education and Training (ETC)UCP
Scientific Partner and Service (SPS)UCP
Earth Observation and Data Services Center (EODSCENTER)EODS
Education and Training Center (ETCCENTER)ETC
Scientific Partner and Service Center (SPSCENTER)SPS
Enterprise Software and Applications (ESA)EIT
NCAR Science (NCARSCI)NCARDirectorate
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)COO
Research Support Division Section (RSDSEC)RSD
Research Support Division (RSD)CISL
Business Shared Services (BSS)UCPDIREC
Center for Ocean Leadership (COL)UCPDIREC
Education, Engagement & Early Career Development (EDEC)NCAR
Machine Integration and Learning for Earth Systems (MILES)TDD
Finance and Accounting (FA)CFO
Enterprise Multimedia Services (EMMS)EIT
Enterprise Core Services (ECS)EIT
NCAR Pre-Award Administration (NCARPre-Award)NCARDirectorate
NCAR Project Management Office (NCARPMO)NCARDirectorate
NCAR Research IT (NRIT)NCARDirectorate
Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling Directorate Office (ACOMDO)ACOM
Experimental System Sciences (ESS)ACOM
Atmospheric Composition Remote Sensing and Prediction (ACRESP)ACOM

Quick Facts

NCAR is managed by the nonprofit University Corporation for Atmospheric Research on behalf of NSF and the UCAR university community.

  • NCAR is not a federal agency and its employees are not part of the federal personnel system.
  • Our activities complement those of the federal agencies and we work closely with them.

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